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dona perecta-第53部分

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〃Yes; senor; but he paid no attention to me; or rather he refused。 There are only two people in Orbajosa who can make him do what they wish by a simple orderyou and Dona Perfecta。〃

〃Let Dona Perfecta order him to do it if she wishes; then。 I will never advise the employment of violent and brutal measures。 Will you believe that when Caballuco and some of his followers were talking of rising up in arms they could not draw a single word from me inciting them to bloodshed。 No; not that。 If Dona Perfecta wishes to do it〃

〃She will not do it; either。 I talked with her for two hours this afternoon and she said that she would preach war; and help it by every means in her power; but that she would not bid one man stab another in the back。 She would be right in opposing it if anything serious were intended; but I don't want any wounds; all I want is to give him a fright。〃

〃Well; if Dona Perfecta doesn't want to order a fright to be given to the engineer; I don't either; do you understand? My conscience is before every thing。〃

〃Very well;〃 returned his niece。 〃Tell Caballuco to come with me to…nightthat is all you need say to him。〃

〃Are you going out to…night?〃

〃Yes; senor; I am going out。 Why; didn't I go out last night too?〃

〃Last night? I didn't know it; if I had known it I should have been angry; yes; senora。〃

〃All you have to say to Caballuco is this: 'My dear Ramos; I will be greatly obliged to you if you will accompany my niece on an errand which she has to do to…night; and if you will protect her; if she should chance to be in any danger。' 〃

〃I can do that。 To accompany you; to protect you。 Ah; rogue! you want to deceive me and make me your accomplice in some piece of villany。〃

〃Of coursewhat do you suppose?〃 said Maria Remedios ironically。 〃Between Ramos and me we are going to slaughter a great many people to…night。〃

〃Don't jest! I tell you again that I will not advise Ramos to do any thing that has the appearance of evilI think he is outside。〃

A noise at the street…door was heard; then the voice of Caballuco speaking to the servant; and a little later the hero of Orbajosa entered the room。

〃What is the news? Give us the news; Senor Ramos;〃 said the priest。 〃Come! If you don't give us some hope in exchange for your supper and our hospitality What is going on in Villahorrenda?〃

〃Something;〃 answered the bravo; seating himself with signs of fatigue。 〃You shall soon see whether we are good for anything or not。〃

Like all persons who wish to make themselves appear important; Caballuco made a show of great reserve。

〃To…night; my friend; you shall take with you; if you wish; the money they have given me for〃

〃There is good need of it。 If the soldiers should get scent of it; however; they won't let me pass;〃 said Ramos; with a brutal laugh。

〃Hold your tongue; man。 We know already that you pass whenever you please。 Why; that would be a pretty thing! The soldiers are not strait… laced gentry; and if they should become troublesome; with a couple of dollars; eh? Come; I see that you are not badly armed。 All you want now is an eight…pounder。 Pistols; eh? And a dagger too。〃

〃For any thing that might happen;〃 said Caballuco; taking the weapon from his belt and displaying its horrible blade。

〃In the name of God and of the Virgin!〃 exclaimed Maria Remedios; closing her eyes and turning her face in terror; 〃put away that thing。 The very sight of it terrifies me。〃

〃If you won't take it ill of me;〃 said Ramos; shutting the weapon; 〃let us have supper。〃

Maria Remedios prepared every thing quickly; in order that the hero might not become impatient。

〃Listen to me a moment; Senor Ramos;〃 said Don Inocencio to his guest; when they had sat down to supper。 〃Have you a great deal to do to…night?〃

〃Something there is to be done;〃 responded the bravo。 〃This is the last night I shall come to Orbajosathe last。 I have to look up some boys who remained in the town; and we are going to see how we can get possession of the saltpetre and the sulphur that are in the house of Cirujeda。〃

〃I asked you;〃 said the curate amiably; filling his friend's plate; 〃because my niece wishes you to accompany her a short distance。 She has some business or other to attend to; and it is a little late to be out alone。〃

〃Is she going to Dona Perfecta's?〃 asked Ramos。 〃I was there a few moments ago; but I did not want to make any delay。〃

〃How is the senora?〃

〃A little frightened。 To…night I took away the six young men I had in the house。〃

〃Why! don't you think they will be wanted there?〃 said Remedios; with alarm。

〃They are wanted more in Villahorrenda。 Brave men chafe at being kept in the house; is it not so; Senor Canon?〃

〃Senor Ramos; that house ought not to be left unprotected;〃 said the Penitentiary。

〃The servants are enough; and more than enough。 But do you suppose; Senor Don Inocencio; that the brigadier employs himself in attacking the people's houses?〃

〃Yes; but you know very well that that diabolical engineer〃

〃For thatthere are not wanting brooms in the house;〃 said Cristobal jovially。 〃For in the end; there will be no help for it but to marry them。 After what has passed〃

〃Senor Ramos;〃 said Remedios; with sudden anger; 〃I imagine that all you know about marrying people is very little。〃

〃I say that because a little while ago; when I was at the house; the mother and daughter seemed to be having a sort of reconciliation。 Dona Perfecta was kissing Rosarito over and over again; and there was no end to their caresses and endearments。〃

〃Reconciliation! With all these preparations for the war you have lost your senses。 But; finally; are you coming with me or not?〃

〃It is not to Dona Perfecta's she wants to go;〃 said the priest; 〃but to the hotel of the widow De Cuzco。 She was saying that she does not dare to go alone; because she is afraid of being insulted。〃

〃By whom?〃

〃It is easily understood。 By that infernal engineer。 Last night my niece met him there; and she gave him some plain talk; and for that reason she is not altogether easy in her mind to…night。 The young fellow is revengeful and insolent。〃

〃I don't know whether I can go;〃 said Caballuco。 〃As I am in hiding now I cannot measure my strength against Don Jose Poquita Cosa。 If I were not as I amwith half my face hidden; and the other half uncoveredI would have broken his back for him already twenty times over。 But what happens if I attack him? He discovers who I am; he falls upon me with the soldiers; and good…bye to Caballuco。 As for giving him a treacherous blow; that is something I couldn't do; nor would Dona Perfecta consent to it; either。 For a stab in the dark Cristobal Ramos is not the man。〃

〃But are you crazy; man? What are you thinking about?〃 said the Penitentiary; with unmistakable signs of astonishment。 〃Not even in thought would I advise you to do an injury to that gentleman。 I would cut my tongue out before I would advise such a piece of villany。 The wicked will fall; it is true; but it is God who will fix the moment; not I。 And the question is not to give a beating; either。 I would rather receive a hundred blows myself than advise the administration of such a medicine to any Christian。 On
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