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the moon pool-第82部分

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faces。  They bent toward us; over us; their radiance enfolded

us。 My eyes darkened。  I could not see。  I felt a tender hand

upon my headand panic and frozen dread and nightmare

web that held me fled。

Then they; too; were gone。

Upon Larry's breast the handmaiden was sobbingsob…

bing out her heartbut this time with the joy of one who is

swept up from the very threshold of hell into paradise。



〃MY HEART; Larry〃 It was the handmaiden's murmur。

〃My heart feels like a bird that is flying from a nest of


We were pacing down the length of the bridge; guards of

the _Akka_ beside us; others following with those companies of

_ladala_ that had rushed to aid us; in front of us the bandaged

Rador swung gently within a litter; beside him; in another;

lay Nak; the frog…kingmuch less of him than there had

been before the battle began; but living。

Hours had passed since the terror I have just related。  My

first task had been to search for Throckmartin and his wife

among the fallen multitudes strewn thick as autumn leaves

along the flying arch of stone; over the cavern ledge; and

back; back as far as the eye could reach。

At last; Lakla and Larry helping; we found them。  They

lay close to the bridge…end; not partedlocked tight in each

other's arms; pallid face to face; her hair streaming over his

breast!  As though when that unearthly life the Dweller had

set within them passed away; their own had come back for

one fleeting instantand they had known each other; and

clasped before kindly death had taken them。

〃Love is stronger than all things。〃 The handmaiden was

weeping softly。  〃Love never left them。  Love was stronger

than the Shining One。  And when its evil fled; love went with

themwherever souls go。〃

Of Stanton and Thora there was no trace; nor; after our

discovery of those other two; did I care to look more。  They

were deadand they were free。

We buried Throckmartin and Edith beside Olaf in Lakla's

bower。  But before the body of my old friend was placed

within the grave I gave it a careful and sorrowful examina…

tion。  The skin was firm and smooth; but cold; not the cold of

death; but with a chill that set my touching fingers tingling

unpleasantly。  The body was bloodless; the course of veins

and arteries marked by faintly indented white furrows; as

though their walls had long collapsed。  Lips; mouth; even the

tongue; was paper white。  There was no sign of dissolution as

we know it; no shadow or stain upon the marble surface。

Whatever the force that; streaming from the Dweller or im…

pregnating its lair; had energized the dead…alive; it was bar…

rier against putrescence of any kind; that at least was certain。

But it was not barrier against the poison of the Medusae;

for; our sad task done; and looking down upon the waters; I

saw the pale forms of the Dweller's hordes dissolving; van…

ishing into the shifting glories of the gigantic moons sailing

down upon them from every quarter of the Sea of Crimson。

While the frog…men; those late levies from the farthest for…

ests; were clearing bridge and ledge of cavern of the litter of

the dead; we listened to a leader of the _ladala_。  They had risen;

even as the messenger had promised Rador。  Fierce had been

the struggle in the gardened city by the silver waters with

those Lugur and Yolara bad left behind to garrison it。  Deadly

had been the slaughter of the fair…haired; reaping the har…

vest of hatred they had been sowing so long。  Not without

a pang of regret did I think of the beautiful; gaily malicious

elfin women destroyedevil though they may have been。

The ancient city of Lara was a charnel。  Of all the rulers

not twoscore had escaped; and these into regions of peril

which to describe as sanctuary would be mockery。  Nor had

the _ladala_ fared so well。  Of all the men and women; for

women as well as men had taken their part in the swift war;

not more than a tenth remained alive。

And the dancing motes of light in the silver air were

thick; thickthey whispered。

They told us of the Shining One rushing through the Veil;

cometlike; its hosts streaming behind it; raging with it; in

ranks that seemed interminable!

Of the massacre of the priests and priestesses in the Cyclo…

pean temple; of the flashing forth of the summoning lights by

unseen handsfollowed by the tearing of the rainbow cur…

tain; by colossal shatterings of the radiant cliffs; the vanish…

ing behind their debris of all trace of entrance to the haunted

place wherein the hordes of the Shining One had slaved

the sealing of the lair!

Then; when the tempest of hate had ended in seething

Lara; how; thrilled with victory; armed with the weapons of

those they had slain; they had lifted the Shadow; passed

through the Portal; met and slaughtered the fleeing remnants

of Yolara's menonly to find the tempest stilled here; too。

But of Marakinoff they had seen nothing!  Had the Russian

escaped; I wondered; or was he lying out there among the


But now the _ladala_ were calling upon Lakla to come with

them; to govern them。

〃I don't want to; Larry darlin';〃 she told him。  〃I want to

go out with you to Ireland。  But for a timeI think the Three

would have us remain and set that place in order。〃

The O'Keefe was bothered about something else than the

government of Muria。

〃If they've killed off all the priests; who's to marry us;

heart of mine?〃 he worried。  〃None of those Siya and Siyana

rites; no matter what;〃 he added hastily。

〃Marry!〃 cried the handmaiden incredulously。  〃Marry us?

Why; Larry dear; we ARE married!〃

The O'Keefe's astonishment was complete; his jaw

dropped; collapse seemed imminent。

〃We are?〃 he gasped。  〃When?〃 he stammered fatuously。

〃Why; when the Mother drew us together before her;

when she put her hands on our heads after we had made the

promise!  Didn't you understand that?〃 asked the hand…

maiden wonderingly。

He looked at her; into the purity of the clear golden eyes;

into the purity of the soul that gazed out of them; all his

own great love transfiguring his keen face。

〃An' is that enough for you; _mavourneen_?〃 he whispered


〃Enough?〃 The handmaiden's puzzlement was complete;

profound。  〃Enough?  Larry darlin'; what MORE could we ask?〃

He drew a deep breath; clasped her close。

〃Kiss the bride; Doc!〃 cried the O'Keefe。  And for the

third and; soul's sorrow!  the last time; Lakla dimpling and

blushing; I thrilled to the touch of her soft; sweet lips。

Quickly were our preparations for departure made。  Rador;

conscious; his immense vitality conquering fast his wounds;

was to be borne ahead of us。  And when all was done; Lakla;

Larry; and I made our way up to the scarlet stone that was

the doorway to the chamber of the Three。  We knew; of

course; that they had gone; foll
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