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a girl of the limberlost-第87部分

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Elnora turned and went back to the arbour。  Edith Carr

followed the fence and passed through the gate into

the west woods where she asked Henderson about the car。 

As she stood near him she whispered:  〃Take Phil back

to Onabasha with us。〃

〃I say; Ammon; can't you go to the city with us and

help me find a shop where I can get this pinion fixed?〃

asked Henderson。  〃We want to lunch and start back by five。 

That will get us home about midnight。  Why don't you

bring your automobile here?〃

〃I am a working man;〃 said Philip。  〃I have no time to

be out motoring。  I can't see anything the matter with

your car; myself; but; of course you don't want to break

down in the night; on strange roads; with women on your hands。 

I'll see。〃

Philip went into the arbour; where Polly took possession of

his lap; fingered his hair; and kissed his forehead and lips。

〃When are you coming to the cottage; Phil?〃 she asked。 

〃Come soon; and bring Miss Comstock for a visit。  All of

us will be so glad to have her。〃

Philip beamed on Polly。  〃I'll see about that;〃 he said。 

〃Sounds pretty good。  Elnora; Henderson is in trouble

with his automobile。  He wants me to go to Onabasha

with him to show him where the doctor lives; and make

repairs so he can start back this evening。  It will take

about two hours。  May I go?〃

〃Of course; you must go;〃 she said; laughing lightly。 

〃You can't leave your sister。  Why don't you return to

Chicago with them?  There is plenty of room; and you

could have a fine visit。〃

〃I'll be back in just two hours;〃 said Philip。  〃While I

am gone; you be thinking over what we were talking of

when the folks came。〃

〃Miss Comstock can go with us as well as not;〃 said Polly。 

〃That back seat was made for three; and I can sit on your lap。〃

〃Come on!  Do come!〃 urged Philip instantly; and

Tom Levering joined him; but Henderson and Edith

silently waited at the gate。

〃No; thank you;〃 laughed Elnora。  〃That would crowd you;

and it's warm and dusty。  We will say good…bye here。〃

She offered her hand to all of them; and when she came

to Philip she gave him one long steady look in the eyes;

then shook hands with him also。




Well; she came; didn't she?〃 remarked Mrs。 Comstock

to Elnora as they watched the automobile speed down

the road。  As it turned the Limberlost corner; Philip

arose and waved to them。

〃She hasn't got him yet; anyway;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock;

taking heart。  〃What's that on your finger; and what did

she say to you?〃

Elnora explained about the ring as she drew it off。

〃I have several letters to write; then I am going to

change my dress and walk down toward Aunt Margaret's

for a little exercise。  I may meet some of them; and I don't

want them to see this ring。  You keep it until Philip

comes;〃 said Elnora。  〃As for what Miss Carr said to me;

many things; two of importance: one; that I lacked every

social requirement necessary for the happiness of Philip

Ammon; and that if I married him I would see inside a

month that he was ashamed of me〃

〃Aw; shockins!〃 scorned Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Go on!〃

〃The other was that she has been engaged to him for

years; that he belongs to her; and she refuses to give

him up。  She said that if he were in her presence one hour;

she would have him under a mysterious thing she calls ‘her

spell' again; if he were where she could see him for one

week; everything would be made up。  It is her opinion

that he is suffering from wounded pride; and that the

slightest concession on her part will bring him to his knees

before her。〃

Mrs。 Comstock giggled。  〃I do hope the boy isn't weak…kneed;〃

she said。  〃I just happened to be passing the west window

this afternoon〃

Elnora laughed。  〃Nothing save actual knowledge ever

would have made me believe there was a girl in all this

world so infatuated with herself。  She speaks casually of

her power over men; and boasts of ‘bringing a man to his

knees' as complacently as I would pick up a net and say:

‘I am going to take a butterfly。'  She honestly believes

that if Philip were with her a short time she could rekindle

his love for her and awaken in him every particle of

the old devotion。  Mother; the girl is honest!  She is

absolutely sincere!  She so believes in herself and the

strength of Phil's love for her; that all her life she will

believe in and brood over that thought; unless she is

taught differently。  So long as she thinks that; she will

nurse wrong ideas and pine over her blighted life。  She must

be taught that Phil is absolutely free; and yet he will not go

to her。〃

〃But how on earth are you proposing to teach her that?〃

〃The way will open。〃

〃Lookey here; Elnora!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃That Carr

girl is the handsomest dark woman I ever saw。  She's got

to the place where she won't stop at anything。  Her coming

here proves that。  I don't believe there was a thing

the matter with that automobile。  I think that was a

scheme she fixed up to get Phil where she could see him

alone; as she worked to see you。  If you are going

deliberately to put Philip under her influence again; you've

got to brace yourself for the possibility that she may win。 

A man is a weak mortal; where a lovely woman is concerned;

and he never denied that he loved her once。  You may make

yourself downright miserable。〃

〃But mother; if she won; it wouldn't make me half so

miserable as to marry Phil myself; and then read hunger

for her in his eyes!  Some one has got to suffer over this。 

If it proves to be me; I'll bear it; and you'll never hear a

whisper of complaint from me。  I know the real Philip

Ammon better in our months of work in the fields than she

knows him in all her years of society engagements。 

So she shall have the hour she asked; many; many of them;

enough to make her acknowledge that she is wrong。 

Now I am going to write my letters and take my walk。〃

Elnora threw her arms around her mother and kissed

her repeatedly。  〃Don't you worry about me;〃 she said。 

〃I will get along all right; and whatever happens; I always

will be your girl and you my darling mother。〃

She left two sealed notes on her desk。  Then she

changed her dress; packed a small bundle which she

dropped with her hat from the window beside the willow;

and softly went down stairs。  Mrs。 Comstock was in

the garden。  Elnora picked up the hat and bundle; hurried

down the road a few rods; then climbed the fence and

entered the woods。  She took a diagonal course; and after

a long walk reached a road two miles west and one south。 

There she straightened her clothing; put on her hat and a

thin dark veil and waited the passing of the next trolley。 

She left it at the first town and took a train for Fort Wayne。 

She made that point just in time to climb on t
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