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a girl of the limberlost-第39部分

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bushes; when there were no bushes。  Dragonflies would

not hover over dry places; and butterflies became scarce

in proportion to the flowers; while no land yields over three

crops of Indian relics。

All the time the expense of books; clothing and

incidentals had continued。  Elnora added to her bank

account whenever she could; and drew out when she was

compelled; but she omitted the important feature of calling

for a balance。  So; one early spring morning in the last

quarter of the fourth year; she almost fainted when she

learned that her funds were gone。  Commencement with its

extra expense was coming; she had no money; and very few

cocoons to open in June; which would be too late。  She had

one collection for the Bird Woman complete to a pair of

Imperialis moths; and that was her only asset。  On the

day she added these big Yellow Emperors she had been

promised a check for three hundred dollars; but she would

not get it until these specimens were secured。 

She remembered that she never had found an Emperor

before June。

Moreover; that sum was for her first year in college。 

Then she would be of age; and she meant to sell enough of

her share of her father's land to finish。  She knew her

mother would oppose her bitterly in that; for Mrs。

Comstock had clung to every acre and tree that belonged to

her husband。  Her land was almost complete forest where her

neighbours owned cleared farms; dotted with wells that

every hour sucked oil from beneath her holdings; but she

was too absorbed in the grief she nursed to know or care。 

The Brushwood road and the redredging of the big Limberlost

ditch had been more than she could pay from her income;

and she had trembled before the wicket as she asked

the banker if she had funds to pay it; and wondered why he

laughed when he assured her she had。  For Mrs。 Comstock

had spent no time on compounding interest; and

never added the sums she had been depositing through

nearly twenty years。  Now she thought her funds were

almost gone; and every day she worried over expenses。 

She could see no reason in going through the forms of

graduation when pupils had all in their heads that was

required to graduate。  Elnora knew she had to have her

diploma in order to enter the college she wanted to attend;

but she did not dare utter the word; until high school

was finished; for; instead of softening as she hoped her

mother had begun to do; she seemed to remain very

much the same。

When the girl reached the swamp she sat on a log and

thought over the expense she was compelled to meet。 

Every member of her particular set was having a large

photograph taken to exchange with the others。  Elnora loved

these girls and boys; and to say she could not have

their pictures to keep was more than she could endure。 

Each one would give to all the others a handsome

graduation present。  She knew they would prepare gifts for

her whether she could make a present in return or not。 

Then it was the custom for each graduating class to give a

great entertainment and use the funds to present the school

with a statue for the entrance hall。  Elnora had been cast

for and was practising a part in that performance。  She was

expected to furnish her dress and personal necessities。 

She had been told that she must have a green gauze dress;

and where was it to come from?

Every girl of the class would have three beautiful new

frocks for Commencement: one for the baccalaureate

sermon; another; which could be plain; for graduation

exercises; and a handsome one for the banquet and ball。 

Elnora faced the past three years and wondered how she

could have spent so much money and not kept account of it。 

She did not realize where it had gone。  She did not

know what she could do now。  She thought over the

photographs; and at last settled that question to

her satisfaction。  She studied longer over the gifts;

ten handsome ones there must be; and at last decided she

could arrange for them。  The green dress came first。 

The lights would be dim in the scene; and the setting

deep woods。  She could manage that。  She simply could not

have three dresses。  She would have to get a very simple one

for the sermon and do the best she could for graduation。 

Whatever she got for that must be made with a guimpe that

could be taken out to make it a little more festive for

the ball。  But where could she get even two pretty dresses?

The only hope she could see was to break into the collection

of the man from India; sell some moths; and try to replace

them in June。  But in her soul she knew that never

would do。  No June ever brought just the things she

hoped it would。  If she spent the college money she knew

she could not replace it。  If she did not; the only way was

to secure a room in the grades and teach a year。  Her work

there had been so appreciated that Elnora felt with

the recommendation she knew she could get from the

superintendent and teachers she could secure a position。 

She was sure she could pass the examinations easily。 

She had once gone on Saturday; taken them and secured a

license for a year before she left the Brushwood school。

She wanted to start to college when the other girls were going。 

If she could make the first year alone; she could manage

the remainder。  But make that first year herself; she must。 

Instead of selling any of her collection; she must hunt

as she never before had hunted and find a Yellow Emperor。 

She had to have it; that was all。  Also; she had to have

those dresses。  She thought of Wesley and dismissed it。 

She thought of the Bird Woman; and knew she could not

tell her。  She thought of every way in which she ever had

hoped to earn money and realized that with the play;

committee meetings; practising; and final examinations

she scarcely had time to live; much less to do more than

the work required for her pictures and gifts。  Again Elnora

was in trouble; and this time it seemed the worst of all。

It was dark when she arose and went home。

〃Mother;〃 she said; 〃I have a piece of news that is

decidedly not cheerful。〃

〃Then keep it to yourself!〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I think

I have enough to bear without a great girl like you

piling trouble on me。〃

〃My money is all gone!〃 said Elnora。

〃Well; did you think it would last forever?  It's been

a marvel to me that it's held out as well as it has; the way

you've dressed and gone。〃

〃I don't think I've spent any that I was not compelled

to;〃 said Elnora。  〃I've dressed on just as little as I

possibly could to keep going。  I am heartsick。  I thought

I had over fifty dollars to put me through Commencement;

but they tell me it is all gone。〃

〃Fifty dollars!  To put you through Commencement! 

What on earth are you proposing to do?〃

〃The same as the rest of them; in the very cheapest

way possible。〃

〃And what might that be?〃

Elnora omitted the photographs; the gifts and
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