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a girl of the limberlost-第2部分

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She had two fleeting impressions。  That it was all a

mistake; this was no school; but a grand display of

enormous ribbon bows; and the second; that she was sinking;

and had forgotten how to walk。  Then a burst from the

orchestra nerved her while a bevy of daintily clad; sweet…

smelling things that might have been birds; or flowers;

or possibly gaily dressed; happy young girls; pushed

her forward。  She found herself plodding across the back of

the auditorium; praying for guidance; to an empty seat。

As the girls passed her; vacancies seemed to open to

meet them。  Their friends were moving over; beckoning

and whispering invitations。  Every one else was seated;

but no one paid any attention to the white…faced girl

stumbling half…blindly down the aisle next the farthest wall。 

So she went on to the very end facing the stage。 

No one moved; and she could not summon courage to

crowd past others to several empty seats she saw。 

At the end of the aisle she paused in desperation; while

she stared back at the whole forest of faces most of which

were now turned upon her。

In a flash came the full realization of her scanty dress;

her pitiful little hat and ribbon; her big; heavy shoes;

her ignorance of where to go or what to do; and from a

sickening wave which crept over her; she felt she was

going to become very ill。  Then out of the mass she saw

a pair of big; brown boy eyes; three seats from her; and

there was a message in them。  Without moving his body

he reached forward and with a pencil touched the back of

the seat before him。  Instantly Elnora took another step

which brought her to a row of vacant front seats。

She heard laughter behind her; the knowledge that

she wore the only hat in the room burned her; every

matter of moment; and some of none at all; cut and stung。 

She had no books。  Where should she go when this

was over?  What would she give to be on the trail

going home!  She was shaking with a nervous chill when

the music ceased; and the superintendent arose; and

coming down to the front of the flower…decked platform;

opened a Bible and began to read。  Elnora did not know

what he was reading; and she felt that she did not care。 

Wildly she was racking her brain to decide whether she

should sit still when the others left the room or follow;

and ask some one where the Freshmen went first。

In the midst of the struggle one sentence fell on her ear。 

〃Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings。〃

Elnora began to pray frantically。  〃Hide me; O God;

hide me; under the shadow of Thy wings。〃

Again and again she implored that prayer; and before

she realized what was coming; every one had arisen and

the room was emptying rapidly。  Elnora hurried after the

nearest girl and in the press at the door touched her

sleeve timidly。

〃Will you please tell me where the Freshmen go?〃 she

asked huskily。

The girl gave her one surprised glance; and drew away。

〃Same place as the fresh women;〃 she answered; and

those nearest her laughed。

Elnora stopped praying suddenly and the colour crept

into her face。  〃I'll wager you are the first person I meet

when I find it;〃 she said and stopped short。  〃Not that! 

Oh; I must not do that!〃 she thought in dismay。  〃Make an

enemy the first thing I do。  Oh; not that!〃

She followed with her eyes as the young people separated

in the hall; some climbing stairs; some disappearing

down side halls; some entering adjoining doors。  She saw

the girl overtake the brown…eyed boy and speak to him。 

He glanced back at Elnora with a scowl on his face。 

Then she stood alone in the hall。

Presently a door opened and a young woman came out

and entered another room。  Elnora waited until she

returned; and hurried to her。  〃Would you tell me where

the Freshmen are?〃 she panted。

〃Straight down the hall; three doors to your left;〃

was the answer; as the girl passed。

〃One minute please; oh please;〃 begged Elnora: 

〃Should I knock or just open the door?〃

〃Go in and take a seat;〃 replied the teacher。

〃What if there aren't any seats?〃 gasped Elnora。

〃Classrooms are never half…filled; there will be plenty;〃

was the answer。

Elnora removed her hat。  There was no place to put

it; so she carried it in her hand。  She looked infinitely

better without it。  After several efforts she at last opened

the door and stepping inside faced a smaller and more

concentrated battery of eyes。

〃The superintendent sent me。  He thinks I belong

here;〃 she said to the professor in charge of the class;

but she never before heard the voice with which she spoke。 

As she stood waiting; the girl of the hall passed

on her way to the blackboard; and suppressed laughter

told Elnora that her thrust had been repeated。

〃Be seated;〃 said the professor; and then because he

saw Elnora was desperately embarrassed he proceeded

to lend her a book and to ask her if she had studied algebra。 

She said she had a little; but not the same book they were using。 

He asked her if she felt that she could do the work they were

beginning; and she said she did。

That was how it happened; that three minutes after

entering the room she was told to take her place beside the

girl who had gone last to the board; and whose flushed face

and angry eyes avoided meeting Elnora's。  Being compelled

to concentrate on her proposition she forgot herself。 

When the professor asked that all pupils sign their work

she firmly wrote 〃Elnora Comstock〃 under her demonstration。 

Then she took her seat and waited with white lips and

trembling limbs; as one after another professor called

the names on the board; while their owners arose and

explained their propositions; or 〃flunked〃 if they had

not found a correct solution。  She was so eager to catch

their forms of expression and prepare herself for her

recitation; that she never looked from the work on the

board; until clearly and distinctly; 〃Elnora Comstock;〃

called the professor。

The dazed girl stared at the board。  One tiny curl

added to the top of the first curve of the m in her name;

had transformed it from a good old English patronymic

that any girl might bear proudly; to Cornstock。 

Elnora sat speechless。  When and how did it happen? 

She could feel the wave of smothered laughter in the air

around her。  A rush of anger turned her face scarlet and

her soul sick。  The voice of the professor addressed her directly。

〃This proposition seems to be beautifully demonstrated;

Miss Cornstalk;〃 he said。  〃Surely; you can tell us how

you did it。〃

That word of praise saved her。  She could do good work。 

They might wear their pretty clothes; have their friends

and make life a greater misery than it ever before

had been for her; but not one of them should do better

work or be more womanly。  That lay with her。  She was

tall; straight; and handsome as she arose。

〃Of course I can explain my work;〃 she said in 
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