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a girl of the limberlost-第40部分

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〃The same as the rest of them; in the very cheapest

way possible。〃

〃And what might that be?〃

Elnora omitted the photographs; the gifts and the play。 

She told only of the sermon; graduation exercises; and the ball。

〃Well; I wouldn't trouble myself over that;〃 sniffed

Mrs。 Comstock。  〃If you want to go to a sermon; put on

the dress you always use for meeting。  If you need white

for the exercises wear the new dress you got last spring。 

As for the ball; the best thing for you to do is to stay a

mile away from such folly。  In my opinion you'd best

bring home your books; and quit right now。  You can't

be fixed like the rest of them; don't be so foolish

as to run into it。  Just stay here and let these last few

days go。  You can't learn enough more to be of any account。〃

〃But; mother;〃 gasped Elnora。  〃You don't understand!〃

〃Oh; yes; I do!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I understand perfectly。 

So long as the money lasted; you held up your head;

and went sailing without even explaining how you got it

from the stuff you gathered。  Goodness knows I couldn't see。 

But now it's gone; you come whining to me。  What have I got? 

Have you forgot that the ditch and the road completely

strapped me?  I haven't any money。  There's nothing for you

to do but get out of it。〃

〃I can't!〃 said Elnora desperately。  〃I've gone on too long。 

It would make a break in everything。  They wouldn't let me

have my diploma!〃

〃What's the difference?  You've got the stuff in your head。 

I wouldn't give a rap for a scrap of paper。  That don't

mean anything!〃

〃But I've worked four years for it; and I can't enter

I ought to have it to help me get a school; when I want

to teach。  If I don't have my grades to show; people

will think I quit because I couldn't pass my examinations。 

I must have my diploma!〃

〃Then get it!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。

〃The only way is to graduate with the others。〃

〃Well; graduate if you are bound to!〃

〃But I can't; unless I have things enough like the

class; that I don't look as I did that first day。〃

〃Well; please remember I didn't get you into this;

and I can't get you out。  You are set on having your

own way。  Go on; and have it; and see how you like it!〃

Elnora went upstairs and did not come down again

that night; which her mother called pouting。

〃I've thought all night;〃 said the girl at breakfast;

〃and I can't see any way but to borrow the money of

Uncle Wesley and pay it back from some that the Bird

Woman will owe me; when I get one more specimen。 

But that means that I can't go tothat I will have to

teach this winter; if I can get a city grade or a

country school。〃

〃Just you dare go dinging after Wesley Sinton for money;〃

cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃You won't do any such a thing!〃

〃I can't see any other way。  I've got to have the money!〃

〃Quit; I tell you!〃

〃I can't quit!I've gone too far!〃

〃Well then; let me get your clothes; and you can pay

me back。〃

〃But you said you had no money!〃

〃Maybe I can borrow some at the bank。  Then you

can return it when the Bird Woman pays you。〃

〃All right;〃 said Elnora。  〃I don't need expensive things。 

Just some kind of a pretty cheap white dress for the sermon;

and a white one a little better than I had last summer;

for Commencement and the ball。  I can use the white

gloves and shoes I got myself for last year; and you can

get my dress made at the same place you did that one。 

They have my measurements; and do perfect work。 

Don't get expensive things。  It will be warm so I can

go bareheaded。〃

Then she started to school; but was so tired and

discouraged she scarcely could walk。  Four years' plans

going in one day!  For she felt that if she did not start

to college that fall she never would。  Instead of feeling

relieved at her mother's offer; she was almost too ill to

go on。  For the thousandth time she groaned:  〃Oh; why

didn't I keep account of my money?〃

After that the days passed so swiftly she scarcely had

time to think; but several trips her mother made to town;

and the assurance that everything was all right;

satisfied Elnora。  She worked very hard to pass good

final examinations and perfect herself for the play。 

For two days she had remained in town with the Bird Woman

in order to spend more time practising and at her work。

Often Margaret had asked about her dresses for graduation;

and Elnora had replied that they were with a woman in the

city who had made her a white dress for last year's

Commencement when she was a junior usher; and they would

be all right。  So Margaret; Wesley; and Billy concerned

themselves over what they would give her for a present。 

Margaret suggested a beautiful dress。  Wesley said that

would look to every one as if she needed dresses。 

The thing was to get a handsome gift like all the others

would have。  Billy wanted to present her a five…dollar gold

piece to buy music for her violin。  He was positive Elnora

would like that best of anything。

It was toward the close of the term when they drove to

town one evening to try to settle this important question。 

They knew Mrs。 Comstock had been alone several days;

so they asked her to accompany them。  She had

been more lonely than she would admit; filled with unusual

unrest besides; and so she was glad to go。  But before

they had driven a mile Billy had told that they were going

to buy Elnora a graduation present; and Mrs。 Comstock

devoutly wished that she had remained at home。  She was

prepared when Billy asked:  〃Aunt Kate; what are you going

to give Elnora when she graduates?〃

〃Plenty to eat; a good bed to sleep in; and do all

the work while she trollops;〃 answered Mrs。 Comstock dryly。

Billy reflected。  〃I guess all of them have that;〃 he said。 

〃I mean a present you buy at the store; like Christmas?〃

〃It is only rich folks who buy presents at stores;〃

replied Mrsstock。 〃I can't afford it。〃

〃Well; we ain't rich;〃 he said; 〃but we are going to buy

Elnora something as fine as the rest of them have if we sell

a corner of the farm。  Uncle Wesley said so。〃

〃A fool and his land are soon parted;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock tersely。  Wesley and Billy laughed; but

Margaret did not enjoy the remark。

While they were searching the stores for something on

which all of them could decide; and Margaret was holding

Billy to keep him from saying anything before Mrs。 Comstock

about the music on which he was determined; Mr。 Brownlee

met Wesley and stopped to shake hands。

〃I see your boy came out finely;〃 he said。

〃I don't allow any boy anywhere to be finer than Billy;〃

said Wesley。

〃I guess you don't allow any girl to surpass Elnora;〃

said Mr。 Brownlee。  〃She comes home with Ellen often;

and my wife and I love her。  Ellen says she is great in her

part to…night。  Best thing in the whole play!  Of course;

you are in to see it!  If you h
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