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a girl of the limberlost-第12部分

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she'll be home to…night just as usual。〃

〃Well; you are a brave woman if you dared put a girl of

Elnora's make through what she suffered yesterday; and will

suffer again to…day; and let her know you did it on purpose。 

I admire your nerve。  But I've watched this since Elnora

was born; and I got enough。  Things have come to a pass

where they go better for her; or I interfere。〃

〃As if you'd ever done anything but interfere all her life! 

Think I haven't watched you?  Think I; with my heart raw

in my breast; and too numb to resent it openly;

haven't seen you and Mag Sinton trying to turn Elnora

against me day after day?  When did you ever tell her

what her father meant to me?  When did you ever try to

make her see the wreck of my life; and what I've suffered? 

No indeed!  Always it's been poor little abused Elnora;

and cakes; kissing; extra clothes; and encouraging her

to run to you with a pitiful mouth every time I tried to

make a woman of her。〃

〃Kate Comstock; that's unjust;〃 cried Sinton。  〃Only last

night I tried to show her the picture I saw the day she

was born。  I begged her to come to you and tell you

pleasant what she needed; and ask you for what I happen

to know you can well afford to give her。〃

〃I can't!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。  〃You know I can't!〃

〃Then get so you can!〃 said Wesley Sinton。  〃Any day

you say the word you can sell six thousand worth of

rare timber off this place easy。  I'll see to clearing and

working the fields cheap as dirt; for Elnora's sake。 

I'll buy you more cattle to fatten。  All you've got to do

is sign a lease; to pull thousands from the ground in oil;

as the rest of us are doing all around you!〃

〃Cut down Robert's trees!〃 shrieked Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Tear up his land!  Cover everything with horrid;

greasy oil!  I'll die first。〃

〃You mean you'll let Elnora go like a beggar; and hurt

and mortify her past bearing。  I've got to the place where

I tell you plain what I am going to do。  Maggie and I

went to town last night; and we bought what things Elnora

needs most urgent to make her look a little like the rest of

the high school girls。  Now here it is in plain English。 

You can help get these things ready; and let us give them to

her as we want〃

〃She won't touch them!〃 cried Mrs。 Comstock。

〃Then you can pay us; and she can take them as her right〃

〃I won't!〃

〃Then I will tell Elnora just what you are worth; what

you can afford; and how much of this she owns。  I'll loan

her the money to buy books and decent clothes; and

when she is of age she can sell her share and pay me。〃

Mrs。 Comstock gripped a chair…back and opened her

lips; but no words came。

〃And;〃 Sinton continued; 〃if she is so much like you

that she won't do that; I'll go to the county seat and lay

complaint against you as her guardian before the judge。 

I'll swear to what you are worth; and how you are raising

her; and have you discharged; or have the judge appoint

some man who will see that she is comfortable; educated;

and decent looking!〃

〃Youyou wouldn't!〃 gasped Kate Comstock。

〃I won't need to; Kate!〃 said Sinton; his heart softening

the instant the hard words were said。  〃You won't

show it; but you do love Elnora!  You can't help it! 

You must see how she needs things; come help us fix them;

and be friends。  Maggie and I couldn't live without her;

and you couldn't either。  You've got to love such a fine

girl as she is; let it show a little!〃

〃You can hardly expect me to love her;〃 said Mrs。

Comstock coldly。  〃But for her a man would stand back

of me now; who would beat the breath out of your sneaking

body for the cowardly thing with which you threaten me。 

After all I've suffered you'd drag me to court and

compel me to tear up Robert's property。  If I ever go they

carry me。  If they touch one tree; or put down one greasy

old oil well; it will be over all I can shoot; before they

begin。  Now; see how quick you can clear out of here!〃

〃You won't come and help Maggie with the dress?〃

For answer Mrs。 Comstock looked around swiftly for

some object on which to lay her hands。  Knowing her

temper; Wesley Sinton left with all the haste consistent

with dignity。  But he did not go home。  He crossed a

field; and in an hour brought another neighbour who was

skilful with her needle。  With sinking heart Margaret saw

them coming。

〃Kate is too busy to help to…day; she can't sew before

to…morrow;〃 said Wesley cheerfully as they entered。

That quieted Margaret's apprehension a little; though

she had some doubts。  Wesley prepared the lunch; and

by four o'clock the dress was finished as far as it possibly

could be until it was fitted on Elnora。  If that did not

entail too much work; it could be completed in two hours。

Then Margaret packed their purchases into the big

market basket。  Wesley took the hat; umbrella; and raincoat;

and they went to Mrs。 Comstock's。  As they reached

the step; Margaret spoke pleasantly to Mrs。 Comstock;

who sat reading just inside the door; but she did not

answer and deliberately turned a leaf without looking up。

Wesley Sinton opened the door and went in followed by Margaret。

〃Kate;〃 he said; 〃you needn't take out your mad over

our little racket on Maggie。  I ain't told her a word I said

to you; or you said to me。  She's not so very strong; and

she's sewed since four o'clock this morning to get this dress

ready for to…morrow。  It's done and we came down to try

it on Elnora。〃

〃Is that the truth; Mag Sinton?〃 demanded Mrs。 Comstock。

〃You heard Wesley say so;〃 proudly affirmed Mrs。 Sinton。

〃I want to make you a proposition;〃 said Wesley。 

〃Wait till Elnora comes。  Then we'll show her the things

and see what she says。〃

〃How would it do to see what she says without bribing

her;〃 sneered Mrs。 Comstock。

〃If she can stand what she did yesterday; and will to…

day; she can bear 'most anything;〃 said Wesley。  〃Put away

the clothes if you want to; till we tell her。〃

〃Well; you don't take this waist I'm working on;〃

said Margaret; 〃for I have to baste in the sleeves and set

the collar。  Put the rest out of sight if you like。〃

Mrs。 Comstock picked up the basket and bundles;

placed them inside her room and closed the door。

Margaret threaded her needle and began to sew。 

Mrs。 Comstock returned to her book; while Wesley fidgeted

and raged inwardly。  He could see that Margaret was

nervous and almost in tears; but the lines in Mrs。

Comstock's impassive face were set and cold。  So they

sat while the clock ticked off the timeone hour; two;

dusk; and no Elnora。  Just when Margaret and Wesley were

discussing whether he had not better go to town to meet

Elnora; they heard her coming up the walk。  Wesley dropped

his tilted chair and squared himself。  Margaret gripped

her sewing; and turned pleading eyes toward the door。 

Mrs。 Comstock closed her book and griml
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