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a girl of the limberlost-第72部分

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a tenant on our farm; and we will buy this and settle here。 

It's for sale。〃

〃You don't look it; but you've surely gone mad!〃

〃Just the reverse; my girl;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock;

〃I've gone sane。  If you are going to undertake this

work; you must be convenient to it。  And your mother

should be where she can see that you are properly dressed;

fed; and cared for。  This is ourlet me thinkreception…room。 

How do you like it?  This door leads to your workroom and study。 

I didn't do much there because I wasn't sure of my way。 

But I knew you would want a rug; curtains; table; shelves

for books; and a case for your specimens; so I had a

carpenter shelve and enclose that end of it。  Looks pretty

neat to me。  The dining…room and kitchen are back; one

of the cows in the barn; and some chickens in the coop。 

I understand that none of the other girls' mothers milk a

cow; so a neighbour boy will tend to ours for a third of

the milk。  There are three bedrooms; and a bath upstairs。 

Go take one; put on some fresh clothes; and come to supper。 

You can find your room because your things are in it。〃

Elnora kissed her mother over and over; and hurried upstairs。 

She identified her room by the dressing…case。  There were

a pretty rug; and curtains; white iron bed; plain and

rocking chairs to match her case; a shirtwaist chest;

and the big closet was filled with her old clothing and

several new dresses。  She found the bathroom; bathed;

dressed in fresh linen and went down to a supper that

was an evidence of Mrs。 Comstock's highest art in cooking。 

Elnora was so hungry she ate her first real meal in two weeks。 

But the bites went down slowly because she forgot about them

in watching her mother。

〃How on earth did you do it?〃 she asked at last。  〃I always

thought you were naturally brown as a nut。〃

〃Oh; that was tan and sunburn!〃 explained Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃I always knew I was white underneath it。  I hated to

shade my face because I hadn't anything but a sunbonnet;

and I couldn't stand for it to touch my ears; so I went

bareheaded and took all the colour I accumulated。 

But when I began to think of moving you in to your work;

I saw I must put up an appearance that wouldn't disgrace

you; so I thought I'd best remove the crust。  It took

some time; and I hope I may die before I ever endure

the feel and the smell of the stuff I used again; but it

skinned me nicely。  What you now see is my own with a

little dust of rice powder; for protection。  I'm sort of

tender yet。〃

〃And your lovely; lovely hair?〃 breathed Elnora。

〃Hairdresser did that!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃It cost

like smoke。  But I watched her; and with a little

help from you I can wash it alone next time; though it

will be hard work。  I let her monkey with it until she

said she had found ‘my style。'  Then I tore it down and

had her show me how to build it up again three times。 

I thought my arms would drop。  When I paid the bill for

her work; the time I'd taken; the pins; and combs she'd

used; I nearly had heart failure; but I didn't turn a hair

before her。  I just smiled at her sweetly and said; ‘How

reasonable you are!' Come to think of it; she was!  She might

have charged me ten dollars for what she did quite as well

as nine seventy…five。  I couldn't have helped myself。 

I had made no bargain to begin on。〃

Then Elnora leaned back in her chair and shouted; in a

gust of hearty laughter; so a little of the ache ceased

in her breast。  There was no time to think; the remainder

of that evening; she was so tired she had to sleep; while

her mother did not awaken her until she barely had time

to dress; breakfast and reach school。  There was nothing

in the new life to remind her of the old。  It seemed as

if there never came a minute for retrospection; but her

mother appeared on the scene with more work; or some

entertaining thing to do。

Mrs。 Comstock invited Elnora's friends to visit her;

and proved herself a bright and interesting hostess。 

She digested a subject before she spoke; and when she

advanced a view; her point was sure to be original and

tersely expressed。  Before three months people waited

to hear what she had to say。  She kept her appearance so

in mind that she made a handsome and a distinguished figure。

Elnora never mentioned Philip Ammon; neither did

Mrs。 Comstock。  Early in December came a note and a

big box from him。  It contained several books on nature

subjects which would be of much help in school work;

a number of conveniences Elnora could not afford; and a

pair of glass…covered plaster casts; for each large moth

she had。  In these the upper and underwings of male and

female showed。  He explained that she would break her

specimens easily; carrying them around in boxes。  He had

seen these and thought they would be of use。  Elnora was

delighted with them; and at once began the tedious process

of softening the mounted moths and fitting them to the

casts moulded to receive them。  Her time was so taken in

school; she progressed slowly; so her mother undertook

this work。  After trying one or two very common ones she

learned to handle the most delicate with ease。  She took

keen pride in relaxing the tense moths; fitting them to the

cases; polishing the glass covers to the last degree and

sealing them。  The results were beautiful to behold。

Soon after Elnora wrote to Philip:


I am writing to thank you for the books; and the box of conveniences

sent me for my work。  I can use everything with fine results。 

Hope I am giving good satisfaction in my position。  You will be

interested to learn that when the summer's work was classified and

pinned; I again had my complete collection for the man of India;

save a Yellow Emperor。  I have tried everywhere I know; so has the

Bird Woman。  We cannot find a pair for sale。  Fate is against me;

at least this season。  I shall have to wait until next year and try again。

Thank you very much for helping me with my collection and for the

books and cases。

                              Sincerely yours;

                                        ELNORA COMSTOCK。

Philip was disappointed over that note and instead of

keeping it he tore it into bits and dropped them into the

waste basket。

That was precisely what Elnora had intended he should do。 

Christmas brought beautiful cards of greeting to

Mrs。 Comstock and Elnora; Easter others; and the year

ran rapidly toward spring。  Elnora's position had been

intensely absorbing; while she had worked with all her power。 

She had made a wonderful success and won new friends。 

Mrs。 Comstock had helped in every way she could; so she was

very popular also。

Throughout the winter they had enjoyed the city thoroughly;

and the change of life it afforded; but signs of spring

did wonderful things to the hearts of the country…bred women。 

A restlessness began on bright February days; calme
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