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a girl of the limberlost-第88部分

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She made that point just in time to climb on the evening

train north; as it pulled from the station。  It was after

midnight when she left the car at Grand Rapids; and went

into the depot to await the coming of day。

Tired out; she laid her head on her bundle and fell asleep

on a seat in the women's waiting…room。  Long after light

she was awakened by the roar and rattle of trains。  She washed;

re…arranged her hair and clothing; and went into the general

waiting…room to find her way to the street。  She saw him as

he entered the door。  There was no mistaking the tall;

lithe figure; the bright hair; the lean; brown…splotched face;

the steady gray eyes。  He was dressed for travelling; and

carried a light overcoat and a bag。  Straight to him Elnora

went speeding。

〃Oh; I was just starting to find you!〃 she cried。

〃Thank you!〃 he said。

〃You are going away?〃 she panted。

〃Not if I am needed。  I have a few minutes。  Can you

be telling me briefly?〃

〃I am the Limberlost girl to whom your wife gave the

dress for Commencement last spring; and both of you sent

lovely gifts。  There is a reason; a very good reason; why I

must be hidden for a time; and I came straight to youas

if I had a right。〃

〃You have!〃 answered Freckles。  〃Any boy or girl who

ever suffered one pang in the Limberlost has a claim

to the best drop of blood in my heart。  You needn't be

telling me anything more。  The Angel is at our cottage

on Mackinac。  You shall tell her and play with the babies

while you want shelter。  This way!〃

They breakfasted in a luxurious car; talked over the

swamp; the work of the Bird Woman; Elnora told of her

nature lectures in the schools; and soon they were

good friends。  In the evening they left the train at

Mackinaw City and crossed the Straits by boat。  Sheets of

white moonlight flooded the water and paved a molten path

across the breast of it straight to the face of the moon。

The island lay a dark spot on the silver surface; its tall

trees sharply outlined on the summit; and a million lights

blinked around the shore。  The night guns boomed from

the white fort and a dark sentinel paced the ramparts

above the little city tucked down close to the water。 

A great tenor summering in the north came out on the upper

deck of the big boat; and baring his head; faced the moon

and sang:  〃Oh; the moon shines bright on my old

Kentucky home!〃  Elnora thought of the Limberlost; of

Philip; and her mother; and almost choked with the sobs

that would arise in her throat。  On the dock a woman of

exquisite beauty swept into the arms of Terence O'More。

〃Oh; Freckles!〃 she cried。  〃You've been gone a month!〃

〃Four days; Angel; only four days by the clock;〃

remonstrated Freckles。  〃Where are the children?〃

〃Asleep!  Thank goodness!  I'm worn to a thread。  I never

saw such inventive; active children。  I can't keep track of them!〃

〃I have brought you help;〃 said Freckles。  〃Here is the

Limberlost girl in whom the Bird Woman is interested。 

Miss Comstock needs a rest before beginning her school

work for next year; so she came to us。〃

〃You dear thing!  How good of you!〃 cried the Angel。 

〃We shall be so happy to have you!〃

In her room that night; in a beautiful cottage furnished

with every luxury; Elnora lifted a tired face to the Angel。

〃Of course; you understand there is something back of

this?〃 she said。  〃I must tell you。〃

〃Yes;〃 agreed the Angel。  〃Tell me!  If you get it out

of your system; you will stand a better chance of sleeping。〃

Elnora stood brushing the copper…bright masses of her

hair as she talked。  When she finished the Angel was

almost hysterical。

〃You insane creature!〃 she cried。  〃How crazy of you

to leave him to her!  I know both of them。  I have met

them often。  She may be able to make good her boast。 

But it is perfectly splendid of you!  And; after all; really

it is the only way。  I can see that。  I think it is what I

should have done myself; or tried to do。  I don't know

that I could have done it!  When I think of walking away

and leaving Freckles with a woman he once loved; to let

her see if she can make him love her again; oh; it gives me

a graveyard heart。  No; I never could have done it!  You are

bigger than I ever was。  I should have turned coward; sure。〃

〃I am a coward;〃 admitted Elnora。  〃I am soul…sick! 

I am afraid I shall lose my senses before this is over。 

I didn't want to come!  I wanted to stay; to go straight

into his arms; to bind myself with his ring; to love him

with all my heart。  It wasn't my fault that I came。 

There was something inside that just pushed me。  She is


〃I quite agree with you!〃

〃You can imagine how fascinating she can be。  She used

no arts on me。  Her purpose was to cower me。  She found

she could not do that; but she did a thing which helped

her more: she proved that she was honest; perfectly

sincere in what she thought。  She believes that if she

merely beckons to Philip; he will go to her。  So I am giving

her the opportunity to learn from him what he will do。 

She never will believe it from any one else。  When she is

satisfied; I shall be also。〃

〃But; child! Suppose she wins him back!〃

〃That is the supposition with which I shall eat and sleep

for the coming few weeks。  Would one dare ask for a peep

at the babies before going to bed?〃

〃Now; you are perfect!〃 announced the Angel。  〃I never

should have liked you all I can; if you had been content

to go to sleep in this house without asking to see

the babies。  Come this way。  We named the first boy

for his father; of course; and the girl for Aunt Alice。 

The next boy is named for my father; and the baby for

the Bird Woman。  After this we are going to branch out。〃

Elnora began to laugh。

〃Oh; I suspect there will be quite a number of them;〃

said the Angel serenely。  〃I am told the more there are

the less trouble they make。  The big ones take care of the

little ones。  We want a large family。  This is our start。〃

She entered a dark room and held aloft a candle。  She went

to the side of a small white iron bed in which lay a

boy of eight and another of three。  They were perfectly

formed; rosy children; the elder a replica of his mother;

the other very like。  Then they came to a cradle where a

baby girl of almost two slept soundly; and made a picture。

〃But just see here!〃 said the Angel。  She threw the light

on a sleeping girl of six。  A mass of red curls swept

the pillow。  Line and feature the face was that of Freckles。 

Without asking; Elnora knew the colour and expression

of the closed eyes。  The Angel handed Elnora the candle;

and stooping; straightened the child's body。  She ran

her fingers through the bright curls; and lightly touched

the aristocratic little nose。

〃The supply of freckles holds out in my family; you see!〃

she said。  〃Both of the girls will have them
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