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a girl of the limberlost-第97部分

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〃What have you thought of that you wanted yet; Edith?〃

he asked lightly as he stretched himself at her feet。


Henderson lay tense and very still。

〃Well; I am here!〃

〃Thank Heaven for that!〃

Henderson sat up suddenly; leaning toward her with

questioning eyes。  Not knowing what he dared say;

afraid of the hope which found birth in his heart; he tried

to shield her and at the same time to feel his way。

〃I am more thankful than I can express that you feel

so;〃 he said。  〃I would be of use; of comfort; to you if I

knew how; Edith。〃

〃You are my only comfort;〃 she said。  〃I tried to send

you away。  I thought I didn't want you。  I thought I

couldn't bear the sight of you; because of what you have

seen me suffer。  But I went to the root of this thing last

night; Hart; and with self in mind; as usual; I found that

I could not live without you。〃

Henderson began breathing lightly。  He was afraid to

speak or move。

〃I faced the fact that all this is my own fault;〃

continued Edith; 〃and came through my own selfishness。 

Then I went farther back and realized that I am as I

was reared。  I don't want to blame my parents; but I

was carefully trained into what I am。  If Elnora Comstock had

been like me; Phil would have come back to me。  I can see

how selfish I seem to him; and how I appear to you; if you

would admit it。〃

〃Edith;〃 said Henderson desperately; 〃there is no use

to try to deceive you。  You have known from the first

that I found you wrong in this。  But it's the first time in

your life I ever thought you wrong about anythingand

it's the only time I ever shall。  Understand; I think you

the bravest; most beautiful woman on earth; the one most

worth loving。〃

〃I'm not to be considered in the same class with her。〃

〃I don't grant that; but if I did; you; must remember

how I compare with Phil。  He's my superior at every point。 

There's no use in discussing that。  You wanted to see me; Edith。 

What did you want?〃

〃I wanted you to not go away。〃

〃Not at all?〃

〃Not at all!  Not ever!  Not unless you take me with

you; Hart。〃

She slightly extended one hand to him。  Henderson took

that hand; kissing it again and again。

〃Anything you want; Edith;〃 he said brokenly。  〃Just as

you wish it。  Do you want me to stay here; and go on as

we have been?〃

〃Yes; only with a difference。〃

〃Can you tell me; Edith?〃

〃First; I want you to know that you are the dearest

thing on earth to me; right now。  I would give up

everything else; before I would you。  I can't honestly say

that I love you with the love you deserve。  My heart is

too sore。  It's too soon to know。  But I love you some way。 

You are necessary to me。  You are my comfort; my shield。 

If you want me; as you know me to be; Hart; you may consider

me yours。  I give you my word of honour I will try to be

as you would have me; just as soon as I can。〃

Henderson kissed her hand passionately。  〃Don't; Edith;〃

he begged。  〃Don't say those things。  I can't bear it。 

I understand。  Everything will come right in time。 

Love like mine must bring a reward。  You will love me

some day。  I can wait。  I am the most patient fellow。〃

〃But I must say it;〃 cried Edith。  〃II think; Hart;

that I have been on the wrong road to find happiness。 

I planned to finish life as I started it with Phil; and you

see how glad he was to change。  He wanted the other sort of

girl far more than he ever wanted me。  And you; Hart;

honest; nowI'll know if you don't tell me the truth! 

Would you rather have a wife as I planned to live life with

Phil; or would you rather have her as Elnora Comstock intends

to live with him?〃

〃Edith!〃 cried the man; 〃Edith!〃

〃Of course; you can't say it in plain English;〃 said the girl。 

〃You are far too chivalrous for that。  You needn't

say anything。  I am answered。  If you could have your

choice you wouldn't have a society wife; either。  In your

heart you'd like the smaller home of comfort; the furtherance

of your ambitions; the palatable meals regularly served;

and little children around you。  I am sick of all we

have grown up to; Hart。  When your hour of trouble

comes; there is no comfort for you。  I am tired to death。 

You find out what you want to do; and be; that is a man's

work in the world; and I will plan our home; with no

thought save your comfort。  I'll be the other kind of a girl;

as fast as I can learn。  I can't correct all my faults in one

day; but I'll change as rapidly as I can。〃

〃God knows; I will be different; too; Edith。  You shall

not be the only generous one。  I will make all the rest of

life worthy of you。  I will change; too!〃

〃Don't you dare!〃 said Edith Carr; taking his head between

her hands and holding it against her knees; while the

tears slid down her cheeks。  〃Don't you dare change; you

big…hearted; splendid lover!  I am little and selfish。 

You are the very finest; just as you are!〃

Henderson was not talking then; so they sat through a

long silence。  At last he heard Edith draw a quick

breath; and lifting his head he looked where she pointed。 

Up a fern stalk climbed a curious looking object。 

They watched breathlessly。  By lavender feet clung a big;

pursy; lavender…splotched; yellow body。  Yellow and lavender

wings began to expand and take on colour。  Every instant

great beauty became more apparent。  It was one of those

double…brooded freaks; which do occur on rare occasions;

or merely an Eacles Imperialis moth that in the cool damp

northern forest had failed to emerge in June。  Edith Carr

drew back with a long; shivering breath。  Henderson caught

her hands and gripped them firmly。  Steadily she

looked the thought of her heart into his eyes。

〃By all the powers; you shall not!〃 swore the man。 

〃You have done enough。  I will smash that thing!〃

〃Oh no you won't!〃 cried the girl; clinging to his hands。 

〃I am not big enough yet; Hart; but before I leave this

forest I shall have grown to breadth and strength to carry

that to her。  She needs two of each kind。  Phil only sent

her one!〃

〃Edith I can't bear it!  That's not demanded!  Let me

take it!〃

〃You may go with me。  I know where the O'More cottage is。 

I have been there often。〃

〃I'll say you sent it!〃

〃You may watch me deliver it!〃

〃Phil may be there by now。〃

〃I hope he is!  I should like him to see me do one decent

thing by which to remember me。〃

〃I tell you that is not necessary!〃

〃‘Not necessary!'〃 cried the girl; her big eyes shining。 

〃Not necessary?  Then what on earth is the thing doing

here?  I just have boasted that I would change; that I

would be like her; that I would grow bigger and broader。 

As the words are spoken God gives me the opportunity to

prove whether I am sincere。  This is my test; Hart!  Don't

you see it?  If I am big enough to carry that to her; you

will believ
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