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r. f. murray-第15部分

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O hark!  A sound across the air; Which tells not of December's cold; A sound most musical and rare。 Thy bells are ringing as of old; With silver throats and tongues of gold。 Alas! it is too sweet for truth; An empty echo of our youth。

Nay; never echo spake so loud! It is indeed thy bells that ring。 And lo; against the leaden cloud; Thy towers!  Once more we leap and spring; Once more melodiously we sing; We sing; and in our song forget That winter lies around us yet。

Oh; what is winter; now we know; Full surely; thou canst never fail? Forgive our weak untrustful woe; Which deemed thy glowing face grown pale。 We know thee; mighty to prevail。 Doubt and decrepitude depart; And youth comes back into the heart。

O Love; who turnest frost to flame With ardent and immortal eyes; Whose spirit sorrow cannot tame; Nor time subdue in any wise … While sun and moon for us shall rise; Oh; may we in thy service keep Till in thy faith we fall asleep!


Where she sleeps; no moonlight shines No pale beam unbidden creeps。 Darkest shade the place enshrines Where she sleeps。

Like a diamond in the deeps Of the rich unopened mines There her lovely rest she keeps。

Though the jealous dark confines All her beauty; Love's heart leaps。 His unerring thought divines Where she sleeps。


For thee the birds shall never sing again; Nor fresh green leaves come out upon the tree; The brook shall no more murmur the refrain For thee。

Thou liest underneath the windswept lea; Thou dreamest not of pleasure or of pain; Thou dreadest no to…morrow that shall be。

Deep rest is thine; unbroken by the rain; Ay; or the thunder。  Brother; canst thou see The tears that night and morning fall in vain For thee?


Thou art queen to every eye; When the fairest maids convene。 Envy's self can not deny Thou art queen。

In thy step thy right is seen; In thy beauty pure and high; In thy grace of air and mien。

Thine unworthy vassal I; Lay my hands thy hands between; Kneeling at thy feet I cry Thou art queen!


‘In the shadow of Thy wings; O Lord of Hosts; whom I extol; I will put my trust for ever;' so the kingly David sings。 ‘Thou shalt help me; Thou shalt save me; only Thou shalt keep me whole; In the shadow of Thy wings。'

In our ears this voice triumphant; like a blowing trumpet; rings; But our hearts have heard another; as of funeral bells that toll; ‘God of David where to find Thee?'  No reply the question brings。

Shadows are there overhead; but they are of the clouds that roll; Blotting out the sun from sight; and overwhelming earthly things。 Oh; that we might feel Thy presence!  Surely we could rest our soul In the shadow of Thy wings。


I know the garden…close of sin; The cloying fruits; the noxious flowers; I long have roamed the walks and bowers; Desiring what no man shall win:

A secret place to shelter in; When soon or late the angry powers Come down to seek the wretch who cowers; Expecting judgment to begin。

The pleasure long has passed away From flowers and fruit; each hour I dread My doom will find me where I lie。 I dare not go; I dare not stay。 Without the walks; my hope is dead; Within them; I myself must die。


There is a village in a southern land; By rounded hills closed in on every hand。 The streets slope steeply to the market…square; Long lines of white…washed houses; clean and fair; With roofs irregular; and steps of stone Ascending to the front of every one。 The people swarthy; idle; full of mirth; Live mostly by the tillage of the earth。

Upon the northern hill…top; looking down; Like some sequestered saint upon the town; Stands the great convent。

On a summer night; Ten years ago; the moon with rising light Made all the convent towers as clear as day; While still in deepest shade the village lay。 Both light and shadow with repose were filled; The village sounds; the convent bells were stilled。 No foot in all the streets was now astir; And in the convent none kept watch but her Whom they called Ursula。  The moonlight fell Brightly around her in the lonely cell。 Her eyes were dark; and full of unshed woe; Like mountain tarns which cannot overflow; Surcharged with rain; and round about the eyes Deep rings recorded sleepless nights; and cries Stifled before their birth。  Her brow was pale; And like a marble temple in a vale Of cypress trees; shone shadowed by her hair。 So still she was; that had you seen her there; You might have thought you were beholding death。 Her lips were parted; but if any breath Came from between them; it were hard to know By any movement of her breast of snow。

But when the summer night was now far spent; She kneeled upon the floor。  Her head she leant Down on the cold stone of the window…seat。 God knows if there were any vital heat In those pale brows; or if they chilled the stone。 And as she knelt; she made a bitter moan; With words that issued from a bitter soul; … ‘O Mary; Mother; and is this thy goal; Thy peace which waiteth for the world…worn heart? Is it for this I live and die apart From all that once I knew?  O Holy God; Is this the blessed chastening of Thy rod; Which only wounds to heal?  Is this the cross That I must carry; counting all for loss Which once was precious in the world to me? If Thou be God; blot out my memory; And let me come; forsaking all; to Thee。 But here; though that old world beholds me not; Here; though I seek Thee through my lonely lot; Here; though I fast; do penance day by day; Kneel at Thy feet; and ever watch and pray; Beloved forms from that forsaken world Revisit me。  The pale blue smoke is curled Up from the dwellings of the sons of men。 I see it; and all my heart turns back again From seeking Thee; to find the forms I love。

‘Thou; with Thy saints abiding far above; What canst Thou know of this; my earthly pain? They said to me; Thou shalt be born again; And learn that worldly things are nothing worth; In that new state。  O God; is this new birth; Birth of the spirit dying to the flesh? Are these the living waters which refresh The thirsty spirit; that it thirst no more? Still all my life is thirsting to the core。 Thou canst not satisfy; if this be Thou。 And yet I dream; or I remember how; Before I came here; while I tarried yet Among the friends they tell me to forget; I never seemed to seek Thee; but I found Thou wert in all the loveliness around; And most of all in hearts that loved me well。

‘And then I came to seek Thee in this cell; To crucify my worldliness and pride; To lay my heart's affections all aside; As carnal hindrances which held my soul From hasting unencumbered to her goal。 And all this have I done; or else have striven To do; obeying the behest of Heaven; And my reward is bitterness。  I seem To wander always in a feverish dream On plains where there is only sun and sand; No rock or tree in all the weary land; My thirst unquenchable; my heart burnt dry。 And still in my parched throat I faintly cry; Deliver me; O Lord:  bow down Thine ear!

‘He will not answer me。  He does not hear。 I am alone within the universe。 Oh for a strength of will to rise and curse God; and defy Him here to str
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