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r. f. murray-第10部分

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Far from that bleak and rude land An exile I remain Fixed in a fair and good land; A valley and a plain Rich in fat fields and woodland; And watered well with rain。

Last night the full moon's splendour Shone down on Taunton Dene; And pasture fresh and tender; And coppice dusky green; The heavenly light did render In one enchanted scene;

One fair unearthly vision。 Yet soon mine eyes were cloyed; And found those fields Elysian Too rich to be enjoyed。 Or was it our division Made all my pleasure void?

Across the window glasses The curtain then I drew; And; as a sea…bird passes; In sleep my spirit flew To grey and windswept grasses And moonlit sandsand you。


The city once again doth wear Her wonted dress of winter's bride; Her mantle woven of misty air; With saffron sunlight faintly dyed。 She sits above the seething tide; Of all her summer robes forlorn … And dead is all her summer pride … The leaves are off Queen Mary's Thorn。

All round; the landscape stretches bare; The bleak fields lying far and wide; Monotonous; with here and there A lone tree on a lone hillside。 No more the land is glorified With golden gleams of ripening corn; Scarce is a cheerful hue descried … The leaves are off Queen Mary's Thorn。

For me; I do not greatly care Though leaves be dead; and mists abide。 To me the place is thrice as fair In winter as in summer…tide: With kindlier memories allied Of pleasure past and pain o'erworn。 What care I; though the earth may hide The leaves from off Queen Mary's Thorn?

Thus I unto my friend replied; When; on a chill late autumn morn; He pointed to the tree; and cried; ‘The leaves are off Queen Mary's Thorn!'


There was a time when it was counted high To be a patriotwhether by the zeal Of peaceful labour for the country's weal; Or by the courage in her cause to die:

FOR KING AND COUNTRY was a rallying cry That turned men's hearts to fire; their nerves to steel; Not to unheeding ears did it appeal; A pulpit formula; a platform lie。

Only a fool will wantonly desire That war should come; outpouring blood and fire; And bringing grief and hunger in her train。 And yet; if there be found no other way; God send us war; and with it send the day When love of country shall be real again!


Sleep flies me like a lover Too eagerly pursued; Or like a bird to cover Within some distant wood; Where thickest boughs roof over Her secret solitude。

The nets I spread to snare her; Although with cunning wrought; Have only served to scare her; And now she'll not be caught。 To those who best could spare her; She ever comes unsought。

She lights upon their pillows; She gives them pleasant dreams; Grey…green with leaves of willows; And cool with sound of streams; Or big with tranquil billows; On which the starlight gleams。

No vision fair entrances My weary open eye; No marvellous romances Make night go swiftly by; But only feverish fancies Beset me where I lie。

The black midnight is steeping The hillside and the lawn; But still I lie unsleeping; With curtains backward drawn; To catch the earliest peeping Of the desired dawn。

Perhaps; when day is breaking; When birds their song begin; And; worn with all night waking; I call their music din; Sweet sleep; some pity taking; At last may enter in。


Whene'er I try to read a book; Across the page your face will look; And then I neither know nor care What sense the printed words may bear。

At night when I would go to sleep; Thinking of you; awake I keep; And still repeat the words you said; Like sick men murmuring prayers in bed。

And when; with weariness oppressed; I sink in spite of you to rest; Your image; like a lovely sprite; Haunts me in dreams through half the night。

I wake upon the autumn morn To find the sunrise hardly born; And in the sky a soft pale blue; And in my heart your image true。

When out I walk to take the air; Your image is for ever there; Among the woods that lose their leaves; Or where the North Sea sadly heaves。

By what enchantment shall be laid This ghost; which does not make afraid; But vexes with dim loveliness And many a shadowy caress?

There is no other way I know But unto you forthwith to go; That I may look upon the maid Whereof that other is the shade。

As the strong sun puts out the moon; Whose borrowed rays are all his own; So; in your living presence; dies The phantom kindled at your eyes。

By this most blessed spell; each day The vexing ghost awhile I lay。 Yet am I glad to know that when I leave you it will rise again。


Come back to St。 Andrews!  Before you went away You said you would be wretched where you could not see the Bay; The East sands and the West sands and the castle in the sea Come back to St。 AndrewsSt。 Andrews and me。

Oh; it's dreary along South Street when the rain is coming down; And the east wind makes the student draw more close his warm red gown; As I often saw you do; when I watched you going by On the stormy days to College; from my window up on high。

I wander on the Lade Braes; where I used to walk with you; And purple are the woods of Mount Melville; budding new; But I cannot bear to look; for the tears keep coming so; And the Spring has lost the freshness which it had a year ago。

Yet often I could fancy; where the pathway takes a turn; I shall see you in a moment; coming round beside the burn; Coming round beside the burn; with your swinging step and free; And your face lit up with pleasure at the sudden sight of me。

Beyond the Rock and Spindle; where we watched the water clear In the happy April sunshine; with a happy sound to hear; There I sat this afternoon; but no hand was holding mine; And the water sounded eerie; though the April sun did shine。

Oh; why should I complain of what I know was bound to be? For you had your way to make; and you must not think of me。 But a woman's heart is weak; and a woman's joys are few … There are times when I could die for a moment's sight of you。

It may be you will come again; before my hair is grey As the sea is in the twilight of a weary winter's day。 When success is grown a burden; and your heart would fain be free; Come back to St。 AndrewsSt。 Andrews and me。


I have been lonely all my days on earth; Living a life within my secret soul; With mine own springs of sorrow and of mirth; Beyond the world's control。

Though sometimes with vain longing I have sought To walk the paths where other mortals tread; To wear the clothes for other mortals wrought; And eat the selfsame bread …

Yet have I ever found; when thus I strove To mould my life upon the common plan; That I was furthest from all truth and love; And least a living man。

Truth frowned upon my poor hypocrisy; Life left my soul; and dwelt but in my sense; No man could love me; for all men could see The hollow vain pretence。

Their clothes sat on me with outlandish air; Upon their easy road I tripped and fell; And still I sickened of the wholesome fare On which they nourished well。

I was a stranger in that company; A Galilean whom his speech bewrayed; And when they lifted up their songs of glee; My 
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