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a girl of the limberlost-第9部分

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anything from a dictionary to a pen。

〃Yes;〃 gasped Elnora; 〃Oh; yes!  But I cannot pay for

them just now。  Please let me take them; and I will pay

for them on Friday; or return them as perfect as they are。 

Please trust me for them a few days。〃

〃I'll ask the proprietor;〃 he said。  When he came back

Elnora knew the answer before he spoke。

〃I'm sorry;〃 he said; 〃but Mr。 Hann doesn't recognize

your name。  You are not a customer of ours; and he feels

that he can't take the risk。〃

Elnora clumped out of the store; the thump of her heavy;

shoes beating as a hammer on her brain。  She tried two

other dealers with the same result; and then in sick despair

came into the street。  What could she  do?  She was too

frightened to think。  Should she stay from school that

day and canvass the homes appearing to belong to the

wealthy; and try to sell beds of wild ferns; as she had

suggested to Wesley Sinton?  What would she dare ask for

bringing in and planting a clump of ferns?  How could she

carry them?  Would people buy them?  She slowly moved

past the hotel and then glanced around to see if there

were a clock anywhere; for she felt sure the young people

passing her constantly were on their way to school。

There it stood in a bank window in big black letters

staring straight at her:




Elnora caught the wicket at the cashier's desk with both

hands to brace herself against disappointment。

〃Who is it wants to buy cocoons; butterflies; and

moths?〃 she panted。

〃The Bird Woman;〃 answered the cashier。  〃Have you

some for sale?〃

〃I have some; I do not know if they are what she would want。〃

〃Well; you had better see her;〃 said the cashier。  〃Do you

know where she lives?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Elnora。  〃Would you tell me the time?〃

〃Twenty…one after eight;〃 was the answer。

She had nine minutes to reach the auditorium or be late。 

Should she go to school; or to the Bird Woman?  Several girls

passed her walking swiftly and she remembered their faces。 

They were hurrying to school。  Elnora caught the infection。 

She would see the Bird Woman at noon。  Algebra came first;

and that professor was kind。  Perhaps she could slip to the

superintendent and ask him for a book for the next lesson;

and at noon〃Oh; dear Lord make it come true;〃 prayed Elnora;

at noon possibly she could sell some of those wonderful

shining…winged things she had been collecting all her life

around the outskirts of the Limberlost。

As she went down the long hall she noticed the professor

of mathematics standing in the door of his recitation room。 

When she passed him he smiled and spoke to her。

〃I have been watching for you;〃 he said; and Elnora

stopped bewildered。

〃For me?〃 she questioned。

〃Yes;〃 said Professor Henley。  〃Step inside。〃

Elnora followed him into the room and closed the door

behind them。

〃At teachers' meeting last evening; one of the professors

mentioned that a pupil had betrayed in class that she had

expected her books to be furnished by the city。  I thought

possibly it was you。  Was it?〃

〃Yes;〃 breathed Elnora。

〃That being the case;〃 said Professor Henley; 〃it just

occurred to me as you had expected that; you might require

a little time to secure them; and you are too fine a

mathematician to fall behind for want of supplies。  So I

telephoned one of our Sophomores to bring her last year's

books this morning。  I am sorry to say they are somewhat

abused; but the text is all here。  You can have them for

two dollars; and pay when you are ready。  Would you

care to take them?〃

Elnora sat suddenly; because she could not stand another instant。 

She reached both hands for the books; and said never a word。 

The professor was silent also。  At last Eleanor arose;

hugging those books to her heart as a mother clasps a baby。

〃One thing more;〃 said the professor。  〃You may pay

your tuition quarterly。  You need not bother about the

first instalment this month。  Any time in October will do。〃

It seemed as if Elnora's gasp of relief must have reached

the soles of her brogans。

〃Did any one ever tell you how beautiful you are!〃 she cried。

As the professor was lank; tow…haired and so near…

sighted; that he peered at his pupils through spectacles;

no one ever had。

〃No;〃 said Professor Henley; 〃I've waited some time

for that; for which reason I shall appreciate it all the more。 

Come now; or we shall be late for opening exercises。〃

So Elnora entered the auditorium a second time。  Her face was

like the brightest dawn that ever broke over the Limberlost。 

No matter about the lumbering shoes and skimpy dress。 

No matter about anything; she had the books。  She could

take them home。  In her garret she could commit them to

memory; if need be。  She could prove that clothes were

not all。  If the Bird Woman did not want any of the many

different kinds of specimens she had collected; she was

quite sure now she could sell ferns; nuts; and a great

many things。  Then; too; a girl made a place for her

that morning; and several smiled and bowed。  Elnora forgot

everything save her books; and that she was where she

could use them intelligentlyeverything except one

little thing away back in her head。  Her mother had

known about the books and the tuition; and had not told

her when she agreed to her coming。

At noon Elnora took her little parcel of lunch and started

to the home of the Bird Woman。  She must know about

the specimens first and then she would walk to the suburbs

somewhere and eat a few bites。  She dropped the heavy

iron knocker on the door of a big red log cabin; and

her heart thumped at the resounding stroke。

〃Is the Bird Woman at home?〃 she asked of the maid。

〃She is at lunch;〃 was the answer。

〃Please ask her if she will see a girl from the Limberlost

about some moths?〃 inquired Elnora。

〃I never need ask; if it's moths;〃 laughed the girl。 

〃Orders are to bring any one with specimens right in。 

Come this way。〃

Elnora followed down the hall and entered a long room with

high panelled wainscoting; old English fireplace with an

overmantel and closets of peculiar china filling the corners。 

At a bare table of oak; yellow as gold; sat a woman Elnora

often had watched and followed covertly around the Limberlost。 

The Bird Woman was holding out a hand of welcome。

I heard!〃 she laughed。  〃A little pasteboard box; or

just the mere word ‘specimen;' passes you at my door。 

If it is moths I hope you have hundreds。  I've been very

busy all summer and unable to collect; and I need so many。 

Sit down and lunch with me; while we talk it over。 

From the Limberlost; did you say?〃

〃I live near the swamp;〃 replied Elnora。  〃Since it's

so cleared I dare go around
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