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a girl of the limberlost-第64部分

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while the pump freezes every day; and there is no

earthly amusement; and no society!  Poor things! 

Can't you influence him to move?  No wonder she gads when

she has a chance!  I should die。  If you are thinking

of settling in the country; think also of a woman who

is satisfied with white and brown to accompany you! 

Brown!  Of all deadly colours!  I should go mad in brown。〃

Elnora laughed while she read。  Her face was dimpling;

as she returned the sheet。  〃Who's ahead?〃 she asked。

〃Who do you think?〃 he parried。

〃She is;〃 said Elnora。  〃Are you going to tell her

in your next that R。 B。 Grosbeak is a bird; and that he

probably will spend the winter in a wild plum thicket

in Tennessee?〃

〃No;〃 said Philip。  〃I shall tell her that I understand her

ideas of life perfectly; and; of course; I never

shall ask her to deal with oily butter and frozen pumps〃

〃and measley babies;〃 interpolated Elnora。

〃Exactly!〃 said Philip。  〃At the same time I find so

much to counterbalance those things; that I should not

object to bearing them myself; in view of the recompense。 

Where do we go and what do we do to…day?〃

〃We will have to hunt beside the roads and around the

edge of the Limberlost to…day;〃 said Elnora。  〃Mother is

making strawberry preserves; and she can't come until

she finishes。  Suppose we go down to the swamp and

I'll show you what is left of the flower…room that

Terence O'More; the big lumber man of Great Rapids;

made when he was a homeless boy here。  Of course;

you have heard the story?〃

〃Yes; and I've met the O'Mores who are frequently

in Chicago society。  They have friends there。  I think

them one ideal couple。〃

〃That sounds as if they might be the only one;〃 said

Elnora; 〃and; indeed; they are not。  I know dozens。 

Aunt Margaret and Uncle Wesley are another; the Brownlees

another; and my mathematics professor and his wife。

The world is full of happy people; but no one ever hears

of them。  You must fight and make a scandal to get into

the papers。  No one knows about all the happy people。

I am happy myself; and look how perfectly inconspicuous

I am。〃

〃You only need go where you will be seen;〃 began

Philip; when he remembered and finished。  〃What do

we take to…day?〃

〃Ourselves;〃 said Elnora。  〃I have a vagabond streak in

my blood and it's in evidence。  I am going to show you

where real flowers grow; real birds sing; and if I feel quite

right about it; perhaps I shall raise a note or two myself。〃

〃Oh; do you sing?〃 asked Philip politely。

〃At times;〃 answered Elnora。  〃‘As do the birds;

because I must;' but don't be scared。  The mood does

not possess me often。  Perhaps I shan't raise a note。〃

They went down the road to the swamp; climbed the

snake fence; followed the path to the old trail and then

turned south upon it。  Elnora indicated to Philip the

trail with remnants of sagging barbed wire。

〃It was ten years ago;〃 she said。  〃I was a little school

girl; but I wandered widely even then; and no one cared。 

I saw him often。  He had been in a city institution all his

life; when he took the job of keeping timber thieves out of

this swamp; before many trees had been cut。  It was a

strong man's work; and he was a frail boy; but he grew

hardier as he lived out of doors。  This trail we are on is

the path his feet first wore; in those days when he was

insane with fear and eaten up with loneliness; but he stuck

to his work and won out。  I used to come down to the road

and creep among the bushes as far as I dared; to watch

him pass。  He walked mostly; at times he rode a wheel。

〃Some days his face was dreadfully sad; others it was

so determined a little child could see the force in it; and

once he was radiant。  That day the Swamp Angel was

with him。  I can't tell you what she was like。  I never

saw any one who resembled her。  He stopped close here

to show her a bird's nest。  Then they went on to a sort of

flower…room he had made; and he sang for her。  By the

time he left; I had gotten bold enough to come out on

the trail; and I met the big Scotchman Freckles lived with。 

He saw me catching moths and butterflies; so he took me

to the flower…room and gave me everything there。 

I don't dare come alone often; so I can't keep it up as

he did; but you can see something of how it was。〃

Elnora led the way and Philip followed。  The outlines

of the room were not distinct; because many of the

trees were gone; but Elnora showed how it had been as

nearly as she could。

〃The swamp is almost ruined now;〃 she said。  〃The maples;

walnuts; and cherries are all gone。  The talking trees

are the only things left worth while。〃

〃The ‘talking trees!'  I don't understand;〃 commented Philip。

〃No wonder!〃 laughed Elnora。  〃They are my discovery。 

You know all trees whisper and talk during the summer;

but there are two that have so much to say they keep on

the whole winter; when the others are silent。  The beeches

and oaks so love to talk; they cling to their dead;

dry leaves。  In the winter the winds are stiffest

and blow most; so these trees whisper; chatter; sob;

laugh; and at times roar until the sound is deafening。 

They never cease until new leaves come out in the spring

to push off the old ones。  I love to stand beneath them

with my ear to the trunks; interpreting what they say

to fit my moods。  The beeches branch low; and their

leaves are small so they only know common earthly things;

but the oaks run straight above almost all other trees

before they branch; their arms are mighty; their leaves large。 

They meet the winds that travel around the globe; and from

them learn the big things。〃

Philip studied the girls face。  〃What do the beeches

tell you; Elnora?〃 he asked gently。

〃To be patient; to be unselfish; to do unto others as

I would have them do to me。〃

〃And the oaks?〃

〃They say ‘be true;' ‘live a clean life;' ‘send your soul

up here and the winds of the world will teach it what

honour achieves。'〃

〃Wonderful secrets; those!〃 marvelled Philip。  〃Are they

telling them now?  Could I hear?〃

〃No。  They are only gossiping now。  This is play…time。 

They tell the big secrets to a white world; when the

music inspires them。〃

〃The music?〃

〃All other trees are harps in the winter。  Their trunks are

the frames; their branches the strings; the winds the musicians。 

When the air is cold and clear; the world very white; and

the harp music swelling; then the talking trees tell the

strengthening; uplifting things。〃

〃You wonderful girl!〃 cried Philip。  〃What a woman

you will be!〃

〃If I am a woman at all worth while; it will be because

I have had such wonderful opportunities;〃 said Elnora。 

〃Not every girl is driven to the forest to learn what God

has to say there。  Here are the remains of Freckles's room。 

The time the Angel came here he sang to her; and I listened。 

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