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a girl of the limberlost-第98部分

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prove whether I am sincere。  This is my test; Hart!  Don't

you see it?  If I am big enough to carry that to her; you

will believe that there is some good in me。  You will not

be loving me in vain。  This is an especial Providence; man! 

Be my strength!  Help me; as you always have done!〃

Henderson arose and shook the leaves from his clothing。 

He drew Edith Carr to her feet and carefully picked the

mosses from her skirts。  He went to the water and

moistened his handkerchief to bathe her face。

〃Now a dust of powder;〃 he said when the tears were

washed away。

From a tiny book Edith tore leaves that she passed over

her face。

〃All gone!〃 cried Henderson; critically studying her。 

〃You look almost half as lovely as you really are!〃

Edith Carr drew a wavering breath。  She stretched one

hand to him。

〃Hold tight; Hart!〃 she said。  〃I know they handle

these things; but I would quite as soon touch a snake。〃

Henderson clenched his teeth and held steadily。  The moth

had emerged too recently to be troublesome。  It climbed

on her fingers quietly and obligingly clung there

without moving。  So hand in hand they went down the

dark forest path。  When they came to the avenue; the first

person they met paused with an ejaculation of wonder。 

The next stopped also; and every one following。  They could

make little progress on account of marvelling;

interested people。  A strange excitement took possession

of Edith。  She began to feel proud of the moth。

〃Do you know;〃 she said to Henderson;〃 this is growing

easier every step。  Its clinging is not disagreeable as I

thought it would be。  I feel as if I were saving it;

protecting it。 I am proud that we are taking it to be put

into a collection or a book。  It seems like doing a thing

worth while。  Oh; Hart; I wish we could work together at

something for which people would care as they seem to

for this。  Hear what they say!  See them lift their

little children to look at it!〃

〃Edith; if you don't stop;〃 said Henderson; 〃I will take

you in my arms here on the avenue。  You are adorable!〃

〃Don't you dare!〃 laughed Edith Carr。  The colour

rushed to her cheeks and a new light leaped in her eyes

〃Oh; Hart!〃 she cried。  〃Let's work!  Let's do something! 

That's the way she makes people love her so。  There's the

place; and thank goodness; there is a crowd。〃

〃You darling!〃 whispered Henderson as they passed up

the walk。  Her face was rose…flushed with excitement and

her eyes shone。

〃Hello; every; one!〃 she cried as she came on the wide veranda。 

〃Only see what we found up in the forest!  We thought you

might like to have it for some of your collections。〃

She held out the moth as she walked straight to Elnora;

who arose to meet her; crying:  〃How perfectly splendid!

I don't even know how to begin to thank you。〃

Elnora took the moth。  Edith shook hands with all of

them and asked Philip if he were improving。  She said a few

polite words to Freckles and the Angel; declined to remain

on account of an engagement; and went away; gracefully。

〃Well bully for her!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃She's a

little thoroughbred after all!〃

〃That was a mighty big thing for her to be doing;〃

said Freckles in a hushed voice。

〃If you knew her as well as I do;〃 said Philip Ammon;

〃you would have a better conception of what that cost。〃

〃It was a terror!〃 cried the Angel。  〃I never could have done it。〃

〃‘Never could have done it!'〃 echoed Freckles。  〃Why; Angel;

dear; that is the one thing of all the world you would have done!〃

〃I have to take care of this;〃 faltered Elnora; hurrying

toward the door to hide the tears which were rolling down

her cheeks。

〃I must help;〃 said Philip; disappearing also。  〃Elnora;〃

he called; catching up with her; 〃take me where I may cry; too。 

Wasn't she great?〃

〃Superb!〃 exclaimed Elnora。  〃I have no words。  I feel so humbled!〃

〃So do I;〃 said Philip。  〃I think a brave deed like that

always makes one feel so。  Now are you happy?〃

〃Unspeakably happy!〃 answered Elnora。

The End 

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