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a girl of the limberlost-第74部分

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the hazard that possibly I had given up too soon。  It said

that in a fit of petulance you had broken your engagement

with Ammon twice this winter; and he had come back because

he knew you did not really mean it。  I thought deeply there

on the dock when I read that; and my boat sailed without me。 

I argued that anything so weak as an engagement twice broken

and patched up again was a mighty frail affair indeed; and

likely to smash completely at any time; so I came on the run。 

I said once I would not see you marry any other man。 

Because I could not bear it; I planned to go into exile of

any sort to escape that。  I have changed my mind。  I have

come back to haunt you until the ceremony is over。  Then I go;

not before。  I was insane!〃

The girl laughed merrily。  〃Not half so insane as you

are now; Hart!〃 she cried gaily。  〃You know that Philip

Ammon has been devoted to me all my life。  Now I'll tell

you something else; because this looks serious for you。 

I love him with all my heart。  Not while he lives shall he

know it; and I will laugh at him if you tell him; but the

fact remains:  I intend to marry him; but no doubt I shall

tease him constantly。  It's good for a man to be uncertain。 

If you could see Philip's face at the quarterly return of his

ring; you would understand the fun of it。  You had better

have taken your boat。〃

〃Possibly;〃 said Henderson calmly。  〃But you are the

only woman in the world for me; and while you are free; as

I now see my light; I remain near you。  You know the old adage。〃

〃But I'm not ‘free!'〃 cried Edith Carr。  〃I'm telling

you I am not。  This night is my public acknowledgment

that Phil and I are promised; as our world has surmised

since we were children。  That promise is an actual fact;

because of what I just have told you。  My little fits of

temper don't count with Phil。  He's been reared on them。 

In fact; I often invent one in a perfect calm to see him

perform。  He is the most amusing spectacle。  But; please;

please; do understand that I love him; and always shall;

and that we shall be married。〃

〃Just the same; I'll wait and see it an accomplished

fact;〃 said Henderson。  〃And Edith; because I love you;

with the sort of love it is worth a woman's while  to

inspire; I want your happiness before my own。  So  I

am going to say this to you; for I never dreamed you

were capable of the feeling you have displayed for Phil。 

If you do love him; and have loved him always; a

disappointment would cut you deeper than you know。 

Go careful from now on!  Don't strain that patched

engagement of yours any further。  I've known Philip all

my life。  I've known him through boyhood; in college;

and since。  All men respect him。  Where the rest of us

confess our sins; he stands clean。  You can go to his arms

with nothing to forgive。  Mark this thing!  I have heard

him say; ‘Edith is my slogan;' and I have seen him march

home strong in the strength of his love for you; in the face

of temptations before which every other man of us fell。 

Before the gods! that ought to be worth something to a

girl; if she really is the delicate; sensitive; refined

thing she would have man believe。  It would take a woman

with the organism of an ostrich to endure some of the

men here to…night; if she knew them as I do; but Phil

is sound to the core。  So this is what I would say

to you: first; your instincts are right in loving him;

why not let him feel it in the ways a woman knows? 

Second; don't break your engagement again。  As men

know the man; any of us would be afraid to the soul。 

He loves you; yes!  He is long…suffering for you; yes! 

But men know he has a limit。  When the limit is

reached; he will stand fast; and all the powers can't

move him。  You don't seem to think it; but you can go

too far!〃

〃Is that all?〃 laughed Edith Carr sarcastically。

〃No; there is one thing more;〃 said Henderson。  〃Here or

here…after; now and so long as I breathe; I am your slave。 

You can do anything you choose and know that I will

kneel before you again。  So carry this in the depths of

your heart; now or at any time; in any place or condition;

merely lift your hand; and I will come。  Anything you

want of me; that thing will I do。  I am going to wait; if

you need me; it is not necessary to speak; only give me

the faintest sign。  All your life I will be somewhere near

you waiting for it。〃

〃Idjit!  You rave!〃 laughed Edith Carr。  〃How you

would frighten me!  What a bugbear you would raise! 

Be sensible and go find what keeps Phil。  I was waiting

patiently; but my patience is going。  I won't look nearly

so well as I do now when it is gone。〃

At that instant Philip Ammon entered。  He was in

full evening dress and exceptionally handsome。 

〃Everything is ready;〃 he said; 〃they are waiting for

us to lead the march。  It is formed。〃

Edith Carr smiled entrancingly。  〃Do you think I am ready?〃

Philip looked what he thought; and offered his arm。 

Edith Carr nodded carelessly to Hart Henderson; and

moved away。  Attendants parted the curtains and the

Yellow Empress bowing right and left; swept the length

of the ballroom and took her place at the head of the

formed procession。  The large open dancing pavilion was

draped with yellow silk caught up with lilac flowers。 

Every corner was filled with bloom of those colours。 

The music was played by harpers dressed in yellow and

violet; so the ball opened。

The midnight supper was served with the same colours

and the last half of the programme was being danced。 

Never had girl been more complimented and petted in

the same length of time than Edith Carr。  Every minute

she seemed to grow more worthy of praise。  A partners'

dance was called and the floor was filled with couples

waiting for the music。  Philip stood whispering delightful

things to Edith facing him。  From out of the night;

in at the wide front entrance to the pavilion; there

swept in slow wavering flight a large yellow moth and

fluttered toward the centre cluster of glaring electric lights。 

Philip Ammon and Edith Carr saw it at the same instant。

〃Why; isn't that?〃 she began excitedly。

〃It's a Yellow Emperor!  This is fate!〃 cried Philip。 

〃The last one Elnora needs for her collection。  I must

have it!  Excuse me!〃

He ran toward the light。  〃Hats!  Handkerchiefs!  Fans! 

Anything!〃 he panted。  〃Every one hold up something and

stop that!  It's a moth; I've got to catch it!〃

〃It's yellow!  He wants it for Edith!〃 ran in a murmur

around the hall。  The girl's face flushed; while she bit her

lips in vexation。

Instantly every one began holding up something to

keep the moth from flying back into the night。  One fan

held straight before it served; and the moth gently settled

on it。

〃Hold steady!〃 cried Philip。  〃Don't move for your life!〃 

He rushed toward the moth; made a quick sweep and held it

up between his fingers。  〃All right!〃
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