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a girl of the limberlost-第42部分

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had something to say; and the sun rose higher; the light

grew stronger and the breeze rustled the treetops

loudly; a cow bawled and the whole barnyard answered。 

The guineas were clucking; the turkey gobbler strutting;

the hens calling; the chickens cheeping; the light streamed

down straight overhead and the bees began to hum。  The air

stirred strongly; and away in an unseen field a reaper

clacked and rattled through ripening wheat while the

driver whistled。  An uneasy mare whickered to her colt;

the colt answered; and the light began to decline。 

Miles away a rooster crowed for twilight; and dusk was

coming down。  Then a catbird and a brown thrush sang

against a grosbeak and a hermit thrush。  The air was

tremulous with heavenly notes; the lights went out in the

hall; dusk swept across the stage; a cricket sang and a

katydid answered; and a wood pewee wrung the heart with

its lonesome cry。  Then a night hawk screamed; a whip…

poor…will complained; a belated killdeer swept the sky;

and the night wind sang a louder song。  A little screech owl

tuned up in the distance; a barn owl replied; and a great

horned owl drowned both their voices。  The moon shone and the

scene was warm with mellow light。  The bird voices died

and soft exquisite melody began to swell and roll。  In the

centre of the stage; piece by piece the grasses; mosses and

leaves dropped from an embankment; the foliage softly

blew away; while plainer and plainer came the outlines of a

lovely girl figure draped in soft clinging green。  In her

shower of bright hair a few green leaves and white blossoms

clung; and they fell over her robe down to her feet。  Her white

throat and arms were bare; she leaned forward a little and

swayed with the melody; her eyes fast on the clouds above her;

her lips parted; a pink tinge of exercise in her cheeks as

she drew her bow。  She played as only a peculiar chain of

circumstances puts it in the power of a very few to play。 

All nature had grown still; the violin sobbed; sang;

danced and quavered on alone; no voice in particular;

the soul of the melody of all nature combined in one

great outpouring。

At the doorway; a white…faced woman endured it as long

as she could and then fell senseless。  The men nearest

carried her down the hall to the fountain; revived her; and

then placed her in the carriage to which she directed them。 

The girl played on and never knew。  When she finished;

the uproar of applause sounded a block down the street; but

the half…senseless woman scarcely realized what it meant。 

Then the girl came to the front of the stage; bowed; and

lifting the violin she played her conception of an invitation

to dance。  Every living soul within sound of her notes

strained their nerves to sit still and let only their hearts

dance with her。  When that began the woman ran toward

the country。  She never stopped until the carriage overtook

her half…way to her cabin。  She said she had grown

tired of sitting; and walked on ahead。  That night she

asked Billy to remain with her and sleep on Elnora's bed。 

Then she pitched headlong upon her own; and suffered

agony of soul such as she never before had known。 

The swamp had sent back the soul of her loved dead and

put it into the body of the daughter she resented;

and it was almost more than she could endure and live。




That was Friday night。  Elnora came home Saturday morning

and began work。  Mrs。 Comstock asked no questions; and

the girl only told her that the audience had been large

enough to more than pay for the piece of statuary the class

had selected for the hall。  Then she inquired about her

dresses and was told they would be ready for her。  She had

been invited to go to the Bird Woman's to prepare for both

the sermon and Commencement exercises。  Since there was so

much practising to do; it had been arranged that she should

remain there from the night of the sermon until after she

was graduated。  If Mrs。 Comstock decided to attend she was

to drive in with the Sintons。  When Elnora begged her to

come she said she cared nothing about such silliness。

It was almost time for Wesley to come to take Elnora to

the city; when fresh from her bath; and dressed to her outer

garment; she stood with expectant face before her mother

and cried:  〃Now my dress; mother!〃

Mrs。 Comstock was pale as she replied:  〃It's on my bed。 

Help yourself。〃

Elnora opened the door and stepped into her mother's

room with never a misgiving。  Since the night Margaret

and Wesley had brought her clothing; when she first started

to school; her mother had selected all of her dresses; with

Mrs。 Sinton's help made most of them; and Elnora had

paid the bills。  The white dress of the previous spring was

the first made at a dressmaker's。  She had worn that as

junior usher at Commencement; but her mother had selected

the material; had it made; and it had fitted perfectly and

had been suitable in every way。  So with her heart at rest on

that point; Elnora hurried to the bed to find only her last

summer's white dress; freshly washed and ironed。  For an

instant she stared at it; then she picked up the garment;

looked at the bed beneath it; and her gaze slowly swept the room。

It was unfamiliar。  Perhaps this was the third time she

had been in it since she was a very small child。  Her eyes

ranged over the beautiful walnut dresser; the tall bureau;

the big chest; inside which she never had seen; and the row

of masculine attire hanging above it。  Somewhere a

dainty lawn or mull dress simply must be hanging: but it

was not。  Elnora dropped on the chest because she felt too

weak to stand。  In less than two hours she must be in

the church; at Onabasha。  She could not wear a last

year's washed dress。  She had nothing else。  She leaned

against the wall and her father's overcoat brushed her face。 

She caught the folds and clung to it with all her might。

〃Oh father!  Father!〃 she moaned。  〃I need you!  I don't

believe you would have done this!〃  At last she

opened the door。

〃I can't find my dress;〃 she said。

〃Well; as it's the only one there I shouldn't think it

would be much trouble。〃

〃You mean for me to wear an old washed dress to…night?〃

〃It's a good dress。  There isn't a hole in it!  There's no

reason on earth why you shouldn't wear it。〃

〃Except that I will not;〃 said Elnora。  〃Didn't you

provide any dress for Commencement; either?〃

〃If you soil that to…night; I've plenty of time to wash

it again。〃

Wesley's voice called from the gate。

〃In a minute;〃 answered Elnora。

She ran upstairs and in an incredibly short time came

down wearing one of her gingham school dresses。  Her face

cold and hard; she passed her mother and went into

the night。  Half an hour later Margaret and Billy stopped

for Mrs。 Comstock with the carr
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