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a girl of the limberlost-第69部分

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the well; was almost ready for flight。  The dust lay thick

on the country roads; the days grew warmer; summer

was just poising to slip into fall; and Philip remained;

coming each day as if he had belonged there always。

One warm August afternoon Mrs。 Comstock looked

up from the ruffle on which she was engaged to see

a blue…coated messenger enter the gate。

〃Is Philip Ammon here?〃 asked the boy。

〃He is;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。

〃I have a message for him。〃

〃He is in the woods back of the cabin。  I will ring the bell。 

Do you know if it is important?〃

〃Urgent;〃 said the boy; 〃I rode hard。〃

Mrs。 Comstock stepped to the back door and clanged

the dinner bell sharply; paused a second; and rang again。 

In a short time Philip and Elnora ran down the path。

〃Are you ill; mother?〃 cried Elnora。

Mrs。 Comstock indicated the boy。  〃There is an important

message for Philip;〃 she said。

He muttered an excuse and tore open the telegram。 

His colour faded slightly。  〃I have to take the first train;〃

he said。  〃My father is ill and I am needed。〃

He handed the sheet to Elnora。  〃I have about two

hours; as I remember the trains north; but my things are

all over Uncle Doc's house; so I must go at once。〃

〃Certainly;〃 said Elnora; giving back the message。 

〃Is there anything I can do to help?  Mother; bring

Philip a glass of buttermilk to start on。  I will gather

what you have here。〃

〃Never mind。  There is nothing of importance。  I don't

want to be hampered。  I'll send for it if I miss anything

I need。〃

Philip drank the milk; said good…bye to Mrs。 Comstock;

thanked her for all her kindness; and turned to Elnora。

〃Will you walk to the edge of the Limberlost with me?〃

he asked。  Elnora assented。  Mrs。 Comstock followed

to the gate; urged him to come again soon; and repeated

her good…bye。  Then she went back to the arbour to

await Elnora's return。  As she watched down the road

she smiled softly。

〃I had an idea he would speak to me first;〃 she thought;

〃but this may change things some。  He hasn't time。 

Elnora will come back a happy girl; and she has

good reason。  He is a model young man。  Her lot will

be very different from mine。〃

She picked up her embroidery and began setting dainty

precise little stitches; possible only to certain women。

On the road Elnora spoke first。  〃I do hope it is

nothing serious;〃 she said。  〃Is he usually strong?〃

〃Quite strong;〃 said Philip。  〃I am not at all alarmed

but I am very much ashamed。  I have been well enough

for the past month to have gone home and helped him

with some critical cases that were keeping him at work

in this heat。  I was enjoying myself so I wouldn't offer

to go; and he would not ask me to come; so long as he could

help it。  I have allowed him to overtax himself until he

is down; and mother and Polly are north at our cottage。 

He's never been sick before; and it's probable I am to

blame that he is now。〃

〃He intended you to stay this long when you came;〃

urged Elnora。

〃Yes; but it's hot in Chicago。  I should have

remembered him。  He is always thinking of me。  Possibly he

has needed me for days。  I am ashamed to go to him in

splendid condition and admit that I was having such a

fine time I forgot to come home。〃

〃You have had a fine time; then?〃 asked Elnora。

They had reached the fence。  Philip vaulted over to

take a short cut across the fields。  He turned and looked

at her。

〃The best; the sweetest; and most wholesome time

any man ever had in this world;〃 he said。  〃Elnora; if

I talked hours I couldn't make you understand what a

girl I think you are。  I never in all my life hated anything

as I hate leaving you。  It seems to me that I have not

strength to do it。〃

〃If you have learned anything worth while from me;〃

said Elnora; 〃that should be it。  Just to have strength to

go to your duty; and to go quickly。〃

He caught the hand she held out to him in both his。 

〃Elnora; these days we have had together; have they

been sweet to you?〃

〃Beautiful days!〃 said Elnora。  〃Each like a perfect

dream to be thought over and over all my life。  Oh; they

have been the only really happy days I've ever known;

these days rich with mother's love; and doing useful work

with your help。  Good…bye!  You must hurry!〃

Philip gazed at her。  He tried to drop her hand; only

clutched it closer。  Suddenly he drew her toward him。 

〃Elnora;〃 he whispered; 〃will you kiss me good…bye?〃

Elnora drew back and stared at him with wide eyes。 

〃I'd strike you sooner!〃 she said。  〃Have I ever said or

done anything in your presence that made you feel free to

ask that; Philip Ammon?〃

〃No!〃 panted Philip。  〃No!  I think so much of you

I wanted to touch your lips once before I left you。 

You know; Elnora〃

〃Don't distress yourself;〃 said Elnora calmly。  〃I am

broad enough to judge you sanely。  I know what you mean。 

It would be no harm to you。  It would not matter to me;

but here we will think of some one else。  Edith Carr

would not want your lips to…morrow if she knew they

had touched mine to…day。  I was wise to say:  ‘Go quickly!'〃

Philip still clung to her。  〃Will you write me?〃 he begged。

〃No;〃 said Elnora。  〃There is nothing to say; save good…bye。 

We can do that now。〃

He held on。  〃Promise that you will write me only one

letter;〃 he urged。  〃I want just one message from you to

lock in my desk; and keep always。  Promise you will

write once; Elnora。〃

She looked into his eyes; and smiled serenely。  〃If the

talking trees tell me this winter; the secret of how a man

may grow perfect; I will write you what it is; Philip。 

In all the time I have known you; I never have liked you

so little。  Good…bye。〃

She drew away her hand and swiftly turned back to the road。 

Philip Ammon; wordless; started toward Onabasha on a run。

Elnora crossed the road; climbed the fence and sought

the shelter of their own woods。  She chose a diagonal

course and followed it until she came to the path leading

past the violet patch。  She went down this hurriedly。 

Her hands were clenched at her side; her eyes dry and

bright; her cheeks red…flushed; and her breath coming fast。 

When she reached the patch she turned into it and stood

looking around her。

The mosses were dry; the flowers gone; weeds a foot

high covered it。  She turned away and went on down the

path until she was almost in sight of the cabin。

Mrs。 Comstock smiled and waited in the arbour until

it occurred to her that Elnora was a long time coming; so

she went to the gate。  The road stretched away toward

the Limberlost empty and lonely。  Then she knew that

Elnora had gone into their own woods and would come in

the back way。  She could not understand why the girl did

not hurry to her with what she would have to tell。 

She went out and wandered around the garden。  Then she

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