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a girl of the limberlost-第31部分

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thirty…six; although she appeared fifty。  But there

was an expression on her usually cold face that was

attractive just then; and Billy was in search of attractions。

〃Have I stayed too late; mother?〃 asked Elnora anxiously。 

〃I truly intended to come straight back; but I thought

I could rock Billy to sleep first。  Everything is strange;

and he's so nervous。〃

〃Is that your ma?〃 demanded Billy。


〃Does she love you?〃

〃Of course!〃

〃My mother didn't love me;〃 said Billy。  〃She went

away and left me; and never came back。  She don't care

what happens to me。  You wouldn't go away and leave

your little girl; would you?〃 questioned Billy。

〃No;〃 said Katharine Comstock; 〃and I wouldn't

leave a little boy; either。〃

Billy began sliding from Elnora's knees。

〃Do you like boys?〃 he questioned。

〃If there is anything I love it is a boy;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock assuringly。  Billy was on the floor。

〃Do you like dogs?〃

〃Yes。  Almost as well as boys。  I am going to buy a

dog as soon as I can find a good one。〃

Billy swept toward her with a whoop。

〃Do you want a boy?〃 he shouted。

Katharine Comstock stretched out her arms; and

gathered him in。

〃Of course; I want a boy!〃 she rejoiced。

〃Maybe you'd like to have me?〃 offered Billy。

〃Sure I would;〃 triumphed Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Any one

would like to have you。  You are just a real boy; Billy。〃

〃Will you take Snap?〃

〃I'd like to have Snap almost as well as you。〃

〃Mother!〃 breathed Elnora imploringly。  〃Don't! Oh; don't! 

He thinks you mean it!〃

〃And so I do mean it;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I'll take

him in a jiffy。  I throw away enough to feed a little

tyke like him every day。  His chatter would be great

company while you are gone。  Blood soon can be purified

with right food and baths; and as for Snap; I meant to

buy a bulldog; but possibly Snap will serve just as well。 

All I ask of a dog is to bark at the right time。  I'll do

the rest。  Would you like to come and be my boy; Billy?〃

Billy leaned against Mrs。 Comstock; reached his arms

around her neck and gripped her with all his puny might。 

〃You can whip me all you want to;〃 he said。  〃I won't

make a sound。〃

Mrs。 Comstock held him closely and her hard face was

softening; of that there could be no doubt。

〃Now; why would any one whip a nice little boy like

you?〃 she asked wonderingly。

〃She〃Billy from his refuge waved toward Margaret

〃she was going to whip me 'cause her cats fought;

when I tied their tails together and hung them over the

line to dry。  How did I know her old cats would fight?〃

Mrs。 Comstock began to laugh suddenly; and try as

she would she could not stop so soon as she desired。 

Billy studied her。

〃Have you got turkeys?〃 he demanded。

〃Yes; flocks of them;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock; vainly

struggling to suppress her mirth; and settle her face in

its accustomed lines。

〃Are their tails fast?〃 demanded Billy。

〃Why; I think so;〃 marvelled Mrs。 Comstock。

〃Hers ain't!〃 said Billy with the wave toward Margaret

that was becoming familiar。  〃Her turkey pulled;

and its tail comed right off。  She's going to whip me if he

lets her。  I didn't know the turkey would pull。  I didn't

know its tail would come off。  I won't ever touch one

again; will I?〃

〃Of course; you won't;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃And what's

more; I don't care if you do!  I'd rather have a fine

little man like you than all the turkeys in the country。 

Let them lose their old tails if they want to; and let

the cats fight。  Cats and turkeys don't compare with boys;

who are going to be fine big men some of these days。〃

Then Billy and Mrs。 Comstock hugged each other

rapturously; while their audience stared in silent amazement。

〃You like boys!〃 exulted Billy; and his head dropped

against Mrs。 Comstock in unspeakable content。

〃Yes; and if I don't have to carry you the whole way

home; we must start right now;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃You are going to be asleep before you know it。〃

Billy opened his eyes and braced himself。  〃I can

walk;〃 he said proudly。

〃All right; we must start。  Come; Elnora!  Good…night; folks!〃 

Mrs。 Comstock set Billy on the floor; and arose gripping

his hand。  〃You take the other side; Elnora; and we will

help him as much as we can;〃 she said。

Elnora stared piteously at Margaret; then at Wesley;

and arose in white…faced bewilderment。

〃Billy; are you going to leave without even saying good…

bye to me?〃 asked Wesley; with a gulp。

Billy held tight to Mrs。 Comstock and Elnora。

〃Good…bye!〃 he said casually。  〃I'll come and see you

some time。〃

Wesley Sinton gave a smothered sob; and strode from

the room。

Mrs。 Comstock started toward the door; dragging at

Billy while Elnora pulled back; but Mrs。 Sinton was before

them; her eyes flashing。

〃Kate Comstock; you think you are mighty smart;

don't you?〃 she cried。

〃I ain't in the lunatic asylum; where you belong;

anyway;〃said Mrs。 Comstock。  〃I am smart enough to tell

a dandy boy when I see him; and I'm good and glad to

get him。  I'll love to have him!〃

〃Well; you won't have him!〃 exclaimed Margaret Sinton。 

〃That boy is Wesley's!  He found him; and brought him here。 

You can't come in and take him like that!  Let go of him!〃

〃Not much; I won't!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃Leave the

poor sick little soul here for you to beat; because he

didn't know just how to handle things!  Of course; he'll

make mistakes。  He must have a lot of teaching; but not

the kind he'll get from you!  Clear out of my way!〃

〃You let go of our boy;〃 ordered Margaret。

〃Why?  Do you want to whip him; before he can go

to sleep?〃 jeered Mrs。 Comstock。

〃No; I don't!〃 said Margaret。  〃He's Wesley's; and

nobody shall touch him。  Wesley!〃

Wesley Sinton appeared behind Margaret in the doorway;

and she turned to him。  〃Make Kate Comstock let go of

our boy!〃 she demanded。

〃Billy; she wants you now;〃 said Wesley Sinton。  〃She won't

whip you; and she won't let any one else。  You can have

stacks of good things to eat; ride in the carriage; and have

a great time。  Won't you stay with us?〃

Billy drew away from Mrs。 Comstock and Elnora。

He faced Margaret; his eyes shrewd with unchildish wisdom。 

Necessity had taught him to strike the hot iron; to

drive the hard bargain。

〃Can I have Snap to live here always?〃 he demanded。

〃Yes; you can have all the dogs you want;〃 said Margaret Sinton。

〃Can I sleep close enough so's I can touch you?〃

〃Yes; you can move your lounge up so that you can

hold my hand;〃 said Margaret。

〃Do you love me now?〃 questioned Billy。

〃I'll try to love you; if you are a good boy;〃 said Margaret。

〃Then I guess I'll stay;〃 said Billy; walking over to her。

Out in the night Elnora and her mother went down the

road in the moonl
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