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the origins of contemporary france-4-第65部分

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'60' Terms used by Fabre d'Eglantine and Garat。  … Beugnot; a very

good observer; had an accurate impression of Danton (〃Mémoires〃; I;

249…252)。  … M。 Dufort de Cheverney; (manuscript memoirs published by

M。 Robert de Crèveceur); after the execution of Babeuf; in 1797; had

an opportunity to hear Samson; the executioner; talk with a war

commissary; in an inn between Vend?me and Blois。  Samson recounted the

last moments of Danton and Fabre d'églantine。  Danton; on the way to

the scaffold; asked if he might sing。  〃There is nothing to hinder;〃

said Samson。  〃All right。  Try to remember the verses I have just

composed;〃 and he sang the following to a tune in vogue:

   Nous sommes menés au trépas       We are led to our death

   Par quantité de scélérats;        by a gang of scoundrels

   c'est ce qui nous désole。         that makes us sad。

   Mais bientot le moment viendra    But soon the time shall come

   Où chacun d'eux y passera;        when all of them shall follow

   c'est ce qui nous console。〃       that's our consolation。

'61' Buchez et Roux; XXI。; 108。  Speech (printed) by Pétion: 〃Marat

embraced Danton and Danton embraced him。  I certify that this took

place in my presence。〃

'62' Buchez et Roux; XXI。; 126。  (〃To Maximilian Robespierre and his

royalists;〃 a pamphlet by Louvet。) … Beugnot; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 250; 〃On

arriving in Paris as deputy from my department (to the Legislative

Assembly) Danton sought me and wanted me to join his party。  I dined

with him three times; in the Cour du Commerce; and always went away

frightened at his plans and energy。  。  。  。  He contented himself by

remarking to his friend Courtois and my colleague: 'Thy big Beugnot is

nothing but a devotee … you can do nothing with him。'〃

'63' The Cordeliers district。  (Buchez et Roux; IV。; 27。) Assembly

meeting of the Cordeliers district; November 11th; 1789; to sanction

Danton's permanent presidency。  He is always re…elected; and

unanimously。  This is the first sign of his ascendancy; although

sometimes; to save the appearance of his dictatorship; he has his

chief clerk Paré elected; whom he subsequently made minister。

'64' Buchez et Roux; IV。; 295; 298; 401; V。; 140。

'65' Ibid。; VIII。; 28 (October; 1790)。

'66' Ibid。; IX。; 408: X。; 144; 234; 297; 417。  … Lafayette 〃Mémoires;〃

I。; 359; 366。  Immediately after Mirabeau's death (April; 1791)

Danton's plans are apparent; and his initiative is of the highest


'67' 〃The Revolution;〃 II。; 238 (Note) and 283。  … Garat; 309: 〃After

the 20th of June everybody made mischief at the chateau; the power of

which was daily increasing。  Danton arranged the 10th of August and

the chateau was thunderstruck。〃 … Robinet: 〃Le Procès des

Dantonistes;〃 224; 229。  (〃Journal de la Societé des amis de la

Constitution;〃 No。  214; June 5; 1792。) Danton proposes 〃the law of

Valerius Publicola; passed in Rome after the expulsion of the

Tarquins; permitting every citizen to kill any man convicted of having

expressed opinions opposed to the law of the State; except in case of

proof of the crime。〃 (Ibid。; Nos。  230 and 231; July 13; 1792。) Danton

induces the federals present 〃to swear that they will not leave the

capital until liberty is established; and before the will of the

department is made known on the fate of the executive power。〃 Such are

the principles and the instruments; of 〃August 10th〃  and 〃September


'68' Garat; 314。  〃He was present for a moment on the committee of

Public Safety。  The outbreaks of May 31st and June 2nd occurred; he

was the author of both these days。〃

'69' Decrees of April 6 and 7; 1793。

'70' Decree of September 5; 1793。

'71' Decree of March 10; 1793。

'72' August 1 and 12; 1793。

'73' See 〃The Revolution;〃 vol。  III。; ch。  I。…Buchez et Roux; XXV。;

285。  (Meeting of Nov。26; 1793。) … Moniteur; XIX。; 726。  Danton (March

16; 1794) secures the passing of a decree that 〃hereafter prose only

shall be heard at the rostrum of the house。〃

'74' Archives Nationales; Papers of the committee of General Security;

No 134。  … Letter of Delacroix to Danton; Lille; March 25; 1793; on

the situation in Belgium; and the retreat of Dumouriez。  。  。  。  〃My

letter is so long I fear that you will not read it to the end。  。  。

。Oblige me by forgetting your usual indolence。〃  Letter of Chabot to

Danton; Frimaire 12; year II。  〃 I know your genius; my dear

colleague; and consequently your natural indolent disposition。  I was

afraid that you would not read me through if I wrote a long letter。

Nevertheless I rely on your friendship to make an exception in my


'75' Lagrange; the mathematician; and senator under the empire; was

asked how it was that he voted for the terrible annual conscriptions。

〃It had no sensible effect on the tables of mortality;〃 he replied。

'76' Garat; 305; 310; 313。  〃 His friends almost worshipped him。〃

'77' Ibid。; 317。  … Thibeaudeau; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 59。

'78' Quinet; 〃La Révolution;〃 II。; 304。  (According to the unpublished

memoirs of Baudot。) These expressions by Danton's friends all bear the

mark of Danton himself。  At all events they express exactly his ideas。

'79' Riouffe; 67。

'80' Miot de Melito; 〃 Mémoires;〃 I。; 40; 42。  … Michelet; 〃 Histoire

de la Révolution Fran?aise;〃 VI。; 34; V。  178; 184。  (On the second

marriage of Danton in June; 1793; to a young girl of sixteen。  On his

journey to Arcis; March; 1794。) … Riouffe; 68。  In prison 〃He talked

constantly about trees; the country and nature。〃

'81' We can trace the effect of his attitude on the public in the

police reports; especially at the end of 1793; and beginning of the

year 1794。  (Archives Nationales; F 7; 31167 report of Charmont;

Niv?se 6; year II。) 〃Robespierre gains singularly in public

estimation; especially since his speech in the Convention; calling on

his colleagues to rally and crush out the monsters in the interior;

also in which he calls on all to support the new revolutionary

government with their intelligence and talents。  。  。  。  I have to

state that I have everywhere heard his name mentioned with admiration。

They wound up by saying that it would be well for all members of the

Convention to adopt the measures presented by Robespierre。〃 … (Report

of Robin; Niv?se 8。) 〃Citizen Robespierre is honored everywhere; in

all groupes and in the cafe's。  At the Café Manouri it was given out

that his views of the government were the only ones which; like the

magnet; would attract all citizens to the Revolution。  It is not the

same with citizen Billaud…Varennes。〃 (Report of the Purveyor; Niv?se

9。) 〃 In certain clubs and groups there is a rumor that Robespierre is

to be appointed dictator。。  。  。  。  The people do justice to his

austere virtues; it is noticed that he has never changed his opinions

since the Revolution began。〃

'82' 〃Souvenirs d'un déporté。〃 by P。  Villiers; (Robespierre's
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