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a girl of the limberlost-第7部分

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precisely what they wanted。〃

〃That's the very thing;〃 agreed Margaret。  〃But before

you go; tell me about your hair。  Elnora's hair is

bright and wavy; but yours is silky as hackled flax。 

How do you do it?〃

〃Elnora?〃 asked four girls in concert。

〃Yes; Elnora is the name of the girl I want these things for。〃

〃Did she come to the high school to…day?〃 questioned

one of them。

〃Was she in your classes?〃 demanded Margaret without reply。

Four girls stood silent and thought fast。  Had there

been a strange girl among them; and had she been overlooked

and passed by with indifference; because she was so

very shabby?  If she had appeared as much better than

they; as she had looked worse; would her reception have

been the same?

〃There was a strange girl from the country in the Freshman

class to…day;〃 said Ellen Brownlee; 〃and her name was Elnora。〃

〃That was the girl;〃 said Margaret。

〃Are her people so very poor?〃 questioned Ellen。

〃No; not poor at all; come to think of it;〃 answered Margaret。 

〃It's a peculiar case。  Mrs。 Comstock had a great trouble

and she let it change her whole life and make a different

woman of her。  She used to be lovely; now she is forever

saving and scared to death for fear they will go to the

poorhouse; but there is a big farm; covered with lots

of good timber。  The taxes are high for women who can't

manage to clear and work the land。  There ought to be

enough to keep two of them in good shape all their lives;

if they only knew how to do it。  But no one ever told

Kate Comstock anything; and never will; for she won't listen。 

All she does is droop all day; and walk the edge of the

swamp half the night; and neglect Elnora。  If you girls

would make life just a little easier for her it would

be the finest thing you ever did。〃

All of them promised they would。

〃Now tell me about your hair;〃 persisted Margaret Sinton。

So they took her to a toilet counter; and she bought the

proper hair soap; also a nail file; and cold cream; for use

after windy days。  Then they left her with the experienced

clerk; and when at last Wesley found her she was loaded with

bundles and the light of other days was in her beautiful eyes。 

Wesley also carried some packages。

〃Did you get any stockings?〃 he whispered。

〃No; I didn't;〃 she said。  〃I was so interested in dresses

and hair ribbons and aa hat〃 she hesitated and

glanced at Wesley。  〃Of course; a hat!〃 prompted

Wesley。  〃That I forgot all about those horrible shoes。 

She's got to have decent shoes; Wesley。〃

〃Sure!〃 said Wesley。  〃She's got decent shoes。  But

the man said some brown stockings ought to go with them。 

Take a peep; will you!〃

Wesley opened a box and displayed a pair of thick…

soled; beautifully shaped brown walking shoes of low

cut。  Margaret cried out with pleasure。

〃But do you suppose they are the right size; Wesley?

What did you get?〃

〃I just said for a girl of sixteen with a slender foot。〃

〃Well; that's about as near as I could come。  If they

don't fit when she tries them; we will drive straight in

and change them。  Come on now; let's get home。〃

All the way they discussed how they should give Elnora

their purchases and what Mrs。 Comstock would say。

〃I am afraid she will be awful mad;〃 said Margaret。

〃She'll just rip!〃 replied Wesley graphically。  〃But if

she wants to leave the raising of her girl to the neighbours;

she needn't get fractious if they take some pride in doing

a good job。  From now on I calculate Elnora shall go

to school; and she shall have all the clothes and books

she needs; if I go around on the back of Kate Comstock's

land and cut a tree; or drive off a calf to pay for them。 

Why I know one tree she owns that would put Elnora in

heaven for a year。  Just think of it; Margaret!  It's not

fair。  One…third of what is there belongs to Elnora by

law; and if Kate Comstock raises a row I'll tell her so;

and see that the girl gets it。  You go to see Kate in the

morning; and I'll go with you。  Tell her you want Elnora's

pattern; that you are going to make her a dress; for

helping us。  And sort of hint at a few more things。 

If Kate balks; I'll take a hand and settle her。  I'll go

to law for Elnora's share of that land and sell enough to

educate her。〃

〃Why; Wesley Sinton; you're perfectly wild。〃

〃I'm not!  Did you ever stop to think that such cases are

so frequent there have been laws made to provide for them? 

I can bring it up in court and force Kate to educate

Elnora; and board and clothe her till she's of age;

and then she can take her share。〃

〃Wesley; Kate would go crazy!〃

〃She's crazy now。  The idea of any mother living with as

sweet a girl as Elnora。 and letting her suffer till I find

her crying like a funeral。  It makes me fighting mad。 

All uncalled for。  Not a grain of sense in it。  I've offered

and offered to oversee clearing her land and working

her fields。  Let her sell a good tree; or a few acres。 

Something is going to be done; right now。  Elnora's been

fairly happy up to this; but to spoil the school life she's

planned; is to ruin all her life。  I won't have it! If Elnora

won't take these things; so help me; I'll tell her

what she is worth; and loan her the money and she can

pay me back when she comes of age。  I am going to have

it out with Kate Comstock in the morning。  Here we are! 

You open up what you got while I put away the horses;

and then I'll show you。〃

When Wesley came from the barn Margaret had four

pieces of crisp gingham; a pale blue; a pink; a gray with

green stripes and a rich brown and blue plaid。  On each

of them lay a yard and a half of wide ribbon to match。 

There were handkerchiefs and a brown leather belt。  In her

hands she held a wide…brimmed tan straw hat; having a

high crown banded with velvet strips each of which fastened

with a tiny gold buckle。

〃It looks kind of bare now;〃 she explained。  〃It had

three quills on it here。〃

〃Did you have them taken off?〃 asked Wesley。

〃Yes; I did。  The price was two and a half for the

hat; and those things were a dollar and a half apiece。 

I couldn't pay that。〃

〃It does seem considerable;〃 admitted Wesley; 〃but

will it look right without them?〃

〃No; it won't!〃 said Margaret。  〃It's going to have

quills on it。  Do you remember those beautiful peacock

wing feathers that Phoebe Simms gave me?  Three of

them go on just where those came off; and nobody will

ever know the difference。  They match the hat to a

moral; and they are just a little longer and richer than

the ones that I had taken off。  I was wondering whether

I better sew them on to…night while I remember how they

set; or wait till morning。〃

〃Don't risk it!〃 exclaimed Wesley anxiously。  〃Don't you

risk it!  Sew them on right now!〃

〃Open your bundles; while I get the thread;〃 said Margaret。

Wesley unwrapped the 
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