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a girl of the limberlost-第77部分

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this specimen and the search for it began over。  A few

days later a pair was secured; and again the money was

in sight for several hours。  Then an accident wrecked

one…fourth of the collection。  I helped replace those

last June; all but this Yellow Emperor which we could

not secure; and we haven't been able to find; buy or

trade for one since。  So my friend was compelled to teach

this past winter instead of going to college。  When that

moth came flying in there to…night; it seemed to me like fate。 

All I thought of was; that to secure it would complete the

collection and secure the money。  So I caught the Emperor and

started it to Elnora。  I declare to you that I was not out of

the pavilion over three minutes at a liberal estimate。  If I

only had thought to speak to the orchestra!  I was sure I

would be back before enough couples gathered and formed

for the dance。〃

The eyes of the father were very bright。

〃The friend for whom you wanted the moth is a girl?〃

he asked indifferently; as he ran the book leaves through

his fingers。

〃The girl of whom I wrote you last summer; and told

you about in the fall。  I helped her all the time I was away。〃

〃Did Edith know of her?〃

〃I tried many times to tell her; to interest her; but she

was so indifferent that it was insulting。  She would not

hear me。〃

〃We are neither one in any condition to sleep。  Why don't

you begin at the first and tell me about this girl? 

To think of other matters for a time may clear our vision

for a sane solution of this。  Who is she; just what is she

doing; and what is she like?  You know I was reared among

those Limberlost people; I can understand readily。 

What is her name and where does she live?〃

Philip gave a man's version of the previous summer;

while his father played with the book industriously。

〃You are very sure as to her refinement and education?〃

〃In almost two months' daily association; could a man

be mistaken?  She can far and away surpass Polly; Edith;

or any girl of our set on any common; high school; or

supplementary branch; and you know high schools have

French; German; and physics now。  Besides; she is a

graduate of two other institutions。  All her life she has

been in the school of Hard Knocks。  She has the biggest;

tenderest; most human heart I ever knew in a girl。  She has

known life in its most cruel phases; and instead of

hardening her; it has set her trying to save other

people suffering。  Then this nature position of which

I told you; she graduated in the School of the Woods;

before she secured that。  The Bird Woman; whose work you

know; helped her there。  Elnora knows more interesting

things in a minute than any other girl I ever met knew in

an hour; provided you are a person who cares to understand

plant and animal life。〃

The book leaves slid rapidly through his fingers as

the father drawled:  〃What sort of looking girl is she?〃

〃Tall as Edith; a little heavier; pink; even complexion;

wide open blue…gray eyes with heavy black brows; and

lashes so long they touch her cheeks。  She has a rope

of waving; shining hair that makes a real crown on her

head; and it appears almost red in the light。  She is as

handsome as any fair woman I ever saw; but she doesn't

know it。  Every time any one pays her a compliment;

her mother; who is a caution; discovers that; for some

reason; the girl is a fright; so she has no appreciation of

her looks。〃

〃And you were in daily association two months with

a girl like that!  How about it; Phil?〃

〃If you mean; did I trifle with her; no!〃 cried Philip hotly。 

〃I told her the second time I met her all about Edith。 

Almost every day I wrote to Edith in her presence。 

Elnora gathered violets and made a fancy basket to put

them in for Edith's birthday。  I started to err in

too open admiration for Elnora; but her mother brought

me up with a whirl I never forgot。  Fifty times a day

in the swamps and forests Elnora made a perfect picture;

but I neither looked nor said anything。  I never met

any girl so downright noble in bearing and actions。 

I never hated anything as I hated leaving her; for we were

dear friends; like two wholly congenial men。  Her mother

was almost always with us。  She knew how much I admired

Elnora; but so long as I concealed it from the girl;

the mother did not care。〃

〃Yet you left such a girl and came back whole…hearted

to Edith Carr!〃

〃Surely!  You know how it has been with me about

Edith all my life。〃

〃Yet the girl you picture is far her superior to an

unprejudiced person; when thinking what a man would

require in a wife to be happy。〃

〃I never have thought what I would ‘require' to be happy! 

I only thought whether I could make Edith happy。  I have

been an idiot!  What I've borne you'll never know! 

To…night is only one of many outbursts like that;

in varying and lesser degrees。〃

〃Phil; I love you; when you say you have thought

only of Edith!  I happen to know that it is true。 

You are my only son; and I have had a right to watch

you closely。  I believe you utterly。  Any one who cares

for you as I do; and has had my years of experience in

this world over yours; knows that in some ways; to…night

would be a blessed release; if you could take it; but

you cannot!  Go to bed now; and rest。  To…morrow; go back

to her and fix it up。〃

〃You heard what I said when I left her!  I said it because

something in my heart died a minute before that; and

I realized that it was my love for Edith Carr。  Never again

will I voluntarily face such a scene。  If she can act

like that at a ball; before hundreds; over a thing of which

I thought nothing at all; she would go into actual physical

fits and spasms; over some of the household crises I've

seen the mater meet with a smile。  Sir; it is truth that

I have thought only of her up to the present。  Now; I

will admit I am thinking about myself。  Father; did you

see her?  Life is too short; and it can be too sweet; to

throw it away in a battle with an unrestrained woman。 

I am no fighterwhere a girl is concerned; anyway。 

I respect and love her or I do nothing。  Never again is

either respect or love possible between me and Edith Carr。 

Whenever I think of her in the future; I will see her as

she was to…night。  But I can't face the crowd just yet。 

Could you spare me a few days?〃

〃It is only ten days until you were to go north for the

summer; go now。〃

〃I don't want to go north。  I don't want to meet people

I know。  There; the story would precede me。  I do not

need pitying glances or rough condolences。  I wonder if

I could not hide at Uncle Ed's in Wisconsin for awhile?〃

The book closed suddenly。  The father leaned across

the table and looked into the son's eyes。

〃Phil; are you sure of what you just have said?〃

〃Perfectly sure!〃

〃Do you think you are in any condition to decide to…night?〃

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