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a girl of the limberlost-第78部分

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〃Perfectly sure!〃

〃Do you think you are in any condition to decide to…night?〃

〃Death cannot return to life; father。  My love for

Edith Carr is dead。  I hope never to see her again。〃

〃If I thought you could be certain so soon!  But; come

to think of it; you are very like me in many ways。  I am

with you in this。  Public scenes and disgraces I would

not endure。  It would be over with me; were I in your

position; that I know。〃

〃It is done for all time;〃 said Philip Ammon。  〃Let us

not speak of it further。〃

〃Then; Phil;〃 the father leaned closer and looked at the

son tenderly; 〃Phil; why don't you go to the Limberlost?〃


〃Why not?  No one can comfort a hurt heart like a

tender woman; and; Phil; have you ever stopped to think

that you may have a duty in the Limberlost; if you

are free?  I don't know!  I only suggest it。  But; for a

country schoolgirl; unaccustomed to men; two months

with a man like you might well awaken feelings of which

you do not think。  Because you were safe…guarded is no

sign the girl was。  She might care to see you。  You can

soon tell。  With you; she comes next to Edith; and you

have made it clear to me that you appreciate her in many

ways above。  So I repeat it; why not go to the Limberlost?〃

A long time Philip Ammon sat in deep thought。  At last

he raised his head。

〃Well; why not!〃 he said。  〃Years could make me

no surer than I am now; and life is short。  Please ask

Banks to get me some coffee and toast; and I will bathe

and dress so I can take the early train。〃

〃Go to your bath。  I will attend to your packing

and everything。  And Phil; if I were you; I would

leave no addresses。〃

〃Not an address!〃 said Philip。  〃Not even Polly。〃

When the train pulled out; the elder Ammon went home

to find Hart Henderson waiting。

〃Where is Phil?〃 he demanded。

〃He did not feel like facing his friends at present; and

I am just back from driving him to the station。  He said

he might go to Siam; or Patagonia。  He would leave no address。〃

Henderson almost staggered。  〃He's not gone?  And left

no address?  You don't mean it!  He'll never forgive her!〃

〃Never is a long time; Hart;〃 said Mr。 Ammon。  〃And it

seems even longer to those of us who are well acquainted

with Phil。  Last night was not the last straw。  It was

the whole straw…stack。  It crushed Phil so far as she

is concerned。  He will not see her again voluntarily; and

he will not forget if he does。  You can take it from him;

and from me; we have accepted the lady's decision。  Will you

have a cup of coffee?〃

Twice Henderson opened his lips to speak of Edith

Carr's despair。  Twice he looked into the stern; inflexible

face of Mr。 Ammon and could not betray her。  He held

out the ring。

〃I have no instructions as to that;〃 said the elder

Ammon; drawing back。  〃Possibly Miss Carr would have

it as a keepsake。〃

〃I am sure not;〃 said Henderson curtly。

〃Then suppose you return it to Peacock。  I will phone him。 

He will give you the price of it; and you might add

it to the children's Fresh Air Fund。  We would be obliged

if you would do that。  No one here cares to handle the object。〃

〃As you choose;〃 said Henderson。  〃Good morning!〃

Then he went to his home; but he could not think of sleep。 

He ordered breakfast; but he could not eat。  He paced the

library for a time; but it was too small。  Going on the

streets he walked until exhausted; then he called

a hansom and was driven to his club。  He had thought

himself familiar with every depth of suffering; that night

had taught him that what he felt for himself was not to be

compared with the anguish which wrung his heart over

the agony of Edith Carr。  He tried to blame Philip Ammon;

but being an honest man; Henderson knew that was unjust。 

The fault lay wholly with her; but that only made it

harder for him; as he realized it would in time for her。

As he sauntered into the room an attendant hurried to him。

〃You are wanted most urgently at the 'phone; Mr。

Henderson;〃 he said。  〃You have had three calls from

Main 5770。〃

Henderson shivered as he picked down the receiver and

gave the call。

〃Is that you; Hart?〃 came Edith's voice。


〃Did you find Phil?〃


〃Did you try?〃

〃Yes。  As soon as I left you I went straight there。〃

〃Wasn't he home yet?〃

〃He has been home and gone again。〃


The cry tore Henderson's heart。

〃Shall I come and tell you; Edith?〃

〃No! Tell me now。〃

〃When I reached the house Banks said Mr。 Ammon

and Phil were out in the motor; so I waited。  Mr。 Ammon

came back soon。  Edith; are you alone?〃

〃Yes。  Go on!〃

〃Call your maid。  I can't tell you until some one is

with you。〃

〃Tell me instantly!〃

〃Edith; he said he had been to the station。  He said

Phil had started to Siam or Patagonia; he didn't know

which; and left no address。  He said〃

Distinctly Henderson heard her fall。  He set the buzzer

ringing; and in a few seconds heard voices; so he knew she

had been found。  Then he crept into a private den and

shook with a hard; nervous chill。

The next day Edith Carr started on her trip to Europe。 

Henderson felt certain she hoped to meet Philip there。 

He was sure she would be disappointed; though he had no

idea where Ammon could have gone。  But after much

thought he decided he would see Edith soonest by

remaining at home; so he spent the summer in Chicago。




We must be thinking about supper; mother;〃 said Elnora;

while she set the wings of a Cecropia with much care。 

〃It seems as if I can't get enough to eat; or enough

of being at home。  I enjoyed that city house。  I don't

believe I could have done my work if I had been

compelled to walk back and forth。  I thought at first

I never wanted to come here again。  Now; I feel as if

I could not live anywhere else。〃

〃Elnora;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock; 〃there's some one

coming down the road。〃

〃Coming here; do you think?〃

〃Yes; coming here; I suspect。〃

Elnora glanced quickly at her mother and then turned

to the road as Philip Ammon reached the gate。

〃Careful; mother!〃 the girl instantly warned。  〃If you

change your treatment of him a hair's breadth; he

will suspect。  Come with me to meet him。〃

She dropped her work and sprang up。

〃Well; of all the delightful surprises!〃 she cried。

She was a trifle thinner than during the previous summer。 

On her face there was a more mature; patient look; but

the sun struck her bare head with the same ray of red gold。 

She wore one of the old blue gingham dresses; open

at the throat and rolled to the elbows。  Mrs。 Comstock

did not appear at all the same woman; but Philip saw only

Elnora; heard only her greetin
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