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dona perecta-第16部分

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At times he was as mischievous as a boy; at times as sedate as a man。 In very truth; if Jacinto had not had a little; and even a great deal of liking for pretty girls; his uncle would have thought him perfect。 The worthy man preached to him unceasingly on this point; hastening to clip the wings of every audacious fancy。 But not even this mundane inclination of the young man could cool the great affection which our worthy canon bore the charming offspring of his dear niece; Maria Remedios。 Where the young lawyer was concerned; every thing else must give way。 Even the grave and methodical habits of the worthy ecclesiastic were altered when they interfered with the affairs of his precocious pupil。 That order and regularity; apparently as fixed as the laws of a planetary system; were interrupted whenever Jacinto was ill or had to take a journey。 Useless celibacy of the clergy! The Council of Trent prohibits them from having children of their own; but Godand not the Devil; as the proverb saysgives them nephews and nieces in order that they may know the tender anxieties of paternity。

Examining impartially the qualities of this clever boy; it was impossible not to recognize that he was not wanting in merit。 His character was in the main inclined to uprightness; and noble actions awakened a frank admiration in his soul。 With respect to his intellectual endowments and his social knowledge; they were sufficient to enable him to become in time one of those notabilities of whom there are so many in Spain; he might be what we take delight in calling hyperbolically a distinguished patrician; or an eminent public man; species which; owing to their great abundance; are hardly appreciated at their just value。 In the tender age in which the university degree serves as a sort of solder between boyhood and manhood; few young men especially if they have been spoiled by their mastersare free from an offensive pedantry; which; if it gives them great importance beside their mamma's arm…chair; makes them very ridiculous when they are among grave and experienced men。 Jacinto had this defect; which was excusable in him; not only because of his youth; but also because his worthy uncle stimulated his puerile vanity by injudicious praise。

When the introduction was over they resumed their walk。 Jacinto was silent。 The canon; returning to the interrupted theme of the /pyros/ which were to be grafted and the /vites/ which were to be trimmed; said:

〃I am already aware that Senor Don Jose is a great agriculturist。〃

〃Not at all; I know nothing whatever about the subject;〃 responded the young man; observing with no little annoyance the canon's mania of supposing him to be learned in all the sciences。

〃Oh; yes! a great agriculturist;〃 continued the Penitentiary; 'but on agricultural subjects; don't quote the latest treatises to me。 For me the whole of that science; Senor de Rey; is condensed in what I call the Bible of the Field; in the 'Georgics' of the immortal Roman。 It is all admirable; from that grand sentence; /Nec vero terroe ferre omnes omnia possunt/that is to say; that not every soil is suited to every tree; Senor Don Joseto the exhaustive treatise on bees; in which the poet describes the habits of those wise little animals; defining the drone in these words:

         〃 'Ille horridus alter   Desidia; latamque trahens inglorius alvum。'

'Of a horrible and slothful figure; dragging along the ignoble weight of the belly;' Senor Don Jose。〃

〃You do well to translate it for me;〃 said Pepe; 〃for I know very little Latin。〃

〃Oh; why should the men of the present day spend their time in studying things that are out of date?〃 said the canon ironically。 〃Besides; only poor creatures like Virgil and Cicero and Livy wrote in Latin。 I; however; am of a different way of thinking; as witness my nephew; to whom I have taught that sublime language。 The rascal knows it better than I do。 The worst of it is; that with his modern reading he is forgetting it; and some fine day; without ever having suspected it; he will find out that he is an ignoramus。 For; Senor Don Jose; my nephew has taken to studying the newest books and the most extravagant theories; and it is Flammarion here and Flammarion there; and nothing will do him but that the stars are full of people。 Come; I fancy that you two are going to be very good friends。 Jacinto; beg this gentleman to teach you the higher mathematics; to instruct you concerning the German philosophers; and then you will be a man。〃

The worthy ecclesiastic laughed at his own wit; while Jacinto; delighted to see the conversation turn on a theme so greatly to his taste; after excusing himself to Pepe Rey; suddenly hurled this question at him:

〃Tell me; Senor Don Jose; what do you think of Darwinism?〃

Our hero smiled at this inopportune pedantry; and he felt almost tempted to encourage the young man to continue in this path of childish vanity; but; judging it more prudent to avoid intimacy; either with the nephew or the uncle; he answered simply:

〃I can think nothing at all about the doctrines of Darwin; for I know scarcely any thing about him。 My professional labors have not permitted me to devote much of my time to those studies。〃

〃Well;〃 said the canon; laughing; 〃it all reduces itself to this; that we are descended from monkeys。 If he had said that only in the case of certain people I know; he would have been right。〃

〃The theory of natural selection;〃 said Jacinto emphatically; 〃has; they say; a great many partisans in Germany。〃

〃I do not doubt it;〃 said the ecclesiastic。 〃In Germany they would have no reason to be sorry if that theory were true; as far as Bismarck is concerned。〃

Dona Perfecta and Senor Don Cayetano at this moment made their appearance。

〃What a beautiful evening!〃 said the former。 〃Well; nephew; are you getting terribly bored?〃

〃I am not bored in the least;〃 responded the young man。

〃Don't try to deny it。 Cayetano and I were speaking of that as we came along。 You are bored; and you are trying to hide it。 It is not every young man of the present day who would have the self…denial to spend his youth; like Jacinto; in a town where there are neither theatres; nor opera bouffe; nor dancers; nor philosophers; nor athenaeums; nor magazines; nor congresses; nor any other kind of diversions or entertainments。〃

〃I am quite contented here;〃 responded Pepe。 〃I was just now saying to Rosario that I find this city and this house so pleasant that I would like to live and die here。〃

Rosario turned very red and the others were silent。 They all sat down in a summer…house; Jacinto hastening to take the seat on the left of the young girl。

〃See here; nephew; I have a piece of advice to give you;〃 said Dona Perfecta; smiling with that expression of kindness that seemed to emanate from her soul; like the aroma from the flower。 〃But don't imagine that I am either reproving you or giving you a lessonyou are not a child; and you will easily understand what I mean。〃

〃Scold me; dear aunt; for no doubt I deserve it;〃 replied Pepe; who was beginning to accustom himself to the kindnesses of his father's sister。

〃No; it is only a piece of advice。 These gentlemen; I am sure; will agree
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