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a girl of the limberlost-第18部分

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could be forced from them for once。  Just then Wesley

Sinton came to the door。

〃Good morning;〃 he cried heartily。  〃Elnora; you

look a picture!  My; but you're sweet!  If any of the

city boys get sassy you tell your Uncle Wesley; and

he'll horsewhip them。  Here's your Christmas present

from me。〃  He handed Elnora the leather lunch box; with

her name carved across the strap in artistic lettering。

〃Oh Uncle Wesley!〃 was all Elnora could say。

〃Your Aunt Maggie filled it for me for a starter;〃 he said。 

〃Now; if you are ready; I'm going to drive past your way

and you can ride almost to Onabasha with me; and save

the new shoes that much。〃

Elnora was staring at the box。  〃Oh I hope it isn't

impolite to open it before you;〃 she said。  〃I just feel

as if I must see inside。〃

〃Don't you stand on formality with the neighbours;〃

laughed Sinton。  〃Look in your box if you want to!〃

Elnora slipped the strap and turned back the lid。

This disclosed the knife; fork; napkin; and spoon; the

milk flask; and the interior packed with dainty sandwiches

wrapped in tissue paper; and the little compartments for

meat; salad; and the custard cup。

〃Oh mother!〃 cried Elnora。  〃Oh mother; isn't it fine? 

What made you think of it; Uncle Wesley?  How will I ever

thank you?  No one will have a finer lunch box than I。 

Oh I do thank you!  That's the nicest gift I ever had。 

How I love Christmas in September!〃

〃It's a mighty handy thing;〃 assented Mrs。 Comstock;

taking in every detail with sharp eyes。  〃I guess you are

glad now you went and helped Mag and Wesley when you

could; Elnora?〃

〃Deedy; yes;〃 laughed Elnora; 〃and I'm going again first

time they have a big day if I stay from school to do it。〃

〃You'll do no such thing!〃 said the delighted Sinton。 

〃Come now; if you're going!〃

〃If I ride; can you spare me time to run into the swamp

to my box a minute?〃 asked Elnora。

The light she had seen the previous night troubled her。

〃Sure;〃 said Wesley largely。  So they drove away and

left a white…faced woman watching them from the door;

her heart a little sorer than usual。

〃I'd give a pretty to hear what he'll say to her!〃 she

commented bitterly。  〃Always sticking in; always doing

things I can't ever afford。  Where on earth did he get that

thing and what did it cost?〃

Then she entered the cabin and began the day's work;

but mingled with the brooding bitterness of her soul was

the vision of a sweet young face; glad with a gladness

never before seen on it; and over and over she repeated: 

〃I wonder what he'll say to her!〃

What he said was that she looked as fresh and sweet as a

posy; and to be careful not to step in the mud or scratch

her shoes when she went to the case。

Elnora found her key and opened the door。  Not where

she had placed it; but conspicuously in front lay her little

heap of bills; and a crude scrawl of writing beside it。 

Elnora picked up the note in astonishment。


the lord amighty is hiding you all right done you ever dout it this

money of yourn was took for some time las nite but it is returned with

intres for god sake done ever come to the swamp at nite or late evnin

or mornin or far in any time sompin worse an you know could git you

                                                  A FREND。

Elnora began to tremble。  She hastily glanced around。 

The damp earth before the case had been trodden by

large; roughly shod feet。  She caught up the money and

the note; thrust them into her guimpe; locked the case;

and ran to the road。

She was so breathless and her face so white Sinton noticed it。

〃What in the world's the matter; Elnora?〃 he asked。

〃I am half afraid!〃 she panted。

〃Tut; tut; child!〃 said Wesley Sinton。  〃Nothing in

the world to be afraid of。  What happened?〃

〃Uncle Wesley;〃 said Elnora; 〃I had more money than I

brought home last night; and I put it in my case。  Some one

has been there。  The ground is all trampled; and they

left this note。〃

〃And took your money; I'll wager;〃 said Sinton angrily。

〃No;〃 answered Elnora。  〃Read the note; and oh

Uncle Wesley; tell me what it means!〃

Sinton's face was a study。  〃I don't know what it

means;〃  he said。  〃Only one thing is clear。  It means

some beast who doesn't really want to harm you has got

his eye on you; and he is telling you plain as he can; not

to give him a chance。  You got to keep along the roads;

in the open; and not let the biggest moth that ever flew

toll you out of hearing of us; or your mother。  It means

that; plain and distinct。〃

〃Just when I can sell them!  Just when everything is so

lovely on account of them!  I can't!  I can't stay away

from the swamp。  The Limberlost is going to buy the books;

the clothes; pay the tuition; and even start a college fund。 

I just can't!〃

〃You've got to;〃 said Sinton。  〃This is plain enough。 

You go far in the swamp at your own risk; even in daytime。〃

〃Uncle Wesley;〃 said the girl; 〃last night before I went

to bed; I was so happy I tried to pray; and I thanked God

for hiding me ‘under the shadow of His wing。'  But how

in the world could any one know it?〃

Wesley Sinton's heart leaped in his breast。  His face

was whiter than the girl's now。

〃Were you praying out loud; honey?〃 he almost whispered。

〃I might have said words;〃 answered Elnora。  〃I know

I do sometimes。  I've never had any one to talk with;

and I've played with and talked to myself all my life。 

You've caught me at it often; but it always makes mother

angry when she does。  She says it's silly。  I forget

and do it; when I'm alone。  But Uncle Wesley; if I said

anything last night; you know it was the merest whisper;

because I'd have been so afraid of waking mother。 

Don't you see?  I sat up late; and studied two lessons。〃

Sinton was steadying himself 〃I'll stop and examine

the case as I come back;〃 he said。  〃Maybe I can find

some clue。  That otherthat was just accidental。  It's a

common expression。  All the preachers use it。  If I tried

to pray; that would be the very first thing I'd say。〃

The colour returned to Elnora's face。

〃Did you tell your mother about this money; Elnora?〃

he asked。

〃No; I didn't;〃 said Elnora。  〃It's dreadful not to; but

I was afraid。  You see they are clearing the swamp so fast。 

Every year it grows more difficult to find things; and

Indian stuff becomes scarcer。  I want to graduate; and

that's four years unless I can double on the course。 

That means twenty dollars tuition each year; and new books;

and clothes。  There won't ever be so much at one time

again; that I know。  I just got to hang to my money。  I was

afraid to tell her; for fear she would want it for taxes;

and she really must sell a tree or some cattle for that;

mustn't she; Uncle Wesley?〃

〃On your life; she must!〃 said Wesley。  〃You put your

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