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a girl of the limberlost-第81部分

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Billy climbed on the fence; took one long look and

turned an astounded face to Wesley。

〃Why them pigs is drunk!〃 he cried。  〃They act just

like my pa!〃

Wesley turned to Margaret。

〃Where did you put the leavings from that grape juice?〃

he demanded。

〃I sent Billy to throw it in the woods。〃

〃Billy〃 began Wesley。

〃Threw it just where she told me to;〃 cried Billy。 

But some of the pigs came by there coming into the

pen; and some were close in the fence corners。〃

〃Did they eat it?〃 demanded Wesley。

〃They just chanked into it;〃 replied Billy graphically。 

〃They pushed; and squealed; and fought over it。 

You couldn't blame 'em!  It was the best stuff I ever tasted!〃

〃Margaret;〃 said Wesley; 〃run 'phone that doctor he

won't be needed。  Billy; take Elnora and Mr。 Ammon to

see the bugs。  Katharine; suppose you help me a minute。〃

Wesley took the clothes basket from the back porch and

started in the direction of the cellar。  Margaret returned

from the telephone。

〃I just caught him;〃 she said。  〃There's that much saved。 

Why Wesley; what are you going to do?〃

〃You go sit on the front porch a little while;〃 said Wesley。 

〃You will feel better if you don't see this。〃

〃Wesley;〃 cried Margaret aghast。  〃Some of that wine

is ten years old。  There are days and days of hard work

in it; and I couldn't say how much sugar。  Dr。 Ammon

keeps people alive with it when nothing else will stay on

their stomachs。〃

〃Let 'em die; then!〃 said Wesley。  〃You heard the boy;

didn't you?〃

〃It's a cold process。  There's not a particle of fermentation

about it。〃

〃Not a particle of fermentation!  Great day; Margaret!  Look at

those pigs!〃

Margaret took a long look。  〃Leave me a few bottles

for mince…meat;〃 she wavered。

〃Not a smell for any use on this earth!  You heard

the boy!  He shan't say; when he grows to manhood; that

he learned to like it here!〃

Wesley threw away the wine; Mrs。 Comstock cheerfully assisting。 

Then they walked to the woods to see and learn about the

wonderful insects。  The day ended with a big supper at

Sintons'; and then they went to the Comstock cabin for

a concert。  Elnora played beautifully that night。  When the

Sintons left she kissed Billy with particular tenderness。 

She was so moved that she was kinder to Philip than she had

intended to be; and Elnora as an antidote to a disappointed

lover was a decided success in any mood。

However strong the attractions of Edith Carr had

been; once the bond was finally broken; Philip Ammon

could not help realizing that Elnora was the superior

woman; and that he was fortunate to have escaped; when

he regarded his ties strongest。  Every day; while working

with Elnora; he saw more to admire。  He grew very

thankful that he was free to try to win her; and impatient

to justify himself to her。

Elnora did not evince the slightest haste to hear what

he had to say; but waited the week she had set; in spite

of Philip's hourly manifest impatience。  When she did

consent to listen; Philip felt before he had talked five

minutes; that she was putting herself in Edith Carr's

place; and judging him from what the other girl's

standpoint would be。  That was so disconcerting; he did

not plead his cause nearly so well as he had hoped; for

when he ceased Elnora sat in silence。

〃You are my judge;〃 he said at last。  〃What is your verdict?〃

〃If I could hear her speak from her heart as I just have

heard you; then I could decide;〃 answered Elnora。

〃She is on the ocean;〃 said Philip。  〃She went because

she knew she was wholly in the wrong。  She had nothing

to say; or she would have remained。〃

〃That sounds plausible;〃 reasoned Elnora; 〃but it is

pretty difficult to find a woman in an affair that involves

her heart with nothing at all to say。  I fancy if I could

meet her; she would say several things。  I should love to

hear them。  If I could talk with her three minutes; I

could tell what answer to make you。〃

〃Don't you believe me; Elnora?〃

〃Unquestioningly;〃 answered Elnora。  〃But I would

believe her also。  If only I could meet her I soon

would know。〃

〃I don't see how that is to be accomplished;〃 said

Philip; 〃but I am perfectly willing。  There is no reason

why you should not meet her; except that she probably

would lose her temper and insult you。〃

〃Not to any extent;〃 said Elnora calmly。  〃I have

a tongue of my own; while I am not without some small

sense of personal values。〃

Philip glanced at her and began to laugh。  Very different

of facial formation and colouring; Elnora at times closely

resembled her mother。  She joined in his laugh ruefully。

〃The point is this;〃 she said。  〃Some one is going to

be hurt; most dreadfully。  If the decision as to whom it

shall be rests with me; I must know it is the right one。 

Of course; no one ever hinted it to you; but you are a

very attractive man; Philip。  You are mighty good to

look at; and you have a trained; refined mind; that makes

you most interesting。  For years Edith Carr has felt that

you were hers。  Now; how is she going to change?  I have

been thinkingthinking deep and long; Phil。  If I were

in her place; I simply could not give you up; unless

you had made yourself unworthy of love。  Undoubtedly; you

never seemed so desirable to her as just now; when she is

told she can't have you。  What I think is that she will

come to claim you yet。〃

〃You overlook the fact that it is not in a woman's power

to throw away a man and pick him up at pleasure;〃 said

Philip with some warmth。  〃She publicly and repeatedly

cast me off。  I accepted her decision as publicly as

it was made。  You have done all your thinking from

a wrong viewpoint。  You seem to have an idea that it

lies with you to decide what I shall do; that if you say the

word; I shall return to Edith。  Put that thought out of

your head!  Now; and for all time to come; she is a matter

of indifference to me。  She killed all feeling in my heart

for her so completely that I do not even dread meeting her。

〃If I hated her; or was angry with her; I could not be

sure the feeling would not die。  As it is; she has deadened

me into a creature of indifference。  So you just revise

your viewpoint a little; Elnora。  Cease thinking it is for

you to decide what I shall do; and that I will obey you。 

I make my own decisions in reference to any woman; save you。 

The question you are to decide is whether I may remain here;

associating with you as I did last summer; but with the

difference that it is understood that I am free; that it

is my intention to care for you all I please; to make you

return my feeling for you if I can。  There is just one

question for you to decide; and it is not triangular。 

It is between us。  May I remain?  May I love you? 

Will you give me the chance to prove what I think of you?〃

〃You speak very plainly;〃 sa
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