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and when her parents told her to do anything; she did not obey
them; so how could she fare well。  One day she said to her
parents; I have heard so much of frau trude; I will go to her
some day。  People say that everything about her does look so
strange; and that there are such odd things in her house; that
I have become quite curious。  Her parents absolutely forbade
her; and said; frau trude is a bad woman; who does wicked things;
and if you go to her; you are no longer our child。  But the maiden
did not let herself be turned aside by her parents; prohibition;
and still went to frau trude。  And when she got to her; frau
trude said; why are you so pale。  Ah; she replied; and her whole
body trembled; I have been so terrified at what I have seen。  What
have you seen。  I saw a black man on your steps。  That was a
collier。  Then I saw a green man。  That was a huntsman。  After
that I saw a blood…red man。  That was a butcher。  Ah; frau
trude; I was terrified。  I looked through the window and saw
not you; but; as I verily believe; the devil himself with a head
of fire。  Oho。 Said she; then you have seen the witch in her
proper costume。  I have been waiting for you; and wanting you
a long time already。  You shall give me some light。  Then she
changed the girl into a block of wood; and threw it into the
fire。  And when it was in a full blaze she sat down close to it;
and warmed herself by it; and said; that shines bright for once
in a way。
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