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an unprotected female at the pyramids-第8部分

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unkind to an unprotected female; and his heart misgave him。  And yet it
would have misgiven him more had he allowed himself to be entrapped by
Miss Dawkins。

〃I am quite ready; papa;〃 said Fanny; running up to himfor it may be
understood that there is quite room enough for a young lady to run on
the top of the Pyramid。

〃I am sure I don't know where you have been all the time;〃 said Mr。
Damer; 〃and where are those two boys?〃

Fanny pointed to the top of the other Pyramid; and there they were;
conspicuous with their red caps。

〃And M。 Delabordeau?〃

〃Oh! he has gone down; I think;no; he is there with Miss Dawkins。〃
And in truth Miss Dawkins was leaning on his arm most affectionately;
as she stooped over and looked down upon the ruins below her。

〃And where is that fellow; Ingram?〃 said Mr。 Damer; looking about him。
〃He is always out of the way when he's wanted。〃

To this Fanny said nothing。  Why should she?  She was not Mr。 Ingram's

And then they all descended; each again with his proper number of Arabs
to hurry and embarrass him; and they found Mr。 Damer at the bottom;
like a piece of sugar covered with flies。  She was heard to declare
afterwards that she would not go to the Pyramids again; not if they
were to be given to her for herself; as ornaments for her garden。

The picnic lunch among the big stones at the foot of the Pyramid was
not a very gay affair。  Miss Dawkins talked more than any one else;
being determined to show that she bore her defeat gallantly。  Her
conversation; however; was chiefly addressed to M。 Delabordeau; and he
seemed to think more of his cold chicken and ham than he did of her wit
and attention。

Fanny hardly spoke a word。  There was her father before her and she
could not eat; much less talk; as she thought of all that she would
have to go through。  What would he say to the idea of having an
American for a son…in…law?

Nor was Mr。 Ingram very lively。  A young man when he has been just
accepted; never is so。  His happiness under the present circumstances
was; no doubt; intense; but it was of a silent nature。

And then the interior of the building had to be visited。  To tell the
truth none of the party would have cared to perform this feat had it
not been for the honour of the thing。  To have come from Paris; New
York; or London; to the Pyramids; and then not to have visited the very
tomb of Cheops; would have shown on the part of all of them an
indifference to subjects of interest which would have been altogether
fatal to their character as travellers。  And so a party for the
interior was made up。

Miss Damer when she saw the aperture through which it was expected that
she should descend; at once declared for staying with her mother。  Miss
Dawkins; however; was enthusiastic for the journey。  〃Persons with so
very little command over their nerves might really as well stay at
home;〃 she said to Mr。 Ingram; who glowered at her dreadfully for
expressing such an opinion about his Fanny。

This entrance into the Pyramids is a terrible task; which should be
undertaken by no lady。  Those who perform it have to creep down; and
then to be dragged up; through infinite dirt; foul smells; and bad air;
and when they have done it; they see nothing。  But they do earn the
gratification of saying that they have been inside a Pyramid。

〃Well; I've done that once;〃 said Mr。 Damer; coming out; 〃and I do not
think that any one will catch me doing it again。  I never was in such a
filthy place in my life。〃

〃Oh; Fanny! I am so glad you did not go; I am sure it is not fit for
ladies;〃 said poor Mrs。 Damer; forgetful of her friend Miss Dawkins。

〃I should have been ashamed of myself;〃 said Miss Dawkins; bristling
up; and throwing back her head as she stood; 〃if I had allowed any
consideration to have prevented my visiting such a spot。  If it be not
improper for men to go there; how can it be improper for women?〃

〃I did not say improper; my dear;〃 said Mrs。 Damer; apologetically。

〃And as for the fatigue; what can a woman be worth who is afraid to
encounter as much as I have now gone through for the sake of visiting
the last resting…place of such a king as Cheops?〃  And Miss Dawkins; as
she pronounced the last words; looked round her with disdain upon poor
Fanny Damer。

〃But I meant the dirt;〃 said Mrs。 Damer。

〃Dirt!〃 ejaculated Miss Dawkins; and then walked away。  Why should she
now submit her high tone of feeling to the Damers; or why care longer
for their good opinion?  Therefore she scattered contempt around her as
she ejaculated the last word; 〃dirt。〃

And then the return home!  〃I know I shall never get there;〃 said Mrs。
Damer; looking piteously up into her husband's face。

〃Nonsense; my dear; nonsense; you must get there。〃  Mrs。 Damer groaned;
and acknowledged in her heart that she must;either dead or alive。

〃And; Jefferson;〃 said Fanny; whisperingfor there had been a moment
since their descent in which she had been instructed to call him by his
Christian name〃never mind talking to me going home。  I will ride by
mamma。  Do you go with papa and put him in good humour; and it he says
anything about the lords and the bishops; don't you contradict him; you

What will not a man do for love?  Mr。 Ingram promised。

And in this way they started; the two boys led the van; then came Mr。
Damer and Mr。 Ingram; unusually and unpatriotically acquiescent as to
England's aristocratic propensities; then Miss Dawkins riding; alas!
alone; after her; M。 Delabordeau; also alone;the ungallant Frenchman!
And the rear was brought up by Mrs。 Damer and her daughter; flanked on
each side by a dragoman; with a third dragoman behind them。

And in this order they went back to Cairo; riding their donkeys; and
crossing the ferry solemnly; and; for the most part; silently。  Mr。
Ingram did talk; as he had an important object in view;that of
putting Mr。 Damer into a good humour。

In this he succeeded so well that by the time they had remounted; after
crossing the Nile; Mr。 Damer opened his heart to his companion on the
subject that was troubling him; and told him all about Miss Dawkins。

〃I don't see why we should have a companion that we don't like for
eight or ten weeks; merely because it seems rude to refuse a lady。〃

〃Indeed; I agree with you;〃 said Mr。 Ingram; 〃I should call it weak…
minded to give way in such a case。〃

〃My daughter does not like her at all;〃 continued Mr。 Damer。

〃Nor would she be a nice companion for Miss Damer; not according to my
way of thinking;〃 said Mr。 Ingram。

〃And as to my having asked her; or Mrs。 Damer having asked her!  Why;
God bless my soul; it is pure invention on the woman's part!〃

〃Ha! ha! ha!〃 laughed Mr。 Ingram; 〃I must say she plays her game well;
but then she is an old soldier; and has the benefit of experience。〃
What would Miss Dawkins have said had she known that Mr。 Ingram called
her an old soldier?

〃I don't like the kind of thing at all;〃 said Mr。 Damer; who was very
serious upon the subject。  〃You see the position in which I am placed。
I am forced to be very rude; or〃

〃I don't call it rude at all。〃

〃Disobliging; then; or else I must have 
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