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a girl of the limberlost-第4部分

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they did!〃

〃Oh; Uncle Wesley;〃 sobbed the girl; 〃why didn't she

tell me? 〃

〃Well; you see; Elnora; she didn't like to。  You got

such a way of holding up your head; and going through

with things。  She thought some way that you'd make it;

till you got started; and then she begun to see a hundred

things we should have done。  I reckon you hadn't reached

that building before she remembered that your skirt

should have been pleated instead of gathered; your shoes

been low; and lighter for hot September weather; and a

new hat。  Were your clothes right; Elnora?〃

The girl broke into hysterical laughter。  〃Right!〃 she cried。 

〃Right!  Uncle Wesley; you should have seen me among them! 

I was a picture!  They'll never forget me。  No; they won't

get the chance; for they'll see me again to…morrow!

〃Now that is what I call spunk; Elnora!  Downright grit;〃

said Wesley Sinton。  〃Don't you let them laugh you out。 

You've helped Margaret and me for years at harvest and

busy times; what you've earned must amount to quite a sum。 

You can get yourself a good many clothes with it。〃

〃Don't mention clothes; Uncle Wesley;〃 sobbed Elnora;

〃I don't care now how I look。  If I don't go back all of them

will know it's because I am so poor I can't buy my books。〃

〃Oh; I don't know as you are so dratted poor;〃 said

Sinton meditatively。  〃There are three hundred acres

of good land; with fine timber as ever grew on it。〃

〃It takes all we can earn to pay the tax; and mother

wouldn't cut a tree for her life。〃

〃Well then; maybe; I'll be compelled to cut one for her;〃

suggested Sinton。  〃Anyway; stop tearing yourself to

pieces and tell me。  If it isn't clothes; what is it?〃

〃It's books and tuition。  Over twenty dollars in all。〃

〃Humph!  First time I ever knew you to be stumped by

twenty dollars; Elnora;〃 said Sinton; patting her hand。

〃It's the first time you ever knew me to want money;〃

answered Elnora。  〃This is different from anything that ever

happened to me。  Oh; how can I get it; Uncle Wesley?〃

〃Drive to town with me in the morning and I'll draw it

from the bank for you。  I owe you every cent of it。〃

〃You know you don't owe me a penny; and I wouldn't

touch one from you; unless I really could earn it。 

For anything that's past I owe you and Aunt Margaret for

all the home life and love I've ever known。  I know how

you work; and I'll not take your money。〃

〃Just a loan; Elnora; just a loan for a little while

until you can earn it。  You can be proud with all the

rest of the world; but there are no secrets between us;

are there; Elnora?〃

〃No;〃 said Elnora; 〃there are none。  You and Aunt

Margaret have given me all the love there has been

in my life。  That is the one reason above all others why

you shall not give me charity。  Hand me money because

you find me crying for it!  This isn't the first time this

old trail has known tears and heartache。  All of us know

that story。  Freckles stuck to what he undertook and

won out。  I stick; too。  When Duncan moved away he

gave me all Freckles left in the swamp; and as I have

inherited his property maybe his luck will come with it。 

I won't touch your money; but I'll win some way。  First; I'm

going home and try mother。  It's just possible I could

find second…hand books; and perhaps all the tuition need

not be paid at once。  Maybe they would accept it quarterly。 

But oh; Uncle Wesley; you and Aunt Margaret keep on loving me! 

I'm so lonely; and no one else cares!〃

Wesley Sinton's jaws met with a click。  He swallowed

hard on bitter words and changed what he would have

liked to say three times before it became articulate。

〃Elnora;〃 he said at last; 〃if it hadn't been for one

thing I'd have tried to take legal steps to make you

ours when you were three years old。  Maggie said then

it wasn't any use; but I've always held on。  You see;

I was the first man there; honey; and there are things

you see; that you can't ever make anybody else understand。 

She loved him Elnora; she just made an idol of him。 

There was that oozy green hole; with the thick

scum broke; and two or three big bubbles slowly rising

that were the breath of his body。  There she was in

spasms of agony; and beside her the great heavy log she'd

tried to throw him。  I can't ever forgive her for turning

against you; and spoiling your childhood as she has;

but I couldn't forgive anybody else for abusing her。 

Maggie has got no mercy on her; but Maggie didn't see what

I did; and I've never tried to make it very clear to her。 

It's been a little too plain for me ever since。  Whenever I

look at your mother's face; I see what she saw; so

I hold my tongue and say; in my heart; ‘Give her a mite

more time。'  Some day it will come。  She does love you;

Elnora。  Everybody does; honey。  It's just that she's

feeling so much; she can't express herself。  You be a

patient girl and wait a little longer。  After all; she's

your mother; and you're all she's got; but a memory; and

it might do her good to let her know that she was fooled

in that。〃

〃It would kill her!〃 cried the girl swiftly。  〃Uncle Wesley;

it would kill her!  What do you mean?〃

〃Nothing;〃 said Wesley Sinton soothingly。  〃Nothing; honey。 

That was just one of them fool things a man says;

when he is trying his best to be wise。  You see;

she loved him mightily; and they'd been married only

a year; and what she was loving was what she thought

he was。  She hadn't really got acquainted with the man yet。 

If it had been even one more year; she could have

borne it; and you'd have got justice。  Having been

a teacher she was better educated and smarter than

the rest of us; and so she was more sensitive like。 

She can't understand she was loving a dream。  So I say

it might do her good if somebody that knew; could tell

her; but I swear to gracious; I never could。  I've heard

her out at the edge of that quagmire calling in them

wild spells of hers off and on for the last sixteen years;

and imploring the swamp to give him back to her; and

I've got out of bed when I was pretty tired; and come

down to see she didn't go in herself; or harm you。  What

she feels is too deep for me。  I've got to respectin' her

grief; and I can't get over it。  Go home and tell your

ma; honey; and ask her nice and kind to help you。  If she

won't; then you got to swallow that little lump of

pride in your neck; and come to Aunt Maggie; like you

been a…coming all your life。〃

〃I'll ask mother; but I can't take your money; Uncle

Wesley; indeed I can't。  I'll wait a year; and earn some;

and enter next year。〃

〃There's one thing you don't consider; Elnora;〃 said

the man earnestly。  〃And that's what you are to Maggie。 

She's a little like your ma。  She hasn't given up to it;

and she's struggling on brave; but when we buried our

second little girl the light went out of Maggie's eyes; and

it's not come back。  The only t
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