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a girl of the limberlost-第71部分

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the sooner she'll feel better about it;〃 she muttered。

She arose; went to the bank and inquired for the cashier。

〃I want to know just how I am fixed here;〃 she said。

The cashier laughed。  〃You haven't been in a hurry;〃

he replied。  〃We have been ready for you any time these

twenty years; but you didn't seem to pay much attention。 

Your account is rather flourishing。  Interest; when it gets

to compounding; is quite a money breeder。  Come back

here to a table and I will show you your balances。〃

Mrs。 Comstock sank into a chair and waited while

the cashier read a jumble of figures to her。  It meant

that her deposits had exceeded her expenses from one

to three hundred dollars a year; according to the cattle;

sheep; hogs; poultry; butter; and eggs she had sold。 

The aggregate of these sums had been compounding interest

throughout the years。  Mrs。 Comstock stared at the

total with dazed and unbelieving eyes。  Through her

sick heart rushed the realization; that if she merely had

stood before that wicket and asked one question; she

would have known that all those bitter years of skimping

for Elnora and herself had been unnecessary。  She arose

and went back to the depot。

〃I want to send a message;〃 she said。  She picked

up the pencil; and with rash extravagance; wrote; 〃Found

money at bank didn't know about。  If you want to go

to college; come on first train and get ready。〃 

She hesitated a second and then she said to herself grimly;

〃Yes; I'll pay for that; too;〃 and recklessly added; 〃With

love; Mother。〃  Then she sat waiting for the answer。  It came

in less than an hour。  〃Will teach this winter。  With dearest

love; Elnora。〃

Mrs。 Comstock held the message a long time。  When she

arose she was ravenously hungry; but the pain in her

heart was a little easier。  She went to a restaurant

and ate some food; then to a dressmaker where she ordered

four dresses: two very plain every…day ones; a serviceable

dark gray cloth suit; and a soft light gray silk with

touches of lavender and lace。  She made a heavy list

of purchases at Brownlee's; and the remainder of the day

she did business in her direct and spirited way。  At night

she was so tired she scarcely could walk home; but she

built a fire and cooked and ate a hearty meal。

Later she went out beside the west fence and gathered

an armful of tansy which she boiled to a thick green tea。 

Then she stirred in oatmeal until it was a stiff paste。 

She spread a sheet over her bed and began tearing strips

of old muslin。  She bandaged each hand and arm with the

mixture and plastered the soggy; evil…smelling stuff in a

thick poultice over her face and neck。  She was so tired

she went to sleep; and when she awoke she was half skinned。 

She bathed her face and hands; did the work and went back

to town; coming home at night to go through the same process。

By the third morning she was a raw even red; the fourth

she had faded to a brilliant pink under the soothing

influence of a cream recommended。  That day came a

letter from Elnora saying that she would remain where

she was until Saturday morning; and then come to Ellen

Brownlee's at Onabasha and stay for the Saturday's

session of teachers to arrange their year's work。 

Sunday was Ellen's last day at home; and she wanted Elnora

very much。  She had to call together the orchestra and

practise them Sunday; and could not come home until

after school Monday night。  Mrs。 Comstock at once

answered the letter saying those arrangements suited her。

The following day she was a pale pink; later a delicate

porcelain white。  Then she went to a hairdresser and

had the rope of snowy hair which covered her scalp washed;

dressed; and fastened with such pins and combs as were

decided to be most becoming。  She took samples of her

dresses; went to a milliner; and bought a street hat to

match her suit; and a gray satin with lavender orchids to

wear with the silk dress。  Her last investment was a loose

coat of soft gray broadcloth with white lining; and touches

of lavender on the embroidered collar; and gray gloves to match。

Then she went home; rested and worked by turns

until Monday。  When school closed on that evening;

Elnora; so tired she almost trembled; came down the

long walk after a late session of teachers' meeting;

to be stopped by a messenger boy。

〃There's a lady wants to see you most important。 

I am to take you to the place;〃 he said。

Elnora groaned。  She could not imagine who wanted

her; but there was nothing to do but find out; tired and

anxious to see her mother as she was。

〃This is the place;〃 said the boy; and went his way whistling。 

Elnora was three blocks from the high school building on the

same street。  She was before a quaint old house; fresh with

paint and covered with vines。  There was a long wide lot;

grass…covered; closely set with trees; and a barn and chicken

park at the back that seemed to be occupied。  Elnora stepped

on the veranda which was furnished with straw rugs; bent…

hickory chairs; hanging baskets; and a table with a work…

box and magazines; and knocked at the screen door。

Inside she could see polished floors; walls freshly papered

in low…toned harmonious colours; straw rugs and madras curtains。 

It seemed to be a restful; homelike place to which she had come。 

A second later down an open stairway came a tall; dark…eyed

woman with cheeks faintly pink and a crown of fluffy snow…

white hair。  She wore a lavender gingham dress with white

collar and cuffs; and she called as she advanced:  〃That screen

isn't latched!  Open it and come see your brand…new mother;

my girl。〃

Elnora stepped inside the door。  〃Mother!〃 she cried。 

〃You my mother!  I don't believe it!〃

〃Well; you better!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock; 〃because

it's true!  You said you wished I were like the other

girls' mothers; and I've shot as close the mark as I could

without any practice。  I thought that walk would be

too much for you this winter; so I just rented this house

and moved in; to be near you; and help more in case I'm needed。 

I've only lived here a day; but I like it so well I've a

mortal big notion to buy the place。〃

〃But mother!〃 protested Elnora; clinging to her wonderingly。 

〃You are perfectly beautiful; and this house is a little

paradise; but how will we ever pay for it?  We can't afford it!〃

〃Humph!  Have you forgotten I telegraphed you I'd

found some money I didn't know about?  All I've done

is paid for; and plenty more to settle for all I

propose to do。〃

Mrs。 Comstock glanced around with satisfaction。

〃I may get homesick as a pup before spring;〃 she said;

〃but if I do I can go back。  If I don't; I'll sell some

timber and put a few oil wells where they don't show much。 

I can have land enough cleared for a few fields and put

a tenant on our farm; and we will buy this and settle here。 

It's for sale。〃

〃You don't look it; 
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