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a girl of the limberlost-第25部分

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A delivery wagon came tearing down the street; the horse

running full speed; passed the fleeing dog with the girl

and boy in pursuit; and stopped at the bridge。  High school

girls began to roll from all sides of it。

〃A rescue!  A rescue!〃 they shouted。

It was Ellen Brownlee and her crowd; and every girl

of them carried a big parcel。  They took in the scene

as they approached。  The fleeing dog with something

in its mouth; the half…naked girl and boy chasing it told

the story。  Those girls screamed with laughter as they

watched the pursuit。

〃Thank goodness; I saved the wishbone!〃 said Elnora。 

〃As usual; I can prove that there was a bird。〃 

She turned toward the box。  Billy had improved the time。 

He had the last piece of cake in one hand; and the last

bite of salad disappeared in one great gulp。  Then the

girls shouted again。

〃Let's have a sample ourselves;〃 suggested one。  She caught

up the box and handed out the remaining sandwich。  Another girl

divided it into bites each little over an inch square; and

then she lifted the cup lid and deposited a preserved

strawberry on each bite。  〃One; two; three; altogether now!〃

she cried。

〃You old mean things!〃 screamed Billy。

In an instant he was down in the road and handfuls of dust

began to fly among them。  The girls scattered before him。

〃Billy!〃 cried Elnora。  〃Billy!  I'll never give you

another bite; if you throw dust on any one!〃

Then Billy dropped the dust; bored both fists into his

eyes; and fled sobbing into Elnora's new blue skirt。 

She stooped to meet him and consolation began。  Those girls

laughed on。  They screamed and shouted until the little

bridge shook。

〃To…morrow might as well be a clear day;〃 said Ellen;

passing around and feeding the remaining berries to the

girls as they could compose themselves enough to take them。 

〃Billy; I admire your taste more than your temper。〃

Elnora looked up。  〃The little soul is nothing but skin

and bones;〃 she said。  〃I never was really hungry myself;

were any of you?〃

〃Well; I should say so;〃 cried a plump; rosy girl。

〃I'm famished right now。  Let's have breakfast immediate!〃

〃We got to refill this box first!〃 said Ellen Brownlee。

〃Who's got the butter?〃  A girl advanced with a wooden tray。

〃Put it in the preserve cup; a little strawberry flavour

won't hurt it。  Next!〃 called Ellen。

A loaf of bread was produced and Ellen cut off a piece

which filled the sandwich box。

〃Next!〃  A bottle of olives was unwrapped。  The grocer's

boy who was waiting opened that; and Ellen filled the

salad dish。


A bag of macaroons was produced and the cake compartment filled。


〃I don't suppose this will make quite as good dog feed

as a bird;〃 laughed a girl holding open a bag of sliced

ham while Ellen filled the meat dish。


A box of candy was handed her and she stuffed every

corner of the lunch box with chocolates and nougat。 

Then it was closed and formally presented to Elnora。 

The girls each helped themselves to candy and olives;

and gave Billy the remainder of the food。  Billy took

one bite of ham; and approved。  Belle and Jimmy had

given up chasing the dog; and angry and ashamed; stood

waiting half a block away。

〃Come back!〃 cried Billy。  〃You great big dunces;

come back!  They's a new kind of meat; and cake and candy。〃

The boy delayed; but the girl joined Billy。  Ellen wiped

her fingers; stepped to the cement abutment and began

reciting 〃Horatio at the Bridge!〃 substituting Elnora

wherever the hero appeared in the lines。

Elnora gathered up the sacks; and gave them to Belle;

telling her to take the food home; cut and spread the

bread; set things on the table; and eat nicely。

Then Elnora was taken into the wagon with the girls;

and driven on the run to the high school。  They sang a

song beginning

               〃Elnora; please give me a sandwich。

                I'm ashamed to ask for cake〃

as they went。  Elnora did not know it; but that was

her initiation。  She belonged to 〃the crowd。〃  She only

knew that she was happy; and vaguely wondered what

her mother and Aunt Margaret would have said about

the proceedings。




Saturday morning Elnora helped her mother with the work。 

When she had finished Mrs。 Comstock told her to go to

Sintons' and wash her Indian relics; so that she would

be ready to accompany Wesley to town in the afternoon。 

Elnora hurried down the road and was soon at the cistern

with a tub busily washing arrow points; stone axes; tubes;

pipes; and skin…cleaning implements。

Then she went home; dressed and was waiting when the

carriage reached the gate。  She stopped at the bank with

the box; and Sinton went to do his marketing and some

shopping for his wife。

At the dry goods store Mr。 Brownlee called to him; 

〃Hello; Sinton!  How do you like the fate of your lunch

box?〃 Then he began to laugh

〃I always hate to see a man laughing alone;〃 said Sinton。 

It looks so selfish!  Tell me the fun; and let me

help you。〃

Mr。 Brownlee wiped his eyes。

〃I supposed you knew; but I see she hasn't told。〃

Then the three days' history of the lunch box was

repeated with particulars which included the dog。

〃Now laugh!〃 concluded Mr。 Brownlee。

〃Blest if I see anything funny!〃 replied Wesley Sinton。 

〃And if you had bought that box and furnished one of

those lunches yourself; you wouldn't either。  I call such

a work a shame!  I'll have it stopped。〃

〃Some one must see to that; all right。  They are

little leeches。  Their father earns enough to support them;

but they have no mother; and they run wild。  I suppose

they are crazy for cooked food。  But it is funny; and

when you think it over you will see it; if you don't now。〃

〃About where would a body find that father?〃 inquired

Wesley Sinton grimly。  Mr。 Brownlee told him and he

started; locating the house with little difficulty。 

House was the proper word; for of home there was no sign。 

Just a small empty house with three unkept little children

racing through and around it。  The girl and the elder

boy hung back; but dirty little Billy greeted Sinton with: 

〃What you want here?〃

〃I want to see your father;〃 said Sinton。)

〃Well; he's asleep;〃 said Billy。

〃Where?〃 asked Sinton。

〃In the house;〃 answered Billy; 〃and you can't wake him。〃

〃Well; I'll try;〃 said Wesley。

Billy led the way。  〃There he is!〃 he said。  〃He is

drunk again。〃

On a dirty mattress in a corner lay a man who appeared

to be strong and well。  Billy was right。  You could not

awake him。  He had gone the limit; and a little beyond。

He was now facing eternity。  Sinton went out and closed

the door。

〃Your father is sick and needs help;〃 he said
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