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a girl of the limberlost-第65部分

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has to say there。  Here are the remains of Freckles's room。 

The time the Angel came here he sang to her; and I listened。 

I never heard music like that。  No wonder she loved him。 

Every one who knew him did; and they do yet。  Try that

log; it makes a fairly good seat。  This old store box

was his treasure house; just as it's now mine。  I will

show you my dearest possession。  I do not dare take

it home because mother can't overcome her dislike for it。 

It was my father's; and in some ways I am like him。 

This is the strongest。〃

Elnora lifted the violin and began to play。  She wore

a school dress of green gingham; with the sleeves rolled to

the elbows。  She seemed a part of the setting all around her。 

Her head shone like a small dark sun; and her face never

had seemed so rose…flushed and fair。  From the instant

she drew the bow; her lips parted and her eyes turned

toward something far away in the swamp; and never did

she give more of that impression of feeling for her notes

and repeating something audible only to her。  Philip was

too close to get the best effect。  He arose and stepped back

several yards; leaning against a large tree; looking and

listening intently。

As he changed positions he saw that Mrs。 Comstock had

followed them; and was standing on the trail; where she

could not have helped hearing everything Elnora had said。

So to Philip before her and the mother watching on the

trail; Elnora played the Song of the Limberlost。  It seemed

as if the swamp hushed all its other voices and spoke

only through her dancing bow。  The mother out on the

trail had heard it all; once before from the girl; many

times from her father。  To the man it was a revelation。 

He stood so stunned he forgot Mrs。 Comstock。  He tried

to realize what a city audience would say to that music;

from such a player; with a similar background; and he

could not imagine。

He was wondering what he dared say; how much he might

express; when the last note fell and the girl laid the

violin in the case; closed the door; locked it and hid the

key in the rotting wood at the end of a log。  Then she came

to him。  Philip stood looking at her curiously。

〃I wonder;〃 he said; 〃what people would say to that?〃

〃I played that in public once;〃 said Elnora。  〃I think

they liked it; fairly well。  I had a note yesterday offering

me the leadership of the high school orchestra in Onabasha。 

I can take it as well as not。  None of my talks to the

grades come the first thing in the morning。  I can play

a few minutes in the orchestra and reach the rooms in

plenty of time。  It will be more work that I love; and like

finding the money。  I would gladly play for nothing;

merely to be able to express myself。〃

〃With some people it makes a regular battlefield of the

human heartthis struggle for self…expression;〃 said Philip。 

〃You are going to do beautiful work in the world; and do

it well。  When I realize that your violin belonged to your

father; that he played it before you were born; and

it no doubt affected your mother strongly; and then couple

with that the years you have roamed these fields and

swamps finding in nature all you had to lavish your heart

upon; I can see how you evolved。  I understand what you

mean by self…expression。  I know something of what you

have to express。  The world never so wanted your message

as it does now。  It is hungry for the things you know。 

I can see easily how your position came to you。  What you

have to give is taught in no college; and I am not sure but

you would spoil yourself if you tried to run your mind

through a set groove with hundreds of others。  I never

thought I should say such a thing to any one; but I do say

to you; and I honestly believe it; give up the college idea。 

Your mind does not need that sort of development。  Stick close

to your work in the woods。  You are becoming so infinitely

greater on it; than the best college girl I ever knew;

that there is no comparison。  When you have money to

spend; take that violin and go to one of the world's great

masters and let the Limberlost sing to him; if he thinks he

can improve it; very well。  I have my doubts。〃

〃Do you really mean that you would give up all idea of

going to college; in my place?〃

〃I really mean it;〃 said Philip。  〃If I now held the

money in my hands to send you; and could give it to you

in some way you would accept I would not。  I do not

know why it is the fate of the world always to want

something different from what life gives them。  If you

only could realize it; my girl; you are in college; and

have been always。  You are in the school of experience;

and it has taught you to think; and given you a heart。 

God knows I envy the man who wins it!  You have been in

the college of the Limberlost all your life; and I never

met a graduate from any other institution who could begin

to compare with you in sanity; clarity; and interesting knowledge。 

I wouldn't even advise you to read too many books on your lines。 

You acquire your material first hand; and you know that

you are right。  What you should do is to begin early

to practise self…expression。  Don't wait too long to tell us

about the woods as you know them。〃

〃Follow the course of the Bird Woman; you mean?〃

asked Elnora。

〃In your own way; with your own light。  She won't

live forever。  You are younger; and you will be ready

to begin where she ends。  The swamp has given you all

you need so far; now you give it to the world in payment。 

College be confounded!  Go to work and show people

what there is in you!〃

Not until then did he remember Mrs。 Comstock。

〃Should we go out to the trail and see if your mother is

coming?〃 he asked。

〃Here she is now;〃 said Elnora。  〃Gracious; it's a mercy

I got that violin put away in time!  I didn't expect her

so soon;〃 whispered the girl as she turned and went

toward her mother。  Mrs。 Comstock's expression was peculiar

as she looked at Elnora。

〃I forgot that you were making sun…preserves and they

didn't require much cooking;〃 she said。  〃We should have

waited for you。〃

〃Not at all!〃 answered Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Have you

found anything yet?〃

〃Nothing that I can show you;〃 said Elnora。  〃I am

almost sure I have found an idea that will revolutionize

the whole course of my work; thought; and ambitions。〃

〃‘Ambitions!'  My; what a hefty word!〃 laughed Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Now who would suspect a little red…haired country girl

of harbouring such a deadly germ in her body?  Can you tell

mother about it?〃

〃Not if you talk to me that way; I can't;〃 said Elnora。

〃Well; I guess we better let ambition lie。  I've always

heard it was safest asleep。  If you ever get a bona fide

attack; it will be time to attend it。  Let's hunt specimens。 

It is June。  Philip and I are in the grades。  You have an

hour to put an idea into our heads that will stick for a lifetime;

and grow fo
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