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a girl of the limberlost-第27部分

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and he ain't so smart; I guess it's because he's so human。 

My heart goes out to him。〃

〃So did mine;〃 said Elnora。  〃I love him。  I'd rather

see him eat my lunch than have it myself any time。〃

〃What makes you like him?〃 asked Wesley。

〃Why; I don't know;〃 pondered Elnora。  〃He's so little;

he needs so much; he's got such splendid grit; and

he's perfectly unselfish with his brother and sister。 

But we must wash him before Aunt Margaret sees him。 

I wonder if mother〃

〃You needn't bother。  I'm going to take him home the

way he is;〃 said Sinton。  〃I want Maggie to see the

worst of it。〃

〃I'm afraid〃 began Elnora。

〃So am I;〃 said Wesley; 〃but I won't give him up。 

He's taken a sort of grip on my heart。  I've always

been crazy for a boy。  Don't let him hear us。〃

〃Don't let him be killed!〃 cried Elnora。  During their

talk Billy had wandered to the edge of the walk and

barely escaped the wheels of a passing automobile in an

effort to catch a stray kitten that seemed in danger。

Wesley drew Billy back to the walk; and held his hand closely。 

〃Are you ready; Elnora?〃

〃Yes; you were gone a long time;〃 she said。

Wesley glanced at a package she carried。  〃Have to

have another book?〃 he asked。

〃No; I bought this for mother。  I've had such splendid

luck selling my specimens; I didn't feel right about keeping

all the money for myself; so I saved enough from the

Indian relics to get a few things I wanted。  I would have

liked to have gotten her a dress; but I didn't dare; so I

compromised on a book。〃

〃What did you select; Elnora?〃 asked Wesley wonderingly。

〃Well;〃 said she; 〃I have noticed mother always seemed

interested in anything Mark Twain wrote in the newspapers;

and I thought it would cheer her up a little; so I just

got his ‘Innocents Abroad。'  I haven't read it myself;

but I've seen mention made of it all my life; and the

critics say it's genuine fun。〃

〃Good!〃 cried Sinton。  〃Good!  You've made a

splendid choice。  It will take her mind off herself

a lot。  But she will scold you。〃

〃Of course;〃 assented Elnora。  〃But; possibly she will

read it; and feel better。  I'm going to serve her a trick。 

I am going to hide it until Monday; and set it on her little

shelf of books the last thing before I go away。  She must

have all of them by heart。  When; she sees a new one she

can't help being glad; for she loves to read; and if she has

all day to become interested; maybe she'll like it so she

won't scold so much。〃

〃We are both in for it; but I guess we are prepared。 

I don't know what Margaret will say; but I'm going to take

Billy home and see。  Maybe he can win with her; as he

did with us。〃

Elnora had doubts; but she did not say anything more。 

When they started home Billy sat on the front seat。 

He drove with the hitching strap tied to the railing of

the dash…board; flourished the whip; and yelled

with delight。  At first Sinton laughed with him; but

by the time he left Elnora with several packages at her

gate; he was looking serious enough。

Margaret was at the door as they drove up the lane。 

Wesley left Billy in the carriage; hitched the horses and

went to explain to her。  He had not reached her before she

cried; 〃Look; Wesley; that child!  You'll have a runaway!〃

Wesley looked and ran。  Billy was standing in the

carriage slashing the mettlesome horses with the whip。

〃See me make 'em go!〃 he shouted as the whip fell a

second time。

He did make them go。  They took the hitching post

and a few fence palings; which scraped the paint from

a wheel。  Sinton missed the lines at the first effort;

but the dragging post impeded the horses; and he soon

caught them。  He led them to the barn; and ordered Billy

to remain in the carriage while he unhitched。  Then leading

Billy and carrying his packages he entered the yard。

〃You run play a few minutes; Billy;〃 he said。  〃I want

to talk to the nice lady。〃

The nice lady was looking rather stupefied as Wesley

approached her。

〃Where in the name of sense did you get that awful

child?〃 she demanded。

〃He is a young gentleman who has been stopping Elnora

and eating her lunch every day; part of the time

with the assistance of his brother and sister; while our

girl went hungry。  Brownlee told me about it at the store。 

It's happened three days running。  The first time she

went without anything; the second time Brownlee's girl

took her to lunch; and the third a crowd of high school

girls bought a lot of stuff and met them at the bridge。 

The youngsters seemed to think they could rob her every

day; so I went to see their father about having it stopped。〃

〃Well; I should think so!〃 cried Margaret。

〃There were three of them; Margaret;〃 said Wesley;

〃that little fellow〃

〃Hyena; you mean;〃 interpolated Margaret。 

〃Hyena;〃 corrected Wesley gravely; 〃and another

boy and a girl; all equally dirty and hungry。  The man

was dead。  They thought he was in a drunken sleep;

but he was stone dead。  I brought the little boy with

me; and sent the officers and other help to the house。 

He's half starved。  I want to wash him; and put clean

clothes on him; and give him some supper。〃

〃Have you got anything to put on him?〃


〃Where did you get it?〃

〃Bought it。  It ain't much。  All I got didn't cost a dollar。〃

〃A dollar is a  good deal when you work and save for

it the way we do。〃

〃Well; I don't know a better place to put it。  Have you

got any hot water?  I'll use this tub at the cistern。 

Please give me some soap and towels。〃

Instead Margaret pushed by him with a shriek。  Billy had

played by producing a cord from his pocket; and having

tied the tails of Margaret's white kittens together; he had

climbed on a box and hung them across the clothes line。 

Wild with fright the kittens were clawing each other

to death; and the air was white with fur。  The string

had twisted and the frightened creatures could not

recognize friends。  Margaret stepped back with bleeding hands。 

Sinton cut the cord with his knife and the poor little cats

raced under the house bleeding and disfigured。 

Margaret white with wrath faced Wesley。

〃If you don't hitch up and take that animal back to

town;〃 she said; 〃I will。〃

Billy threw himself on the grass and began to scream。

〃You said I could have fried chicken for supper;〃

he wailed。  〃You said she was a nice lady!〃

Wesley lifted him and something in his manner of

handling the child infuriated Margaret。  His touch was

so gentle。  She reached for Billy and gripped his shirt

collar in the back。  Wesley's hand closed over hers。

〃Gently; girl!〃 he said。  〃This little body is covered

with sores。〃

〃Sores!〃 she ejaculated。  〃Sores?  What kind of sores?〃

〃Oh; they might be from bruises made by fists or boot

toes; or they might be bad blood; from wrong eating;

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