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a girl of the limberlost-第48部分

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coming from Reeds。  It was hot in the woods and I

stopped at Carney's as I passed for a drink。 

Elvira's bedridden old mother heard me; and she was so

crazy for some one to talk with; I stepped in a minute。 

I saw Robert come down the path。  Elvira saw him; too; so

she ran out of the house to head him off。  It looked funny;

and I just deliberately moved where I could see and hear。

He brought her his violin; and told her to get ready and

meet him in the woods with it that night; and they would

go to a dance。  She took it and hid it in the loft to the

well…house and promised she'd go。〃

〃Are you done?〃 demanded Mrs。 Comstock。

〃No。  I am going to tell you the whole story。  You don't

spare Elnora anything。  I shan't spare you。  I hadn't

been here that day; but I can tell you just how he was

dressed; which way he went and every word they said;

though they thought I was busy with her mother

and wouldn't notice them。  Put down your hoe; Kate。 

I went to Elvira; told her what I knew and made her give

me Comstock's violin for Elnora over three years ago。 

She's been playing it ever since。  I won't see her

slighted and abused another day on account of a man

who would have broken your heart if he had lived。 

Six months more would have showed you what everybody

else knew。  He was one of those men who couldn't trust

himself; and so no woman was safe with him。  Now; will

you drop grieving over him; and do Elnora justice?〃

Mrs。 Comstock grasped the hoe tighter and turning she

went down the walk; and started across the woods to the

home of Elvira Carney。  With averted head she passed

the pool; steadily pursuing her way。  Elvira Carney;

hanging towels across the back fence; saw her coming

and went toward the gate to meet her。  Twenty years

she had dreaded that visit。  Since Margaret Sinton

had compelled her to produce the violin she had hidden

so long; because she was afraid to destroy it; she had

come closer expectation than dread。  The wages of sin

are the hardest debts on earth to pay; and they are always

collected at inconvenient times and unexpected places。

Mrs。 Comstock's face and hair were so white; that her

dark eyes seemed burned into their setting。  Silently she

stared at the woman before her a long time。

〃I might have saved myself the trouble of coming;〃

she said at last; 〃I see you are guilty as sin!〃

〃What has Mag Sinton been telling you?〃 panted the

miserable woman; gripping the fence。

〃The truth!〃 answered Mrs。 Comstock succinctly。 

〃Guilt is in every line of your face; in your eyes; all over

your wretched body。  If I'd taken a good look at you

any time in all these past years; no doubt I could have

seen it just as plain as I can now。  No woman or man

can do what you've done; and not get a mark set on them

for every one to read。〃

〃Mercy!〃 gasped weak little Elvira Carney。  〃Have mercy!〃

〃Mercy?〃 scoffed Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Mercy!  That's a

nice word from you!  How much mercy did you have

on me?  Where's the mercy that sent Comstock to the

slime of the bottomless quagmire; and left me to see it;

and then struggle on in agony all these years? 

How about the mercy of letting me neglect my baby all

the days of her life?  Mercy!  Do you really dare use

the word to me?〃

〃If you  knew what I've suffered!〃

〃Suffered?〃 jeered Mrs。 Comstock。  〃That's interesting。 

And pray; what have you suffered?〃

〃All the neighbours have suspected and been down

on me。  I ain't had a friend。  I've always felt guilty

of his death!  I've seen him go down a thousand times;

plain as ever you did。  Many's the night I've stood on the

other bank of that pool and listened to you; and I tried

to throw myself in to keep from hearing you; but I

didn't dare。  I knew God would send me to burn forever;

but I'd better done it; for now; He has set the burning

on my body; and every hour it is slowly eating the life

out of me。 The doctor says it's a cancer〃

Mrs。 Comstock exhaled a long breath。  Her grip on the

hoe relaxed and her stature lifted to towering height。

〃I didn't know; or care; when I came here; just what I

did;〃 she said。  〃But my way is beginning to clear。  If the

guilt of your soul has come to a head; in a cancer on

your body; it looks as if the Almighty didn't need any of

my help in meting out His punishments。  I really couldn't

fix up anything to come anywhere near that。  If you are

going to burn until your life goes out with that sort of fire;

you don't owe me anything!〃

〃Oh; Katharine Comstock!〃 groaned Elvira Carney;

clinging to the fence for support。

〃Looks as if the Bible is right when it says; ‘The wages

of sin is death;' doesn't it?〃 asked Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Instead of doing a woman's work in life; you chose the

smile of invitation; and the dress of unearned cloth。 

Now you tell me you are marked to burn to death with the

unquenchable fire。  And him!  It was shorter with him; but

let me tell you he got his share!  He left me with an

untruth on his lips; for he told me he was going to take

his violin to Onabasha for a new key; when he carried it

to you。  Every vow of love and constancy he ever made me

was a lie; after he touched your lips; so when he tried

the wrong side of the quagmire; to hide from me the

direction in which he was coming; it reached out for him;

and it got him。  It didn't hurry; either!  It sucked him

down; slow and deliberate。〃

〃Mercy!〃 groaned Elvira Carney。  〃Mercy!〃

〃I don't know the word;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃You took

all that out of me long ago。  The past twenty years

haven't been of the sort that taught mercy。  I've never

had any on myself and none on my child。  Why in the

name of justice; should I have mercy on you; or on him? 

You were both older than I; both strong; sane people; you

deliberately chose your course when you lured him; and he;

when he was unfaithful to me。  When a Loose Man and a

Light Woman face the end the Almighty ordained for

them; why should they shout at me for mercy?  What did

I have to do with it?〃

Elvira Carney sobbed in panting gasps。

〃You've got tears; have you?〃 marvelled Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Mine all dried long ago。  I've none left to shed

over my wasted life; my disfigured face and hair; my years

of struggle with a man's work; my wreck of land among the

tilled fields of my neighbours; or the final knowledge that

the man I so gladly would have died to save; wasn't worth

the sacrifice of a rattlesnake。  If anything yet could wring

a tear from me; it would be the thought of the awful

injustice I always have done my girl。  If I'd lay hand on

you for anything; it would be for that。〃

〃Kill me if you want to;〃 sobbed Elvira Carney。  〃I know

that I deserve it; and I don't care。〃

〃You are getting your killing fast enough to suit me;〃

said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I wouldn't touch you; any more

than I would him; if I could。  Once is all any man or

woman dec
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