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r. f. murray-第2部分

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ne; whose Greek verses are no less poetical than his English poetry; were inconspicuous。  At St。 Andrews; Murray read only ‘for human pleasure;' like Scott; Thackeray; Shelley; and the rest; at Edinburgh; Oxford; and Cambridge。  In this matter; I think; he made an error; and one which affected his whole career。  He was not a man of private fortune; like some of those whom we have mentioned。  He had not a business ready for him to step into。  He had to force his own way in life; had to make himself ‘self…supporting。'  This was all the more essential to a man of his honourable independence of character; a man who not only would not ask a favour; but who actually shrunk back from such chances as were offered to him; if these chances seemed to be connected with the least discernible shadow of an obligation。  At St。 Andrews; had he chosen to work hard in certain branches of study; he might probably have gained an exhibition; gone to Oxford or elsewhere; and; by winning a fellowship; secured the leisure which was necessary for the development of his powers。  I confess to believing in strenuous work at the classics; as offering; apart from all material reward; the best and most solid basis; especially where there is no exuberant original genius; for the career of a man of letters。  The mental discipline is invaluable; the training in accuracy is invaluable; and invaluable is the life led in the society of the greatest minds; the noblest poets; the most faultless artists of the world。  To descend to ordinary truths; scholarship is; at lowest; an honourable gagne…pain。  But Murray; like the majority of students endowed with literary originality; did not share these rather old…fashioned ideas。  The clever Scottish student is apt to work only too hard; and; perhaps; is frequently in danger of exhausting his powers before they are mature; and of injuring his health before it is confirmed。  His ambitions; to lookers…on; may seem narrow and school…boyish; as if he were merely emulous; and eager for a high place in his ‘class;' as lectures are called in Scotland。  This was Murray's own view; and he certainly avoided the dangers of academic over…work。  He read abundantly; but; as Fitzgerald says; he read ‘for human pleasure。'  He never was a Greek scholar; he disliked Philosophy; as presented to him in class…work; the gods had made him poetical; not metaphysical。

There was one other cause of his lack of even such slender commercial success in letters as was really necessary to a man who liked ‘plain living and high thinking。'  He fell early in love with a city; with a placehe lost his heart to St。 Andrews。  Here; at all events; his critic can sympathise with him。  His ‘dear St。 Andrews Bay;' beautiful alike in winter mists and in the crystal days of still winter sunshine; the quiet brown streets brightened by the scarlet gowns; the long limitless sands; the dark blue distant hills; and far…off snowy peaks of the Grampians; the majestic melancholy towers; monuments of old religion overthrown; the deep dusky porch of the college chapel; with Kennedy's arms in wrought iron on the oaken door; the solid houses with their crow steps and gables; all the forlorn memories of civil and religious feud; of inhabitants saintly; royal; heroic; endeared St。 Andrews to Murray。 He could not say; like our other poet to Oxford; ‘Farewell; dear city of youth and dream!'  His whole nature needed the air; ‘like wine。'  He found; as he remarks; ‘health and happiness in the German Ocean;' swimming out beyond the ‘lake' where the witches were dipped; walking to the grey little coast…towns; with their wealth of historic documents; their ancient kirks and graves; dreaming in the vernal woods of Mount Melville or Strathtyrum; rambling (without a fishing…rod) in the charmed ‘dens' of the Kenley burn; a place like Tempe in miniature:  these things were Murray's usual enjoyments; and they became his indispensable needs。  His peculiarly shy and; as it were; silvan nature; made it physically impossible for him to live in crowded streets and push his way through throngs of indifferent men。  He could not live even in Edinburgh; he made the effort; and his health; at no time strong; seems never to have recovered from the effects of a few months spent under a roof in a large town。  He hurried back to St。 Andrews:  her fascination was too powerful。  Hence it is that; dying with his work scarcely begun; he will always be best remembered as the poet of The Scarlet Gown; the Calverley or J。 K。 S。 of Kilrymont; endowed with their humour; their skill in parody; their love of youth; but (if I am not prejudiced) with more than the tenderness and natural magic of these regretted writers。  Not to be able to endure crowds and towns; (a matter of physical health and constitution; as well as of temperament) was; of course; fatal to an ordinary success in journalism。  On the other hand; Murray's name is inseparably connected with the life of youth in the little old college; in the University of the Admirable Crichton and Claverhouse; of the great Montrose and of Ferguson;the harmless Villon of Scotland;the University of almost all the famous Covenanters; and of all the valiant poet…Cavaliers。  Murray has sung of the life and pleasures of its students; of examinations and Gaudeamusessupper partieshe has sung of the sands; the links; the sea; the towers; and his name and fame are for ever blended with the air of his city of youth and dream。  It is not a wide name or a great fame; but it is what he would have desired; and we trust that it may be long…lived and enduring。  We are not to wax elegiac; and adopt a tearful tone over one so gallant and so uncomplaining。  He failed; but he was undefeated。

In the following sketch of Murray's life and work use is made of his letters; chiefly of letters to his mother。  They always illustrate his own ideas and attempts; frequently they throw the light of an impartial and critical mind on the distinguished people whom Murray observed from without。  It is worth remarking that among many remarks on persons; I have found not one of a censorious; cynical; envious; or unfriendly nature。  Youth is often captious and keenly critical; partly because youth generally has an ideal; partly; perhaps chiefly; from mere intellectual high spirits and sense of the incongruous; occasionally the motive is jealousy or spite。 Murray's sense of fun was keen; his ideal was lofty; of envy; of an injured sense of being neglected; he does not show one trace。  To make fun of their masters and pastors; tutors; professors; is the general and not necessarily unkind tendency of pupils。  Murray rarely mentions any of the professors in St。 Andrews except in terms of praise; which is often enthusiastic。  Now; as he was by no means a prize student; or pattern young man for a story…book; this generosity is a high proof of an admirable nature。  If he chances to speak to his mother about a bore; and he did not suffer bores gladly; he not only does not name the person; but gives no hint by which he might be identified。  He had much to embitter him; for he had a keen consciousness of ‘the something within him;' of the powers which never found full expression; and he saw others advancing and pros
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