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a girl of the limberlost-第17部分

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hand she lightly shook; and tossed it as she studied。 

The man stood out in the night and watched。

For a long time a leaf turned at intervals and the

hair…drying went on。  The man drew nearer。  The picture

grew more beautiful as he approached。  He could not

see so well as he desired; for the screen was of white

mosquito netting; and it angered him。  He cautiously

crept closer。  The elevation shut off his view。  Then he

remembered the large willow tree shading the well and

branching across the window fit the west end of the cabin。 

From childhood Elnora had stepped from the sill to a limb

and slid down the slanting trunk of the tree。  He reached

it and noiselessly swung himself up。  Three steps out

on the big limb the man shuddered。  He was within a

few feet of the girl。

He could see the throb of her breast under its thin

covering and smell the fragrance of the tossing hair。 

He could see the narrow bed with its pieced calico cover;

the whitewashed walls with gay lithographs; and every

crevice stuck full of twigs with dangling cocoons。 

There were pegs for the few clothes; the old chest;

the little table; the two chairs; the uneven floor covered

with rag rugs and braided corn husk。  But nothing was worth

a glance except the perfect face and form within reach by

one spring through the rotten mosquito bar。  He gripped

the limb above that on which he stood; licked his lips;

and breathed through his throat to be sure he was making

no sound。  Elnora closed the book and laid it aside。 

She picked up a towel; and turning the gathered ends of

her hair rubbed them across it; and dropping the towel on

her lap; tossed the hair again。  Then she sat in deep thought。 

By and by words began to come softly。  Near as he was

the man could not hear at first。  He bent closer and

listened intently。

〃ever could be so happy;〃 murmured the soft voice。 

〃The dress is so pretty; such shoes; the coat; and everything。 

I won't have to be ashamed again; not ever again;

for the Limberlost is full of precious moths; and

I always can collect them。  The Bird Woman will buy

more to…morrow; and the next day; and the next。  When they

are all gone; I can spend every minute gathering

cocoons; and hunting other things I can sell。  Oh; thank

God; for my precious; precious money。  Why; I didn't

pray in vain after all!  I thought when I asked the Lord

to hide me; there in that big hall; that He wasn't doing

it; because I wasn't covered from sight that instant。 

But I'm hidden now; I feel that。〃  Elnora lifted her eyes

to the beams above her。  〃I don't know much about praying

properly;〃 she muttered; 〃but I do thank you; Lord; for

hiding me in your own time and way。〃

Her face was so bright that it shone with a white radiance。 

Two big tears welled from her eyes; and rolled down her

smiling cheeks。  〃Oh; I do feel that you have hidden me;〃

she breathed。  Then she blew out the lights; and the little

wooden bed creaked under her weight。

Pete Corson dropped from the limb and found his way

to the road。  He stood still a long time; then started back

to the Limberlost。  A tiny point of light flashed in the

region of the case。  He stopped with an oath。

〃Another hound trying to steal from a girl;〃 he exclaimed。 

〃But it's likely he thinks if he gets anything it will be

from a woman who can afford it; as I did。〃

He went on; but beside the fences; and very cautiously。 

〃Swamp seems to be alive to…night;〃 he muttered。 

〃That's three of us out。〃

He entered a deep place at the northwest corner; sat

on the ground and taking a pencil from his pocket; he

tore a leaf from a little notebook; and laboriously wrote

a few lines by the light he carried。  Then he went back

to the region of the case and waited。  Before his eyes

swept the vision of the slender white creature with

tossing hair。  He smiled; and worshipped it; until a

distant rooster faintly announced dawn。

Then he unlocked the case again; and replaced the

money; laid the note upon it; and went back to

concealment; where he remained until Elnora came down the

trail in the morning; appearing very lovely in her new

dress and hat。




It would be difficult to describe how happy Elnora

was that morning as she hurried through her work;

bathed and put on the neat; dainty gingham dress;

and the tan shoes。  She had a struggle with her hair。 

It crinkled; billowed; and shone; and she could

not avoid seeing the becoming frame it made around

her face。  But in deference to her mother's feelings the

girl set her teeth; and bound her hair closely to her head

with a shoe…string。  〃Not to be changed at the case;〃

she told herself。

That her mother was watching she was unaware。  Just as

she picked up the beautiful brown ribbon Mrs。 Comstock spoke。

〃You had better let me tie that。  You can't reach

behind yourself and do it right。〃

Elnora gave a little gasp。  Her mother never before

had proposed to do anything for the girl that by any

possibility she could do herself。  Her heart quaked at

the thought of how her mother would arrange that bow;

but Elnora dared not refuse。  The offer was too precious。 

It might never be made again。

〃Oh thank you!〃 said the girl; and sitting down she

held out the ribbon。

Her mother stood back and looked at her critically。

〃You haven't got that like Mag Sinton had it last

night;〃 she announced。  〃You little idiot!  You've tried

to plaster it down to suit me; and you missed it。  I liked

it away better as Mag fixed it; after I saw it。  You didn't

look so peeled。〃

〃Oh mother; mother!〃 laughed Elnora; with a half

sob in her voice。

〃Hold still; will you?〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃You'll be

late; and I haven't packed your dinner yet。〃

She untied the string and shook out the hair。  It rose

with electricity and clung to her fingers and hands。  Mrs。

Comstock jumped back as if bitten。  She knew that touch。 

Her face grew white; and her eyes angry。

〃Tie it yourself;〃 she said shortly; 〃and then I'll put

on the ribbon。  But roll it back loose like Mag did。 

It looked so pretty that way。〃

Almost fainting Elnora stood before the glass; divided

off the front parts of her hair; and rolled them as Mrs。

Sinton had done; tied it at the nape of her neck; then sat

while her mother arranged the ribbon。

〃If I pull it down till it comes tight in these creases

where she had it; it will be just right; won't it?〃 queried

Mrs。 Comstock; and the amazed Elnora stammered


When she looked in the glass the bow was perfectly

tied; and how the gold tone of the brown did match the

lustre of the shining hair!  〃That's pretty;〃 commented

Mrs。 Comstock's soul; but her stiff lips had said all that

could be forced from them for once。  Just then Wesley

Sinton came to the doo
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