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dona perecta-第32部分

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〃Rosario; even the wicked believe in him。 If there be atheists; which I doubt; they are the calumniators; the intriguers with whom the world is infested。 For my part; intrigues and calumnies matter little to me; and if you rise superior to them and close your heart against the discord which a perfidious hand would sow in it; nothing shall interfere with our happiness。〃

〃But what is going on around us? Pepe; dear Pepe; do you believe in the devil?〃

The engineer was silent。 The darkness of the chapel prevented Rosario from seeing the smile with which her cousin received this strange question。

〃We must believe in him;〃 he said at last。

〃What is going on? Mamma forbids me to see you; but; except in regard to the atheism; she does not say any thing against you。 She tells me to wait; that you will decide; that you are going away; that you are coming back Speak to me with franknesshave you formed a bad opinion of my mother?〃

〃Not at all;〃 replied Rey; urged by a feeling of delicacy。

〃Do you not believe; as I do; that she loves us both; that she desires only our good; and that we shall in the end obtain her consent to our wishes?〃

〃If you believe it; I do too。 Your mama adores us both。 But; dear Rosario; it must be confessed that the devil has entered this house。〃

〃Don't jest!〃 she said affectionately。 〃Ah! Mamma is very good。 She has not once said to me that you were unworthy to be my husband。 All she insists upon is the atheism。 They say; besides; that I have manias; and that I have the mania now of loving you with all my soul。 In our family it is a rule not to oppose directly the manias that are hereditary in it; because to oppose them aggravates them。〃

〃Well; I believe that there are skilful physicians at your side who have determined to cure you; and who will; in the end; my adored girl; succeed in doing so。〃

〃No; no; a thousand times no!〃 exclaimed Rosario; leaning her forehead on her lover's breast。 〃I am willing to be mad if I am with you。 For you I am suffering; for you I am ill; for you I despise life and I risk death。 I know it nowto…morrow I shall be worse; I shall be dangerously ill; I shall die。 What does it matter to me?〃

〃You are not ill;〃 he responded; with energy; 〃there is nothing the matter with you but an agitation of mind which naturally brings with it some slight nervous disturbances; there is nothing the matter with you but the suffering occasioned by the horrible coercion which they are using with you。 Your simple and generous soul does not comprehend it。 You yield; you forgive those who injure you; you torment yourself; attributing your suffering to baleful; supernatural influences; you suffer in silence; you give your innocent neck to the executioner; you allow yourself to be slain; and the very knife which is plunged into your breast seems to you the thorn of a flower that has pierced you in passing。 Rosario; cast those ideas from your mind; consider our real situation; which is serious; seek its cause where it really is; and do not give way to your fears; do not yield to the tortures which are inflicted upon you; making yourself mentally and physically ill。 The courage which you lack would restore you to health; because you are not really ill; my dear girl; you aredo you wish me to say it?you are frightened; terrified。 You are under what the ancients; not knowing how to express it; called an evil spell。 Courage; Rosario; trust in me! Rise and follow me。 That is all I will say。〃

〃Ah; Pepecousin! I believe that you are right;〃 exclaimed Rosario; drowned in tears。 〃Your words resound within my heart; arousing in it new energy; new life。 Here in this darkness; where we cannot see each other's faces; an ineffable light emanates from you and inundates my soul。 What power have you to transform me in this way? The moment I saw you I became another being。 In the days when I did not see you I returned to my former insignificance; my natural cowardice。 Without you; my Pepe; I live in Limbo。 I will do as you tell me; I will arise and follow you。 We will go together wherever you wish。 Do you know that I feel well? Do you know that I have no fever: that I have recovered my strength; that I want to run about and cry out; that my whole being is renewed and enlarged; and multiplied a hundred…fold in order to adore you? Pepe; you are right。 I am not sick; I am only afraid; or rather; bewitched。〃

〃That is it; bewitched。〃

〃Bewitched! Terrible eyes look at me; and I remain mute and trembling。 I am afraid; but of what? You alone have the strange power of calling me back to life。 Hearing you; I live again。 I believe if I were to die and you were to pass by my grave; that deep under the ground I should feel your footsteps。 Oh; if I could see you now! But you are here beside me; and I cannot doubt that it is you。 So many days without seeing you! I was mad。 Each day of solitude appeared to me a century。 They said to me; to…morrow and to…morrow; and always to…morrow。 I looked out of the window at night; and the light of the lamp in your room served to console me。 At times your shadow on the window was for me a divine apparition。 I stretched out my arms to you; I shed tears and cried out inwardly; without daring to do so with my voice。 When I received the message you sent me with the maid; when I received your letter telling me that you were going away; I grew very sad; I thought my soul was leaving my body and that I was dying slowly。 I fell; like the bird wounded as it flies; that falls and; falling; dies。 To…night; when I saw that you were awake so late; I could not resist the longing I had to speak to you; and I came down stairs。 I believe that all the courage of my life has been used up in this single act; and that now I can never be any thing again but a coward。 But you will give me courage; you will give me strength; you will help me; will you not? Pepe; my dear cousin; tell me that you will; tell me that I am strong; and I will be strong; tell me that I am not ill; and I will not be ill。 I am not ill now。 I feel so well that I could laugh at my ridiculous maladies。〃

As she said this she felt herself clasped rapturously in her cousin's arms。 An 〃Oh!〃 was heard; but it came; not from her lips; but from his; for in bending his head; he had struck it violently against the feet of the crucifix。 In the darkness it is that the stars are seen。

In the exalted state of his mind; by a species of hallucination natural in the darkness; it seemed to Pepe Rey not that his head had struck against the sacred foot; but that this had moved; warning him in the briefest and most eloquent manner。 Raising his head he said; half seriously; half gayly:

〃Lord; do not strike me; I will do nothing wrong。〃

At the same moment Rosario took the young man's hand and pressed it against her heart。 A voice was heard; a pure; grave; angelic voice; full of feeling; saying:

〃Lord whom I adore; Lord God of the world; and guardian of my house and of my family; Lord whom Pepe also adores; holy and blessed Christ who died on the cross for our sins; before thee; before thy wounded body; before thy forehead crowned with thorns; I say that this man is my husband; and that; after thee; he is the being whom my heart lo
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