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a girl of the limberlost-第67部分

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impetus they danced until they dropped panting on the

arbour bench。

Billy scarcely knew when he reached the road。  His light

feet barely touched the soft way; so swiftly he flew。 

He vaulted the fence and burst into the house。

〃Aunt Margaret!  Uncle Wesley!〃 he screamed。  〃Listen! 

Listen!  She's playing it!  Elnora's playing her violin

at home!  And Aunt Kate is dancing like anything

before the arbour!  I saw her in the moonlight!  I ran down! 

Oh; Aunt Margaret!〃

Billy fled sobbing to Margaret's breast。

〃Why Billy!〃 she chided。  〃Don't cry; you little dunce! 

That's what we've all prayed for these many years; but

you must be mistaken about Kate。  I can't believe it。〃

Billy lifted his head。  〃Well; you just have to!〃 he said。 

〃When I say I saw anything; Uncle Wesley knows I did。 

The city man was dancing with her。  They danced together

and Elnora laughed。  But it didn't look funny to me;

I was scared。〃

〃Who was it said ‘wonders never cease;'〃 asked Wesley。 

〃You mark my word; once you get Kate Comstock started;

you can't stop her。  There's a wagon load of penned…up

force in her。  Dancing in the moonlight!  Well; I'll

be hanged!〃

Billy was at his side instantly。  〃Whoever does it will

have to hang me; too;〃 he cried。

Sinton threw his arm around Billy and drew him closely。 

〃Tell us all about it; son;〃 he said。  Billy told。  〃And when

Elnora just stopped a breath; ‘Can't you play some

of the old things I knew when I was a girl?' said her ma。 

Then Elnora began to do a thing that made you want to

whirl round and round; and quicker 'an scat there was her

ma a…whirling。  The city man; he ups and grabs her and

whirls; too; and back in the woods I was going just like

they did。  Elnora begins to laugh; and I ran to tell you;

cos I knew you'd like to know。  Now; all the world is

right; ain't it?〃 ended Billy in supreme satisfaction。

〃You just bet it is!〃 said Wesley。

Billy looked steadily at Margaret。  〃Is it; Aunt Margaret?〃

Margaret Sinton smiled at him bravely。

An hour later when Billy was ready to climb the stairs

to his room; he went to Margaret to say good night。 

He leaned against her an instant; then brought his lips

to her ear。  〃Wish I could get your little girls back

for you!〃 he whispered and dashed toward the stairs。

Down at the Comstock cabin the violin played on until

Elnora was so tired she scarcely could lift the bow。 

Then Philip went home。  The women walked to the gate

with him; and stood watching him from sight。

〃That's what I call one decent young man!〃 said

Mrs。 Comstock。  〃To see him fit in with us; you'd think

he'd been brought up in a cabin; but it's likely he's

always had the very cream o' the pot。〃

〃Yes; I think so;〃 laughed Elnora; 〃but it hasn't

hurt him。  I've never seen anything I could criticise。 

He's teaching me so much; unconsciously。  You know

he graduated from Harvard; and has several degrees in law。 

He's coming in the morning; and we are going to put in a

big day on Catocalae。〃

〃Which is?〃

〃Those gray moths with wings that fold back like big

flies; and they appear as if they had been carved from

old wood。  Then; when they fly; the lower wings flash

out and they are red and black; or gold and black; or

pink and black; or dozens of bright; beautiful colours

combined with black。  No one ever has classified all

of them and written their complete history; unless the

Bird Woman is doing it now。  She wants everything

she can get about them。〃

〃I remember;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃They are mighty

pretty things。  I've started up slews of them from the

vines covering the logs; all my life。  I must be cautious

and catch them after this; but they seem powerful spry。 

I might get hold of something rare。〃  She thought

intently and added; 〃And wouldn't know it if I did。 

It would just be my luck。  I've had the rarest thing on

earth in reach this many a day and only had the wit to

cinch it just as it was going。  I'll bet I don't let

anything else escape me。〃

Next morning Philip came early; and he and Elnora

went at once to the fields and woods。  Mrs。 Comstock

had come to believe so implicitly in him that she now

stayed at home to complete the work before she joined

them; and when she did she often sat sewing; leaving

them wandering hours at a time。  It was noon before

she finished; and then she packed a basket of lunch。 

She found Elnora and Philip near the violet patch; which

was still in its prime。  They all lunched together in the

shade of a wild crab thicket; with flowers spread at their

feet; and the gold orioles streaking the air with flashes

of light and trailing ecstasy behind them; while the red…

wings; as always; asked the most impertinent questions。 

Then Mrs。 Comstock carried the basket back to the cabin;

and Philip and Elnora sat on a log; resting a few minutes。 

They had unexpected luck; and both were eager to continue

the search。

〃Do you remember your promise about these violets?〃

asked he。  〃To…morrow is Edith's birthday; and if I'd

put them special delivery on the morning train; she'd

get them in the late afternoon。  They ought to keep

that long。  She leaves for the North next day。〃

〃Of  course; you may have them;〃 said Elnora。  〃We will

quit long enough before supper to gather a large bunch。 

They can be packed so they will carry all right。 

They should be perfectly fresh; especially if we gather

them this evening and let them drink all night。〃

Then they went back to hunt Catocalae。  It was a

long and a happy search。  It led them into new;

unexplored nooks of the woods; past a red…poll nest;

and where goldfinches prospected for thistledown for

the cradles they would line a little later。  It led

them into real forest; where deep; dark pools lay;

where the hermit thrush and the wood robin extracted

the essence from all other bird melody; and poured it

out in their pure bell…tone notes。  It seemed as if

every old gray tree…trunk; slab of loose bark; and

prostrate log yielded the flashing gray treasures;

while of all others they seemed to take alarm most

easily; and be most difficult to capture。

Philip came to Elnora at dusk; daintily holding one

by the body; its dark wings showing and its long slender

legs trying to clasp his fingers and creep from his hold。

〃Oh for mercy's sake!〃 cried Elnora; staring at him。

〃I half believe it!〃 exulted Ammon。

〃Did you ever see one?〃

〃Only in collections; and very seldom there。〃

Elnora studied the black wings intently。  〃I surely

believe that's Sappho;〃 she marvelled。  〃The Bird Woman

will be overjoyed。〃

〃We must get the cyanide jar quickly;〃 said Philip。

〃I wouldn't lose her for anything。  Such a chase as she

led me!〃

Elnora brought the jar and began gathering up paraphernalia。

〃When you make a find like that;〃 she said; 〃it's the

right time to 
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