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a girl of the limberlost-第86部分

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and your mother have done to inveigle him。  I know that

your hold on him is quite real。  I can see just how you

have worked to ensnare him!〃

〃Men would call that lying;〃 said Elnora calmly。 

〃The second time I met Philip Ammon he told me of

his engagement to you; and I respected it。  I did by you

as I would want you to do by me。  He was here parts

of each day; almost daily last summer。  The Almighty

is my witness that never once; by word or look; did I ever

make the slightest attempt to interest him in my person

or personality。  He wrote you frequently in my presence。 

He forgot the violets for which he asked to send you。 

I gathered them and carried them to him。  I sent him back

to you in unswerving devotion; and the Almighty is also

my witness that I could have changed his heart last summer;

if I had tried。  I wisely left that work for you。  All my

life I shall be glad that I lived and worked on the square。 

That he ever would come back to me free; by your act;

I never dreamed。  When he left me I did not hope or expect

to see him again;〃 Elnora's voice fell soft and low;〃

and; behold!  You sent himand free!〃

〃You exult in that!〃 cried Edith Carr。  〃Let me tell

you he is not free!  We have belonged for years。 

We always shall。  If you cling to him; and hold him to rash

things he has said and done; because he thought me still

angry and unforgiving with him; you will ruin all our lives。 

If he married you; before a month you would read heart…hunger

for me in his eyes。  He could not love me as he has done;

and give me up for a little scene like that!〃

〃There is a great poem;〃 said Elnora; 〃one line of which

reads; ‘For each man kills the thing he loves。'  Let me

tell you that a woman can do that also。  He did love you

that I concede。  But you killed his love everlastingly;

when you disgraced him in public。  Killed it so completely

he does not even feel resentment toward you。  To…day;

he would do you a favour; if he could; but love you; no! 

That is over!〃

Edith Carr stood truly regal and filled with scorn。 

〃You are mistaken!  Nothing on earth could kill that!〃

she cried; and Elnora saw that the girl really believed

what she said。

〃You are very sure of yourself!〃 said Elnora。

〃I have reason to be sure;〃 answered Edith Carr。

〃We have lived and loved too long。  I have had years

with him to match against your days。  He is mine! 

His work; his ambitions; his friends; his place in

society are with me。  You may have a summer charm for a

sick man in the country; if he tried placing you in

society; he soon would see you as others will。  It takes

birth to position; schooling; and endless practice to meet

social demands gracefully。  You would put him to shame in

a week。〃

〃I scarcely think I should follow your example so far;〃

said Elnora dryly。  〃I have a feeling for Philip that

would prevent my hurting him purposely; either in public

or private。  As for managing a social career for him he

never mentioned that he desired such a thing。  What he

asked of me was that I should be his wife。  I understood

that to mean that he desired me to keep him a clean house;

serve him digestible food; mother his children; and give

him loving sympathy and tenderness。〃

〃Shameless!〃 cried Edith Carr。

〃To which of us do you intend that adjective to apply?〃

inquired Elnora。  〃I never was less ashamed in all my life。 

Please remember I am in my own home; and your presence here

is not on my invitation。〃

Miss Carr lifted her head and struggled with her veil。 

She was very pale and trembling violently; while Elnora

stood serene; a faint smile on her lips。

〃Such vulgarity!〃 panted Edith Carr。  〃How can a

man like Philip endure it?〃

〃Why don't you ask him?〃 inquired Elnora。  〃I can

call him with one breath; but; if he judged us as we stand;

I should not be the one to tremble at his decision。 

Miss Carr; you have been quite plain。  You have told me

in carefully selected words what you think of me。 

You insult my birth; education; appearance; and home。 

I assure you I am legitimate。  I will pass a test examination

with you on any high school or supplementary branch;

or French or German。  I will take a physical examination

beside you。  I will face any social emergency you can

mention with you。  I am acquainted with a whole world

in which Philip Ammon is keenly interested; that you

scarcely know exists。  I am not afraid to face any

audience you can get together anywhere with my violin。 

I am not repulsive to look at; and I have a wholesome regard

for the proprieties and civilities of life。  Philip Ammon

never asked anything more of me; why should you?〃

〃It is plain to see;〃 cried Edith Carr; 〃that you took

him when he was hurt and angry and kept his wound wide open。 

Oh; what have you not done against me?〃

〃I did not promise to marry him when an hour ago he

asked me; and offered me this ring; because there was so

much feeling in my heart for you; that I knew I never

could be happy; if I felt that in any way I had failed in

doing justice to your interests。  I did slip on this ring;

which he had just brought; because I never owned one;

and it is very beautiful; but I made him no promise; nor

shall I make any; until I am quite; quite sure; that you

fully realize he never would marry you if I sent him away

this hour。〃

〃You know perfectly that if your puny hold on him

were broken; if he were back in his home; among his

friends; and where he was meeting me; in one short week

he would be mine again; as he always has been。  In your

heart you don't believe what you say。  You don't dare

trust him in my presence。  You are afraid to allow him

out of your sight; because you know what the results

would be。  Right or wrong; you have made up your mind

to ruin him and me; and you are going to be selfish enough

to do it。  But〃

〃That will do!〃 said Elnora。  〃Spare me the enumeration

of how I will regret it。  I shall regret nothing。 

I shall not act until I know there will be nothing to regret。 

I have decided on my course。  You may return to your friends。〃

〃What do you mean?〃 demanded Edith Carr。

〃That is my affair;〃 replied Elnora。  〃Only this! 

When your opportunity comes; seize it!  Any time you

are in Philip Ammon's presence; exert the charms of which

you boast; and take him。  I grant you are justified in

doing it if you can。  I want nothing more than I want to

see you marry Philip if he wants you。  He is just across

the fence under that automobile。  Go spread your meshes

and exert your wiles。  I won't stir to stop you。  Take him

to Onabasha; and to Chicago with you。  Use every art you possess。 

If the old charm can be revived I will be the first to wish

both of you well。  Now; I must return to my visitors。 

Kindly excuse me。〃

Elnora turned and went back to the arbour。  Edith Carr

followed the fence and passed through the gate in
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