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a girl of the limberlost-第45部分

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〃I know you well enough to know that whatever you do will

be beautiful。〃

Elnora was pleased over that; and as she tried on her

dress for the last fitting she was really happy。  She was

lovely in the dainty gown: it would serve finely for the ball

and many other like occasions; and it was her very own。

The Bird Woman's driver took Elnora in the carriage and

she called on all the girls with whom she was especially

intimate; and left her picture and the package containing

her gift to them。  By the time she returned parcels for

her were arriving。  Friends seemed to spring from everywhere。 

Almost every one she knew had some gift for her; while

because they so loved her the members of her crowd had

made her beautiful presents。  There were books; vases;

silver pieces; handkerchiefs; fans; boxes of flowers

and candy。  One big package settled the trouble at Sinton's;

for it contained a dainty dress from  Margaret;

a five…dollar gold piece; conspicuously labelled;

〃I earned this myself;〃 from Billy; with which to buy

music; and a gorgeous cut…glass perfume bottle; it would

have cost five dollars to fill with even a moderate…

priced scent; from Wesley。

In an expressed crate was a fine curly…maple dressing

table; sent by Freckles。  The drawers were filled with

wonderful toilet articles from the Angel。  The Bird

Woman added an embroidered linen cover and a small

silver vase for a few flowers; so no girl of the class had

finer gifts。  Elnora laid her head on the table sobbing

happily; and the Bird Woman was almost crying herself。 

Professor Henley sent a butterfly book; the grade rooms in

which Elnora had taught gave her a set of volumes covering

every phase of life afield; in the woods; and water。 

Elnora had no time to read so she carried one of these

books around with her hugging it as she went。  After she

had gone to dress a queer…looking package was brought

by a small boy who hopped on one foot as he handed it

in and said:  〃Tell Elnora that is from her ma。〃

〃Who are you?〃 asked the Bird Woman as she took

the bundle。

〃I'm Billy!〃 announced the boy。  〃I gave her the five dollars。 

I earned it myself dropping corn; sticking onions; and

pulling weeds。  My; but you got to drop; and stick; and

pull a lot before it's five dollars' worth。〃

〃Would you like to come in and see Elnora's gifts?〃

〃Yes; ma'am!〃 said Billy; trying to stand quietly。 

〃Gee…mentley!〃 he gasped。  〃Does Elnora get all this?〃


〃I bet you a thousand dollars I be first in my class

when I graduate。  Say; have the others got a lot more

than Elnora?〃

〃I think not。〃

〃Well; Uncle Wesley said to find out if I could; and if

she didn't have as much as the rest; he'd buy till she did;

if it took a hundred dollars。  Say; you ought to know him! 

He's just scrumptious!  There ain't anybody any where finer

'an he is。  My; he's grand!〃

〃I'm very sure of it!〃 said the Bird Woman。  〃I've often

heard Elnora say so。〃

〃I bet you nobody can beat this!〃 he boasted。  Then he

stopped; thinking deeply。  〃I don't know; though;〃

he began reflectively。  〃Some of them are awful rich;

they got big families to give them things and wagon loads

of friends; and I haven't seen what they have。  Now; maybe

Elnora is getting left; after all!〃

〃Don't worry; Billy;〃 she said。  〃I will watch; and

if I find Elnora is ‘getting left' I'll buy her some more

things myself。  But I'm sure she is not。  She has more

beautiful gifts now than she will know what to do with; and

others will come。  Tell your Uncle Wesley his girl is

bountifully remembered; very happy; and she sends her

dearest love to all of you。  Now you must go; so I can

help her dress。  You will be there to…night of course?〃

〃Yes; sir…ee!  She got me a seat; third row from the

front; middle section; so I can see; and she's going to

wink at me; after she gets her speech off her mind。 

She kissed me; too!  She's a perfect lady; Elnora is。 

I'm going to marry her when I am big enough。〃

〃Why isn't that splendid!〃 laughed the Bird Woman

as she hurried upstairs。

〃Dear!〃 she called。  〃Here is another gift for you。〃

Elnora was half disrobed as she took the package and;

sitting on a couch; opened it。  The Bird Woman bent over

her and tested the fabric with her fingers。

〃Why; bless my soul!〃 she cried。  〃Hand…woven; hand…

embroidered linen; fine as silk。  It's priceless' I haven't

seen such things in years。  My mother had garments like

those when I was a child; but my sisters had them cut up

for collars; belts; and fancy waists while I was small。 

Look at the exquisite work!〃

〃Where could it have come from?〃 cried Elnora。

She shook out a petticoat; with a hand…wrought ruffle

a foot deep; then an old…fashioned chemise the neck and

sleeve work of which was elaborate and perfectly wrought。 

On the breast was pinned a note that she hastily opened。

〃I was married in these;〃 it read; 〃and I had intended

to be buried in them; but perhaps it would be more sensible

for you to graduate and get married in them yourself; if

you like。  Your mother。〃

〃From my mother!〃  Wide…eyed; Elnora looked at

the Bird Woman。  〃I never in my life saw the like。 

Mother does things I think I never can forgive; and when

I feel hardest; she turns around and does something that

makes me think she just must love me a little bit; after all。 

Any of the girls would give almost anything to graduate

in hand…embroidered linen like that。  Money can't buy

such things。  And they came when I was thinking she

didn't care what became of me。  Do you suppose she can

be insane?〃

〃Yes;〃 said the Bird Woman。  〃Wildly insane; if she

does not love you and care what becomes of you。〃

Elnora arose and held the petticoat to her。  〃Will you

look at it?〃 she cried。  〃Only imagine her not getting my

dress ready; and then sending me such a petticoat as this! 

Ellen would pay fifty dollars for it and never blink。 

I suppose mother has had it all my life; and I never saw

it before。〃

〃Go take your bath and put on those things;〃 said the

Bird Woman。  〃Forget everything and be happy。  She is

not insane。  She is embittered。  She did not understand

how things would be。  When she saw; she came at once to

provide you a dress。  This is her way of saying she is

sorry she did not get the other。  You notice she has not

spent any money; so perhaps she is quite honest in saying

she has none。〃

〃Oh; she is honest!〃 said Elnora。  〃She wouldn't care

enough to tell an untruth。  She'd say just how things were;

no matter what happened。〃

Soon Elnora was ready for her dress。  She never had

looked so well as when she again headed the processional

across the flower and palm decked stage of the high

school auditorium。  As she sat there she could have

reached over and dropped a rose she carried into the

seat she had occupied that September morning
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