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a girl of the limberlost-第46部分

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reached over and dropped a rose she carried into the

seat she had occupied that September morning when she

entered the high school。  She spoke the few words she

had to say in behalf of the class beautifully; had the

tiny wink ready for Billy; and the smile and nod of

recognition for Wesley and Margaret。  When at last she

looked into the eyes of a white…faced woman next them;

she slipped a hand to her side and raised her skirt the

fraction of an inch; just enough to let the embroidered

edge of a petticoat show a trifle。  When she saw the look

of relief which flooded her mother's face; Elnora knew

that forgiveness was in her heart; and that she would

go home in the morning。

It was late afternoon before she arrived; and a dray

followed with a load of packages。  Mrs。 Comstock was

overwhelmed。  She sat half dazed and made Elnora show

her each costly and beautiful or simple and useful gift;

tell her carefully what it was and from where it came。 

She studied the faces of Elnora's particular friends。 

The gifts from them had to be set in a group。  Several times

she started to speak and then stopped。  At last; between

her dry lips; came a harsh whisper。

〃Elnora; what did you give back for these things?〃

〃I'll show you;〃 said Elnora cheerfully。  〃I made the

same gifts for the Bird Woman; Aunt Margaret and you

if you care for it。  But I have to run upstairs to get it。〃

When she returned she handed her mother an oblong frame;

hand carved; enclosing Elnora's picture; taken by a

schoolmate's camera。  She wore her storm…coat and carried

a dripping umbrella。  From under it looked her bright face;

her books and lunchbox were on her arm; and across the

bottom of the frame was carved; 〃Your Country Classmate。〃

Then she offered another frame。

〃I am strong on frames;〃 she said。  〃They seemed to

be the best I could do without money。  I located the

maple and the black walnut myself; in a little corner that

had been overlooked between the river and the ditch。 

They didn't seem to belong to any one so I just took them。 

Uncle Wesley said it was all right; and he cut and hauled

them for me。  I gave the mill half of each tree for sawing

and curing the remainder。  Then I gave the wood…carver

half of that for making my frames。  A photographer gave

me a lot of spoiled plates; and I boiled off the emulsion; and

took the specimens I framed from my stuff。  The man

said the white frames were worth three and a half; and the

black ones five。  I exchanged those little framed pictures

for the photographs of the others。  For presents; I gave

each one of my crowd one like this; only a different moth。 

The Bird Woman gave me the birch bark。  She got it up

north last summer。〃

Elnora handed her mother a handsome black…walnut

frame a foot and a half wide by two long。  It finished a

small; shallow glass…covered box of birch bark; to the

bottom of which clung a big night moth with delicate pale

green wings and long exquisite trailers。

〃So you see I did not have to be ashamed of my gifts;〃

said Elnora。  〃I made them myself and raised and

mounted the moths。〃

〃Moth; you call it;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I've seen a

few of the things before。〃

〃They are numerous around us every June night; or at

least they used to be;〃 said Elnora。  〃I've sold hundreds

of them; with butterflies; dragonflies; and other specimens。 

Now; I must put away these and get to work; for it is

almost June and there are a few more I want dreadfully。 

If I find them I will be paid some money for which I have

been working。〃

She was afraid to say college at that time。  She thought it

would be better to wait a few days and see if an opportunity

would not come when it would work in more naturally。 

Besides; unless she could secure the Yellow Emperor she

needed to complete her collection; she could not talk

college until she was of age; for she would have no money。




Elnora; bring me the towel; quick!〃 cried Mrs Comstock。

〃In a minute; mother;〃 mumbled Elnora。

She was standing before the kitchen mirror; tying the

back part of her hair; while the front turned over her face。

〃Hurry!  There's a varmint of some kind!〃

Elnora ran into the sitting…room and thrust the heavy

kitchen towel into her mother's hand。  Mrs。 Comstock

swung open the screen door and struck at some object;

Elnora tossed the hair from her face so that she could see

past her mother。  The girl screamed wildly。

〃Don't! Mother; don't!〃

Mrs。 Comstock struck again。  Elnora caught her arm。 

〃It's the one I want!  It's worth a lot of money! 

Don't!  Oh; you shall not!〃

〃Shan't; missy?〃 blazed Mrs。 Comstock。  〃When did

you get to bossing me?〃

The hand that held the screen swept a half…circle and

stopped at Elnora's cheek。  She staggered with the blow;

and across her face; paled with excitement; a red mark

arose rapidly。  The screen slammed shut; throwing the

creature on the floor before them。  Instantly Mrs。

Comstock crushed it with her foot。  Elnora stepped back。 

Excepting the red mark; her face was very white。

〃That was the last moth I needed;〃 she said; 〃to complete

a collection worth three hundred dollars。  You've ruined

it before my eyes!〃

〃Moth!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃You say that because

you are mad。  Moths have big wings。  I know a moth!〃

〃I've kept things from you;〃 said Elnora; 〃because I

didn't dare confide in you。  You had no sympathy with me。 

But you know I never told you untruths in all my life。〃

〃It's no moth!〃 reiterated Mrs。 Comstock。

〃It is!〃 cried Elnora。  〃It's from a case in the ground。 

Its wings take two or three hours to expand and harden。〃

〃If I had known it was a moth〃 Mrs。 Comstock wavered。

〃You did know!  I told you!  I begged you to stop! 

It meant just three hundred dollars to me。〃

〃Bah!  Three hundred fiddlesticks!〃

〃They are what have paid for books; tuition; and clothes

for the past four years。  They are what I could have

started on to college。  You've ruined the very one I needed。 

You never made any pretence of loving me。  At last I'll

be equally frank with you。  I hate you!  You are a selfish;

wicked woman!  I hate you!〃

Elnora turned; went through the kitchen and from the

back door。  She followed the garden path to the gate and

walked toward the swamp a short distance when reaction

overtook her。  She dropped on the ground and leaned

against a big log。  When a little child; desperate as now;

she had tried to die by holding her breath。  She had

thought in that way to make her mother sorry; but she had

learned that life was a thing thrust upon her and she could

not leave it at her wish。

She was so stunned over the loss of that moth; which

she had childishly named the Yellow Emperor; that she

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