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a girl of the limberlost-第58部分

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father's law office three years。〃

〃Does he seem nice?〃 asked Margaret; and Wesley smiled。

〃Finest kind of a person;〃 said Elnora。  〃He can

teach me so much。  It is very interesting to hear

him talk。  He knows considerable about moths that will

be a help to me。  He had a fever and he has to stay

outdoors until he grows strong again。〃

〃Billy; I guess you better help me this afternoon;〃

said Margaret。  〃Maybe Elnora had rather not bother

with you。〃

〃There's no reason on earth why Billy should not

come!〃 cried Elnora; and Wesley smiled again。

〃I must hurry home or I won't be ready;〃 she added。

Hastening down the road she entered the cabin; her

face glowing。

〃I thought you never would come;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃If you don't hurry Mr。 Ammon will be here before you

are dressed。〃

〃I forgot about him until just now;〃 said Elnora。 

〃I am not going to dress。  He's not coming to visit。 

We are only going to the woods for more specimens。 

I can't wear anything that requires care。  The limbs

take the most dreadful liberties with hair and clothing。〃

Mrs。 Comstock opened her lips; looked at Elnora and

closed them。  In her heart she was pleased that the

girl was so interested in her work that she had forgotten

Philip Ammon's coming。  But it did seem to her that

such a pleasant young man should have been greeted

by a girl in a fresh dress。  〃If she isn't disposed to primp

at the coming of a man; heaven forbid that I should be

the one to start her;〃 thought Mrs。 Comstock。

Philip came whistling down the walk between the

cinnamon pinks; pansies; and strawberries。  He carried

several packages; while his face flushed with more colour

than on the previous day。

〃Only see what has happened to me!〃 cried Elnora;

offering her letter。

〃I'll wager I know!〃 answered Philip。  〃Isn't it great! 

Every one in Onabasha is talking about it。  At last there

is something new under the sun。  All of them are pleased。 

They think you'll make a big success。  This will give an

incentive to work。  In a few days more I'll be myself

again; and we'll overturn the fields and woods around here。〃

He went on to congratulate Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Aren't you proud of her; though?〃 he asked。  〃You should

hear what folks are saying!  They say she created the

necessity for the position; and every one seems to feel

that it is a necessity。  Now; if she succeeds; and she will;

all of the other city schools will have such departments;

and first thing you know she will have made the whole

world a little better。  Let me rest a few seconds; my feet

are acting up again。  Then we will cook the moth compound

and put it to cool。〃

He laughed as he sat breathing shortly。

〃It doesn't seem possible that a fellow could lose his

strength like this。  My knees are actually trembling;

but I'll be all right in a minute。  Uncle Doc said I

could come。  I told him how you took care of me; and he

said I would be safe here。〃

Then he began unwrapping packages and explaining

to Mrs。 Comstock how to cook the compound to attract

the moths。  He followed her into the kitchen; kindled

the fire; and stirred the preparation as he talked。 

While the mixture cooled; he and Elnora walked through

the vegetable garden behind the cabin and strayed from

there into the woods。

〃What about college?〃 he asked。  〃Miss Brownlee said

you were going。〃

〃I had hoped to;〃 replied Elnora; 〃but I had a streak

of dreadful luck; so I'll have to wait until next year。 

If you won't speak of it; I'll tell you。〃

Philip promised; so Elnora recited the history of the

Yellow Emperor。  She was so interested in doing the

Emperor justice she did not notice how many personalities

went into the story。  A few pertinent questions

told him the remainder。  He looked at the girl in wonder。 

In face and form she was as lovely as any one of her age

and type he ever had seen。  Her school work far surpassed

that of most girls of her age he knew。  She differed in

other ways。  This vast store of learning she had gathered

from field and forest was a wealth of attraction no other

girl possessed。  Her frank; matter…of…fact manner was an

inheritance from her mother; but there was something more。 

Once; as they talked he thought 〃sympathy〃 was the word

to describe it and again 〃comprehension。〃  She seemed to

possess a large sense of brotherhood for all human and

animate creatures。  She spoke to him as if she had known

him all her life。  She talked to the grosbeak in exactly

the same manner; as she laid strawberries and potato bugs

on the fence for his family。  She did not swerve an inch

from her way when a snake slid past her; while the squirrels

came down from the trees and took corn from her fingers。 

She might as well have been a boy; so lacking was she in

any touch of feminine coquetry toward him。  He studied

her wonderingly。  As they went along the path they reached

a large slime…covered pool surrounded by decaying stumps

and logs thickly covered with water hyacinths and blue flags。 

Philip stopped。

〃Is that the place?〃 he asked。

Elnora assented。  〃The doctor told you?〃

〃Yes。  It was tragic。  Is that pool really bottomless?〃

〃So far as we ever have been able to discover。〃

Philip stood looking at the water; while the long; sweet

grasses; thickly sprinkled with blue flag bloom; over which

wild bees clambered; swayed around his feet。  Then he

turned to the girl。  She had worked hard。  The same

lavender dress she had worn the previous day clung to her

in limp condition。  But she was as evenly coloured and of

as fine grain as a wild rose petal; her hair was really brown;

but never was such hair touched with a redder glory; while

her heavy arching brows added a look of strength to her

big gray…blue eyes。

〃And you were born here?〃

He had not intended to voice that thought。

〃Yes;〃 she said; looking into his eyes。  〃Just in time

to prevent my mother from saving the life of my father。 

She came near never forgiving me。〃

〃Ah; cruel!〃 cried Philip。

〃I find much in life that is cruel; from our standpoints;〃

said Elnora。  〃It takes the large wisdom of the Unfathomable;

the philosophy of the Almighty; to endure some of it。 

But there is always right somewhere; and at last it seems

to come。〃

〃Will it come to you?〃 asked Philip; who found himself

deeply affected。

〃It has come;〃 said the girl serenely。  〃It came a week ago。 

It came in fullest measure when my mother ceased to regret

that I had been born。  Now; work that I love has comethat

should constitute happiness。  A little farther along is my

violet bed。  I want you to see it。〃

As Philip Ammon followed he definitely settled upon the

name of the unusual feature of Elnora's face。  It should be

called 〃experience。〃  She had known bitter experiences

early in life。  Suffering had been her familiar more than joy。 
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