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dona perecta-第54部分

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One thing only will I say to you;〃 he ended; looking at the bravo over his spectacles; 〃and that is; that as my niece is going there; and as it is probable; very probable; is it not; Remedios? that she may have to say a few plain words to that man; I recommend you not to leave her unprotected; in case she should be insulted。〃

〃I have something to do to…night;〃 answered Caballuco; laconically and dryly。

〃You hear what he says; Remedios。 Leave your business for to…morrow。〃

〃I can't do that。 I will go alone。〃

〃No; you shall not go alone; niece。 Now let us hear no more about the matter。 Senor Ramos has something to do; and he cannot accompany you。 Fancy if you were to be insulted by that rude man!〃

〃Insulted! A lady insulted by that fellow!〃 exclaimed Caballuco。 〃Come that must not be。〃

〃If you had not something to dobah! I should be quite easy in my mind; then。〃

〃I have something to do;〃 said the Centaur; rising from the table; 〃but if you wish it〃

There was a pause。 The Penitentiary had closed his eyes and was meditating。

〃I wish it; Senor Ramos;〃 he said at last。

〃There is no more to be said then。 Let us go; Senora Dona Maria。〃

〃Now; my dear niece;〃 said Don Inocencio; half seriously; half jestingly; 〃since we have finished supper bring me the basin。〃

He gave his niece a penetrating glance; and accompanying it with the corresponding action; pronounced these words:

〃I wash my hands of the matter。〃



〃ORBAJOSA; April 12。


〃Forgive me if for the first time in my life I disobey you in refusing to leave this place or to renounce my project。 Your advice and your entreaty are what were to be expected from a kind; good father。 My obstinacy is natural in an insensate son; but something strange is taking place within me; obstinacy and honor have become so blended and confounded in my mind that the bare idea of desisting from my purpose makes me ashamed。 I have changed greatly。 The fits of rage that agitate me now were formerly unknown to me。 I regarded the violent acts; the exaggerated expressions of hot…tempered and impetuous men with the same scorn as the brutal actions of the wicked。 Nothing of this kind surprises me any longer; for in myself I find at all times a certain terrible capacity for wickedness。 I can speak to you as I would speak to God and to my conscience; I can tell you that I am a wretch; for he is a wretch who is wanting in that powerful moral force which enables him to chastise his passions and submit his life to the stern rule of conscience。 I have been wanting in the Christian fortitude which exalts the spirit of the man who is offended above the offences which he receives and the enemies from whom he receives them。 I have had the weakness to abandon myself to a mad fury; putting myself on a level with my detractors; returning them blow for blow; and endeavoring to confound them by methods learned in their own base school。 How deeply I regret that you were not at my side to turn me from this path! It is now too late。 The passions will not brook delay。 They are impatient; and demand their prey with cries and with the convulsive eagerness of a fierce moral thirst。 I have succumbed。 I cannot forget what you so often said to me; that anger may be called the worst of the passions; since; suddenly transforming the character; it engenders all the others; and lends to each its own infernal fire。

〃But it is not anger alone that has brought me to the state of mind which I have described。 A more expansive and noble sentimentthe profound and ardent love which I have for my cousin; has also contributed to it; and this is the one thing that absolves me in my own estimation。 But if love had not done so; pity would have impelled me to brave the fury and the intrigues of your terrible sister; for poor Rosario; placed between an irresistible affection and her mother; is at the present moment one of the most unhappy beings on the face of the earth。 The love which she has for me; and which responds to minedoes it not give me the right to open; in whatever way I can; the doors of her house and take her out of it; employing the law; as far as the law reaches; and using force at the point where the law ceases to support me? I think that your rigid moral scrupulosity will not give an affirmative answer to this question; but I have ceased to be the upright and methodical character whose conscience was in exact conformity with the dictates of the moral law。 I am no longer the man whom an almost perfect education enabled to keep his emotions under strict control。 To…day I am a man like other men; at a single step I have crossed the line which separates the just and the good from the unjust and the wicked。 Prepare yourself to hear of some dreadful act committed by me。 I will take care to notify you of all my misdeeds。

〃But the confession of my faults will not relieve me from the responsibility of the serious occurrences which have taken place and which are taking place; nor will this responsibility; no matter how much I may argue; fall altogether on your sister。 Dona Perfecta's responsibility is certainly very great。 What will be the extent of mine! Ah; dear father! believe nothing of what you hear about me; believe only what I shall tell you。 If they tell you that I have committed a deliberate piece of villany; answer that it is a lie。 It is difficult; very difficult; for me to judge myself; in the state of disquietude in which I am; but I dare assure you that I have not deliberately given cause for scandal。 You know well to what extremes passion can lead when circumstances favor its fierce; its all…invading growth。

〃What is most bitter to me is the thought of having employed artifice; deceit; and base concealmentsI who was truth itself。 I am humiliated in my own estimation。 But is this the greatest perversity into which the soul can fall? Am I beginning now; or have I ended? I cannot tell。 If Rosario with her angelic hand does not take me out of this hell of my conscience; I desire that you should come to take me out of it。 My cousin is an angel; and suffering; as she has done; for my sake; she has taught me a great many things that I did not know before。

〃Do not be surprised at the incoherence of what I write。 Diverse emotions inflame me; thoughts at times assail me truly worthy of my immortal soul; but at times also I fall into a lamentable state of dejection; and I am reminded of the weak and degenerate characters whose baseness you have painted to me in such strong colors; in order that I might abhor them。 In the state in which I am to…day I am ready for good or for evil。 God have pity upon me! I already know what prayer isa solemn and reflexive supplication; so personal that it is not compatible with formulas learned by heart; an expansion of the soul which dares to reach out toward its source; the opposite of remorse; in which the soul; at war with itself; seeks in vain to defend itself by sophisms and concealments。 You have taught me many good things; but now I am practising; as we engineers say; I am studying on the ground; and in this way my knowledge will become broadened and confirmed。 I begin to imagine n
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