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a girl of the limberlost-第28部分

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toes; or they might be bad blood; from wrong eating;

or they might be pure filth。  Will you hand me some towels?〃

〃No; I won't!〃 said Margaret。

〃Well; give me some rags; then。〃

Margaret compromised on pieces of old tablecloth。 

Wesley led Billy to the cistern; pumped cold water into

the tub; poured in a kettle of hot; and beginning at the

head scoured him。  The boy shut his little teeth; and

said never a word though he twisted occasionally when

the soap struck a raw spot。  Margaret watched the process

from the window in amazed and ever…increasing anger。 

Where did Wesley learn it?  How could his big hands be

so gentle?  He came to the door。

〃Have you got any peroxide?〃 he asked。

〃A little;〃 she answered stiffly。

〃Well; I need about a pint; but I'll begin on what you have。〃

Margaret handed him the bottle。  Wesley took a cup;

weakened the drug and said to Billy:  〃Man; these sores

on you must be healed。  Then you must eat the kind of

food that's fit for little men。  I am going to put some

medicine on you; and it is going to sting like fire。  If it

just runs off; I won't use any more。  If it boils; there is

poison in these places; and they must be tied up; dosed

every day; and you must be washed; and kept mighty clean。 

Now; hold still; because I am going to put it on。〃

〃I think the one on my leg is the worst;〃 said the undaunted

Billy; holding out a raw place。  Sinton poured on the drug。 

Billy's body twisted and writhed; but he did not run。

〃Gee; look at it boil!〃 he cried。  〃I guess they's poison。 

You'll have to do it to all of them。〃

Wesley's teeth were set; as he watched the boy's face。 

He poured the drug; strong enough to do effective work;

on a dozen places over that little body and bandaged all

he could。  Billy's lips quivered at times; and his chin

jumped; but he did not shed a tear or utter a sound other

than to take a deep interest in the boiling。  As Wesley

put the small shirt on the boy; and fastened the trousers;

he was ready to reset the hitching post and mend the fence

without a word。

〃Now am I clean?〃 asked Billy。

〃Yes; you are clean outside;〃 said Wesley。  〃There is

some dirty blood in your body; and some bad words in

your mouth; that we have to get out; but that takes time。 

If we put right things to eat into your stomach

that will do away with the sores; and if you know that

I don't like bad words you won't say them any oftener

than you can help; will you Billy?〃

Billy leaned against Wesley in apparent indifference。 

〃I want to see me!〃 he demanded。

Wesley led the boy into the house; and lifted him to a mirror。

〃My; I'm purty good…looking; ain't I?〃 bragged Billy。 

Then as Wesley stooped to set him on the floor Billy's

lips passed close to the big man's ear and hastily

whispered a vehement 〃No!〃 as he ran for the door。

〃How long until supper; Margaret?〃 asked Wesley

as he followed。

〃You are going to keep him for supper?〃 she asked

〃Sure!〃 said Wesley。  〃That's what I brought him for。 

It's likely he never had a good square meal of decent

food in his life。  He's starved to the bone。〃

Margaret arose deliberately; removed the white cloth

from the supper table and substituted an old red one

she used to wrap the bread。  She put away the pretty

dishes they commonly used and set the table with old

plates for pies and kitchen utensils。  But she fried the

chicken; and was generous with milk and honey; snowy

bread; gravy; potatoes; and fruit。

Wesley repainted the scratched wheel。  He mended the

fence; with Billy holding the nails and handing the pickets。 

Then he filled the old hole; digged a new one and set the

hitching post。

Billy hopped on one foot at his task of holding the post

steady as the earth was packed around it。  There was

not the shadow of a trouble on his little freckled face。

Sinton threw in stones and pounded the earth solid around

the post。  The sound of a gulping sob attracted him to Billy。 

The tears were rolling down his cheeks。  〃If I'd a knowed

you'd have to get down in a hole; and work so hard I

wouldn't 'a' hit the horses;〃 he said。

〃Never you mind; Billy;〃 said Wesley。  〃You will

know next time; so you can think over it; and make up

your mind whether you really want to before you strike。〃

Wesley went to the barn to put away the tools。  He

thought Billy was at his heels; but the boy lagged on

the way。  A big snowy turkey gobbler resented the small

intruder in his especial preserves; and with spread tail

and dragging wings came toward him threateningly。  If that

turkey gobbler had known the sort of things with which

Billy was accustomed to holding his own; he never would

have issued the challenge。  Billy accepted instantly。 

He danced around with stiff arms at his sides and imitated

the gobbler。  Then came his opportunity; and he jumped

on the big turkey's back。  Wesley heard Margaret's scream

in time to see the flying leap and admire its dexterity。 

The turkey tucked its tail and scampered。  Billy slid from

its back and as he fell he clutched wildly; caught the

folded tail; and instinctively clung to it。  The turkey

gave one scream and relaxed its muscles。  Then it fled

in disfigured defeat to the haystack。  Billy scrambled

to his feet holding the tail; while his eyes were bulging。

〃Why; the blasted old thing came off!〃 he said to

Wesley; holding out the tail in amazed wonder。

The man; caught suddenly; forgot everything and roared。 

Seeing which; Billy thought a turkey tail of no

account and flung that one high above him shouting in

wild childish laughter; when the feathers scattered and fell。

Margaret; watching; began to cry。  Wesley had gone mad。 

For the first time in her married life she wanted

to tell her mother。  When Wesley had waited until he

was so hungry he could wait no longer he invaded the

kitchen to find a cooked supper baking on the back of the

stove; while Margaret with red eyes nursed a pair of

demoralized white kittens。

〃Is supper ready?〃 he asked。

〃It has been for an hour;〃 answered Margaret。

〃Why didn't you call us?〃

That 〃us〃 had too much comradeship in it。  It irritated Margaret。

〃I supposed it would take you even longer than this to

fix things decent again。  As for my turkey; and my poor

little kittens; they don't matter。〃

〃I am mighty sorry about them; Margaret; you know that。 

Billy is very bright; and he will soon learn〃

〃Soon learn!〃 cried Margaret。  〃Wesley Sinton; you

don't mean to say that you think of keeping that creature

here for some time?〃

〃No; I think of keeping a well…behaved little boy。〃

Margaret set the supper on the table。  Seeing the old

red cloth Wesley stared in amazement。  Then he understood。 

Billy capered around in delight。

〃Ain't that pretty?〃 he exulted。  〃I wish Jimmy and

Belle could see。  We; why we ist eat out of o
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