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a girl of the limberlost-第11部分

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until she remembered how hungry she was; so she ate the

food; drank the hot chocolate and began to feel better。

Then the Bird Woman came back and showed Elnora a

long printed slip giving a list of graduated prices for

moths; butterflies; and dragonflies。

〃Oh; do you want them!〃 exulted Elnora。  〃I have

a few and I can get more by the thousand; with every

colour in the world on their wings。〃

〃Yes;〃 said the Bird Woman; 〃I will buy them; also the

big moth caterpillars that are creeping everywhere now;

and the cocoons that they will spin just about this time。 

I have a sneaking impression that the mystery; wonder;

and the urge of their pure beauty; are going to force me

to picture and paint our moths and put them into a book

for all the world to see and know。  We Limberlost people

must not be selfish with the wonders God has given to us。 

We must share with those poor cooped…up city people the

best we can。  To send them a beautiful book; that is the

way; is it not; little new friend of mine?〃

〃Yes; oh yes!〃 cried Elnora。  〃And please God they

find a way to earn the money to buy the books; as I have

those I need so badly。〃

〃I will pay good prices for all the moths you can find;〃

said the Bird Woman; 〃because you see I exchange them

with foreign collectors。  I want a complete series of the

moths of America to trade with a German scientist;

another with a man in India; and another in Brazil。 

Others I can exchange with home collectors for those of

California and Canada; so you see I can use all you can

raise; or find。  The banker will buy stone axes; arrow

points; and Indian pipes。  There was a teacher from the

city grade schools here to…day for specimens。  There is

a fund to supply the ward buildings。  I'll help you get

in touch with that。  They want leaves of different trees;

flowers; grasses; moths; insects; birds' nests and anything

about birds。〃

Elnora's eyes were blazing。  〃Had I better go back to

school or open a bank account and begin being a millionaire? 

Uncle Wesley and I have a bushel of arrow points gathered;

a stack of axes; pipes; skin…dressing tools; tubes and mortars。 

I don't know how I ever shall wait three hours。〃

〃You must go; or you will be late;〃 said the Bird Woman。 

〃I will be ready at four。〃

After school closed Elnora; seated beside the Bird

Woman; drove to Freckles's room in the Limberlost。  One at

a time the beautiful big moths were taken from the

interior of the old black case。  Not a fourth of them could

be moved that night and it was almost dark when the last

box was closed; the list figured; and into Elnora's trembling

fingers were paid fifty…nine dollars and sixteen cents。 

Elnora clasped the money closely。

〃Oh you beautiful stuff!〃 she cried。  〃You are going to

buy the books; pay the tuition; and take me to high school。〃

Then because she was a woman; she sat on a log and

looked at her shoes。  Long after the Bird Woman drove

away Elnora remained。  She had her problem; and it was

a big one。  If she told her mother; would she take the

money to pay the taxes?  If she did not tell her; how could

she account for the books; and things for which she would

spend it。  At last she counted out what she needed for

the next day; placed the remainder in the farthest corner

of the case; and locked the door。  She then filled the front

of her skirt from a heap of arrow points beneath the case

and started home。




With the first streak of red above the Limberlost

Margaret Sinton was busy with the gingham and the

intricate paper pattern she had purchased。 

Wesley cooked the breakfast and worked until he thought

Elnora would be gone; then he started to bring her mother。

〃Now you be mighty careful;〃 cautioned Margaret。 

〃I don't know how she will take it。〃

〃I don't either;〃 said Wesley philosophically; 〃but

she's got to take it some way。  That dress has to be

finished by school time in the morning。〃

Wesley had not slept well that night。  He had been so

busy framing diplomatic speeches to make to Mrs。 Comstock

that sleep had little chance with him。  Every step nearer

to her he approached his position seemed less enviable。 

By the time he reached the front gate and started down

the walk between the rows of asters and lady slippers

he was perspiring; and every plausible and convincing

speech had fled his brain。  Mrs。 Comstock helped him。 

She met him at the door。

〃Good morning;〃 she said。  〃Did Margaret send you

for something?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Wesley。  〃She's got a job that's too big

for her; and she wants you to help。〃

〃Of course I will;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock。  It was no

one's affair how lonely the previous day had been; or

how the endless hours of the present would drag。 

〃What is she doing in such a rush?〃

Now was his chance。

〃She's making a dress for Elnora;〃 answered; Wesley。 

He saw Mrs。 Comstock's form straighten; and her face

harden; so he continued hastily。  〃You see Elnora has

been helping us at harvest time; butchering; and with

unexpected visitors for years。  We've made out that

she's saved us a considerable sum; and as she wouldn't

ever touch any pay for anything; we just went to town

and got a few clothes we thought would fix her up a little

for the high school。  We want to get a dress done to…day

mighty bad; but Margaret is slow about sewing; and she

never can finish alone; so I came after you。〃

〃And it's such a simple little matter; so dead easy;

and all so between old friends like; that you can't look

above your boots while you explain it;〃 sneered Mrs。 Comstock。 

〃Wesley Sinton; what put the idea into your head that

Elnora would take things bought with money; when she

wouldn't take the money?

Then Sinton's eyes came up straightly。

〃Finding her on the trail last night sobbing as hard as

I ever saw any one at a funeral。  She wasn't complaining

at all; but she's come to me all her life with her little hurts;

and she couldn't hide how she'd been laughed at; twitted;

and run face to face against the fact that there were books

and tuition; unexpected; and nothing will ever make me

believe you didn't know that; Kate Comstock。〃

〃If any doubts are troubling you on that subject; sure

I knew it!  She was so anxious to try the world; I thought

I'd just let her take a few knocks and see how she liked them。〃

〃As if she'd ever taken anything but knocks all her life!〃

cried Wesley Sinton。  〃Kate Comstock; you are a heartless;

selfish woman。  You've never shown Elnora any real love in

her life。  If ever she finds out that thing you'll lose her;

and it will serve you right。〃

〃She knows it now;〃 said Mrs。 Comstock icily; 〃and

she'll be home to…night just as usual。〃

〃Well; you are a brave woman if you dared put a girl of

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