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a girl of the limberlost-第52部分

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up to start with。  I haven't time to talk。  Suppose that

had been yellow!  I'd have killed that man; sure!

The Limberlost isn't safe to…night; and the sooner those

whelps find it out; the better it will be for them。〃

Pete stopped laughing to look at her。  He saw that

she was speaking the truth。  She was quite past reason;

sense; or fear。  The soft night air stirred the wet hair

around her temples; the flickering lanterns made her face

a ghastly green。  She would stop at nothing; that was evident。 

Pete suddenly began catching moths with exemplary industry。 

In putting one into the bag; another escaped。

〃We must not try that again;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Now; what will we do?〃

〃We are close to the old case;〃 said Pete。  〃I think

I can get into it。  Maybe we could slip the rest in there。〃

〃That's a fine idea!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃They'll have

so much room there they won't be likely to hurt

themselves; and the books say they don't fly in daytime

unless they are disturbed; so they will settle when it's

light; and I can come with Elnora to get them。〃

They captured two more; and then Pete carried them

to the case。

〃Here comes a big one!〃 he cried as he returned。

Mrs。 Comstock looked up and stepped out with a prayer

on her lips。  She could not tell the colour at that

distance; but the moth appeared different from the others。 

On it came; dropping lower and darting from light to light。 

As it swept near her; 〃O Heavenly Father!〃 exulted Mrs。

Comstock; 〃it's yellow!  Careful Pete!  Your hat; maybe!〃

Pete made a long sweep。  The moth wavered above

the hat and sailed away。  Mrs。 Comstock leaned against

a tree and covered her face with her shaking hands。

〃That is my punishment!〃 she cried。  〃Oh; Lord; if

you will give a moth like that into my possession; I'll

always be a better woman!〃

The Emperor again came in sight。  Pete stood tense

and ready。  Mrs。 Comstock stepped into the light and

watched the moth's course。  Then a second appeared

in pursuit of the first。  The larger one wavered into

the radius of light once more。  The perspiration rolled

down the man's face。  He half lifted the hat。

〃Pray; woman!  Pray now!〃 he panted。

〃I guess I best get over by that lard oil light and go

to work;〃 breathed Mrs。 Comstock。  〃The Lord knows

this is all in prayer; but it's no time for words just now。 

Ready; Pete!  You are going to get a chance first!〃

Pete made another long; steady sweep; but the moth

darted beneath the hat。  In its flight it came straight

toward Mrs。 Comstock。  She snatched off the remnant

of apron she had tucked into her petticoat band and

held the calico before her。  The moth struck full against

it and clung to the goods。  Pete crept up stealthily。 

The second moth followed the first; and the spray

showered the apron。

〃Wait!〃 gasped Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I think they have settled。 

The books say they won't leave now。〃

The big pale yellow creature clung firmly; lowering

and raising its wings。  The other came nearer。  Mrs。

Comstock held the cloth with rigid hands; while Pete

could hear her breathing in short gusts。

〃Shall I try now?〃 he implored。

〃Wait!〃 whispered the woman。  〃Something seems to

say wait!〃

The night breeze stiffened and gently waved the apron。 

Locusts rasped; mosquitoes hummed and frogs sang uninterruptedly。 

A musky odour slowly filled the air。

〃Now shall I?〃 questioned Pete。

〃No。  Leave them alone。  They are safe now。  They are mine。 

They are my salvation。  God and the Limberlost gave them

to me!  They won't move for hours。  The books all say so。 

O Heavenly Father; I am thankful to You; and you; too;

Pete Corson!  You are a good man to help me。  Now; I can

go home and face my girl。〃

Instead; Mrs。 Comstock dropped suddenly。  She spread

the apron across her knees。  The moths remained undisturbed。 

Then her tired white head dropped; the tears she had thought

forever dried gushed forth; and she sobbed for pure joy。

〃Oh; I wouldn't do that now; you know!〃 comforted Pete。 

〃Think of getting two!  That's more than you ever could

have expected。  A body would think you would cry; if you

hadn't got any。  Come on; now。  It's almost morning。 

Let me help you home。〃

Pete took the bag and the two old lanterns。  Mrs。 Comstock

carried her moths and the best lantern and went ahead to

light the way。

Elnora had sat beside her window far into the night。 

At last she undressed and went to bed; but sleep would

not come。  She had gone to the city to talk with members of

the School Board about a room in the grades。  There was

a possibility that she might secure the moth; and so be able

to start to college that fall; but if she did not; then she

wanted the school。  She had been given some encouragement;

but she was so unhappy that nothing mattered。  She could

not see the way open to anything in life; save a long

series of disappointments; while she remained with

her mother。  Yet Margaret Sinton had advised her to go

home and try once more。  Margaret had seemed so sure

there would be a change for the better; that Elnora had

consented; although she had no hope herself。  So strong is

the bond of blood; she could not make up her mind to seek

a home elsewhere; even after the day that had passed。 

Unable to sleep she arose at last; and the room being warm;

she sat on the floor close the window。  The lights in the

swamp caught her eye。  She was very uneasy; for quite a

hundred of her best moths were in the case。  However; there

was no money; and no one ever had touched a book or any

of her apparatus。  Watching the lights set her thinking;

and before she realized it; she was in a panic of fear。

She hurried down the stairway softly calling her mother。 

There was no answer。  She lightly stepped across the

sitting…room and looked in at the open door。  There was

no one; and the bed had not been used。  Her first thought

was that her mother had gone to the pool; and the Limberlost

was alive with signals。  Pity and fear mingled in the

heart of the girl。  She opened the kitchen door; crossed the

garden and ran back to the swamp。  As she neared it she

listened; but she could hear only the usual voices of night。

〃Mother!〃 she called softly。  Then louder; 〃Mother!〃

There was not a sound。  Chilled with fright she hurried

back to the cabin。  She did not know what to do。 

She understood what the lights in the Limberlost meant。 

Where was her mother?  She was afraid to enter; while

she was growing very cold and still more fearful about

remaining outside。  At last she went to her mother's room;

picked up the gun; carried it into the kitchen; and crowding

in a little corner behind the stove; she waited in trembling

anxiety。  The time was dreadfully long before she heard

her mother's voice。  Then she decided some one had been

ill and sent for her; so she took courage; and stepp
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