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a girl of the limberlost-第5部分

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second little girl the light went out of Maggie's eyes; and

it's not come back。  The only time I ever see a hint of

it is when she thinks she's done something that makes you

happy; Elnora。  Now; you go easy about refusing her

anything she wants to do for you。  There's times in this

world when it's our bounden duty to forget ourselves; and

think what will help other people。  Young woman; you

owe me and Maggie all the comfort we can get out of you。 

There's the two of our own we can't ever do anything for。 

Don't you get the idea into your head that a fool thing

you call pride is going to cut us out of all the pleasure

we have in life beside ourselves。〃

〃Uncle Wesley; you are a dear;〃 said Elnora。  〃Just a dear! 

If I can't possibly get that money any way else on earth;

I'll come and borrow it of you; and then I'll pay it

back if I must dig ferns from the swamp and sell them

from door to door in the city。  I'll even plant them;

so that they will be sure to come up in the spring。  I have

been sort of panic stricken all day and couldn't think。 

I can gather nuts and sell them。  Freckles sold moths

and butterflies; and I've a lot collected。  Of course;

I am going back to…morrow!  I can find a way to get the books。 

Don't you worry about me。  I am all right!

〃Now; what do you think of that?〃 inquired Wesley

Sinton of the swamp in general。  〃Here's our Elnora

come back to stay。  Head high and right as a trivet! 

You've named three ways in three minutes that you

could earn ten dollars; which I figure would be enough;

to start you。  Let's go to supper and stop worrying!〃

Elnora unlocked the case; took out the pail; put the

napkin in it; pulled the ribbon from her hair; binding it

down tightly again and followed to the road。  From afar

she could see her mother in the doorway。  She blinked

her eyes; and tried to smile as she answered Wesley

Sinton; and indeed she did feel better。  She knew now

what she had to expect; where to go; and what to do。 

Get the books she must; when she had them; she would show

those city girls and boys how to prepare and recite lessons;

how to walk with a brave heart; and they could show her

how to wear pretty clothes and have good times。

As she neared the door her mother reached for the pail。 

〃I forgot to tell you to bring home your scraps for

the chickens;〃 she said。

Elnora entered。  〃There weren't any scraps; and I'm

hungry again as I ever was in my life。〃

〃I thought likely you would be;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock;

〃and so I got supper ready。  We can eat first; and do the

work afterward。  What kept you so?  I expected you an

hour ago。〃

Elnora looked into her mother's face and smiled。  It was

a queer sort of a little smile; and would have reached

the depths with any normal mother。

〃I see you've been bawling;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃I thought you'd get your fill in a hurry。  That's why

I wouldn't go to any expense。  If we keep out of the poor…

house we have to cut the corners close。  It's likely this

Brushwood road tax will eat up all we've saved in years。 

Where the land tax is to come from I don't know。  It gets

bigger every year。  If they are going to dredge the swamp

ditch again they'll just have to take the land to pay for it。 

I can't; that's all!  We'll get up early in the morning and

gather and hull the beans for winter; and put in the rest

of the day hoeing the turnips。〃

Elnora again smiled that pitiful smile。

〃Do you think I didn't know that I was funny and

would be laughed at?〃 she asked。

〃Funny?〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock hotly。

〃Yes; funny!  A regular caricature;〃 answered Elnora。 

〃No one else wore calico; not even one other。  No one

else wore high heavy shoes; not even one。  No one

else had such a funny little old hat; my hair was not

right; my ribbon invisible compared with the others;

I did not know where to go; or what to do; and I had

no books。  What a spectacle I made for them!〃 

Elnora laughed nervously at her own picture。  〃But there

are always two sides!  The professor said in the algebra

class that he never had a better solution and explanation

than mine of the proposition he gave me; which scored

one for me in spite of my clothes。〃

〃Well; I wouldn't brag on myself!〃

〃That was poor taste;〃 admitted Elnora。  〃But; you see;

it is a case of whistling to keep up my courage。 

I honestly could see that I would have looked just as

well as the rest of them if I had been dressed as

they were。  We can't afford that; so I have to find

something else to brace me。  It was rather bad; mother!〃

〃Well; I'm glad you got enough of it!〃

〃Oh; but I haven't〃 hurried in Elnora。  〃I just got

a start。  The hardest is over。  To…morrow they won't

be surprised。  They will know what to expect。  I am

sorry to hear about the dredge。  Is it really going through?〃

〃Yes。  I got my notification today。  The tax will

be something enormous。  I don't know as I can spare

you; even if you are willing to be a laughing…stock for

the town。〃

With every bite Elnora's courage returned; for she was

a healthy young thing。

〃You've heard about doing evil that good might come

from it;〃 she said。  〃Well; mother mine; it's something

like that with me。  I'm willing to bear the hard part

to pay for what I'll learn。  Already I have selected the

ward building in which I shall teach in about four years。 

I am going to ask for a room with a south exposure so

that the flowers and moths I take in from the swamp

to show the children will do well。〃

〃You little idiot!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃How are

you going to pay your expenses?〃

〃Now that is just what I was going to ask you!〃 said Elnora。 

〃You see; I have had two startling pieces of news to…day。 

I did not know I would need any money。  I thought the city

furnished the books; and there is an out…of…town tuition; also。 

I need ten dollars in the morning。  Will you please let me have it?〃

〃Ten dollars!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Ten dollars! 

Why don't you say a hundred and be done with it!  I could

get one as easy as the other。  I told you!  I told you

I couldn't raise a cent。  Every year expenses grow bigger

and bigger。  I told you not to ask for money!〃

〃I never meant to;〃 replied Elnora。  〃I thought

clothes were all I needed and I could bear them。 

I never knew about buying books and tuition。〃

〃Well; I did!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I knew what

you would run into!  But you are so bull…dog stubborn;

and so set in your way; I thought I would just let you

try the world a little and see how you liked it!〃

Elnora pushed back her chair and looked at her mother。

〃Do you mean to say;〃 she demanded; 〃that you knew;

when you let me go into a city classroom and reveal the

fact before all of them that I expected to have my books

handed out to me; do you mean to say that you knew I had

to pay for them?〃

Mrs。 Comstock evaded the direct quest
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