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a girl of the limberlost-第93部分

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old opera:

     〃Hearts do not break; they sting and ache;

      For old love's sake; but do not die;

      As witnesseth the living I。〃

That evening they were sailing down the Straits before

a stiff breeze and Henderson was busy with the tiller when

she said to him:  〃Hart; I want you to do something more

for me。〃

〃You have only to tell me;〃 he said。

〃Have I only to tell you; Hart?〃 she asked softly。

〃Haven't you learned that yet; Edith?〃

〃I want you to go away。〃

〃Very well;〃 he said quietly; but his face whitened visibly。

〃You say that as if you had been expecting it。〃

〃I have。  I knew from the beginning that when this

was over you would dislike me for having seen you suffer。 

I have grown my Gethsemane in a full realization of what

was coming; but I could not leave you; Edith; so long as it

seemed to me that I was serving you。  Does it make any

difference to you where I go?〃

〃I want you where you will be loved; and good care

taken of you。〃

〃Thank you!〃 said Henderson; smiling grimly。  〃Have you

any idea where such a spot might be found?〃

〃It should be with your sister at Los Angeles。  She always

has seemed very fond of you。〃

〃That is quite true;〃 said Henderson; his eyes brightening

a little。  〃I will go to her。  When shall I start?〃

〃At once。〃

Henderson began to tack for the landing; but his hands

shook until he scarcely could manage the boat。  Edith Carr

sat watching him indifferently; but her heart was

throbbing painfully。  〃Why is there so much suffering in

the world?〃 she kept whispering to herself。  Inside her

door Henderson took her by the shoulders almost roughly。

〃For how long is this; Edith; and how are you going to

say good…bye to me?〃

She raised tired; pain…filled eyes to his。

〃I don't know for how long it is;〃 she said。  〃It seems

now as if it had been a slow eternity。  I wish to my soul

that God would be merciful to me and make something

‘snap' in my heart; as there did in Phil's; that would give

me rest。  I don't know for how long; but I'm perfectly

shameless with you; Hart。  If peace ever comes and I want

you; I won't wait for you to find it out yourself; I'll cable;

Marconigraph; anything。  As for how I say good…bye; any

way you please; I don't care in the least what happens to me。〃

Henderson studied her intently。

〃In that case; we will shake hands;〃 he said。  〃Good…bye; Edith。 

Don't forget that every hour I am thinking of you and hoping

all good things will come to you soon。〃




Oh; I need my own violin;〃 cried Elnora。  〃This one

may be a thousand times more expensive; and much older

than mine; but it wasn't inspired and taught to sing

by a man who knew how。  It doesn't know ‘beans;' as

mother would say; about the Limberlost。〃

The guests in the O'More music…room laughed appreciatively。

〃Why don't you write your mother to come for a visit

and bring yours?〃 suggested Freckles。

〃I did that three days ago;〃 acknowledged Elnora。 

〃I am half expecting her on the noon boat。  That is

one reason why this violin grows worse every minute。 

There is nothing at all the matter with me。〃

〃Splendid!〃 cried the Angel。  〃I've begged and begged

her to do it。  I know how anxious these mothers become。 

When did you send?  What made you?  Why didn't you

tell me?〃

〃‘When?' Three days ago。  ‘What made me?'  You。 ‘Why didn't

I tell you?'  Because I can't be sure in the least that she

will come。  Mother is the most individual person。  She never

does what every one expects she will。

She may not come; and I didn't want you to be disappointed。〃

〃How did I make you?〃 asked the Angel。

〃Loving Alice。  It made me realize that if you cared for

your girl like that; with Mr。 O'More and three other

children; possibly my mother; with no one; might like to

see me。  I know I want to see her; and you had told me to

so often; I just sent for her。  Oh; I do hope she comes! 

I want her to see this lovely place。〃

〃I have been wondering what you thought of Mackinac;〃

said Freckles。

〃Oh; it is a perfect picture; all of it!  I should like to

hang it on the wall; so I could see it whenever I wanted to;

but it isn't real; of course; it's nothing but a picture。〃

〃These people won't agree with you;〃 smiled Freckles。

〃That isn't necessary;〃 retorted Elnora。  〃They know

this; and they love it; but you and I are acquainted with

something different。  The Limberlost is life。  Here it is

a carefully kept park。  You motor; sail; and golf; all so

secure and fine。  But what I like is the excitement of

choosing a path carefully; in the fear that the quagmire

may reach out and suck me down; to go into the swamp

naked…handed and wrest from it treasures that bring me

books and clothing; and I like enough of a fight for things

that I always remember how I got them。  I even enjoy

seeing a canny old vulture eyeing me as if it were saying: 

‘Ware the sting of the rattler; lest I pick your bones as I

did old Limber's。' I like sufficient danger to put an edge

on life。  This is so tame。  I should have loved it when all

the homes were cabins; and watchers for the stealthy

Indian canoes patrolled the shores。  You wait until

mother comes; and if my violin isn't angry with me for

leaving it; to…night we shall sing you the Song of

the Limberlost。  You shall hear the big gold bees over the

red; yellow; and purple flowers; bird song; wind talk; and

the whispers of Sleepy Snake Creek; as it goes past you。 

You will know!〃  Elnora turned to Freckles。

He nodded。  〃Who better?〃 he asked。  〃This is secure

while the children are so small; but when they grow larger;

we are going farther north; into real forest; where they can

learn self…reliance and develop backbone。〃

Elnora laid away the violin。  〃Come along; children;〃

she said。  〃We must get at that backbone business at once。 

Let's race to the playhouse。〃

With the brood at her heels Elnora ran; and for an hour

lively sounds stole from the remaining spot of forest on the

Island; which lay beside the O'More cottage。  Then Terry

went to the playroom to bring Alice her doll。  He came

racing back; dragging it by one leg; and crying: 

〃There's company!  Someone has come that mamma and papa

are just tearing down the house over。  I saw through

the window。〃

〃It could not be my mother; yet;〃 mused Elnora。  〃Her boat

is not due until twelve。  Terry; give Alice that doll〃

〃It's a man…person; and I don't know him; but my

father is shaking his hand right straight along; and my

mother is running for a hot drink and a cushion。  It's a

kind of a sick person; but they are going to make him well

right away; any one can see that。  This is the best place。

I'll go tell him to come lie on the pine needles in
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