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the moon pool-第80部分

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the dome。  Back through the slitted opening the radiance was

streaming; withdrawing from sea and island; marching back

over the bridge with that same ordered; intelligent motion。

Behind it the red light pressed; like skirmishers on the heels

of a retreating army。

〃And yet〃 faltered the handmaiden as we passed into

her chamber; and doubtful were the eyes she turned upon the


〃I don't believe;〃 he said; 〃there's a kick left in them〃

What was that sound beating into the chamber faintly; so

faintly?  My heart gave a great throb and seemed to stop for

an eternity。  What was itcoming nearer; ever nearer?  Now

Lakla and O'Keefe heard it; life ebbing from lips and cheeks。

Nearer; nearera music as of myriads of tiny crystal bells;

tinkling; tinklinga storm of pizzicati upon violins of glass!

Nearer; nearernot sweetly now; nor luring; noraging;

wrathful; sinister beyond words; sweeping on; nearer

The Dweller!  The Shining One!

We leaped to the narrow window; peered out; aghast。  The

bell notes swept through and about us; a hurricane。  The

crescent strand was once more a ferment。  Back; back were

the _Akka_ being swept; as though by brooms; tottering on the

edge of the ledge; falling into the waters。  Swiftly they were

finished; and where they had fought was an eddying throng

clothed in tatters or naked; swaying; drifting; arms tossing

like marionettes of Satan。

The dead…alive!  The slaves of the Dweller!

They swayed and tossed; and then; like water racing

through an opened dam; they swept upon the bridge…head。

On and on they pushed; like the bore of a mighty tide。  The

frog…men strove against them; clubbing; spearing; tearing

them。  But even those worst smitten seemed not to fall。  On

they pushed; driving forward; irresistiblea battering ram

of flesh and bone。  They clove the masses of the _Akka_; press…

ing them to the sides of the bridge and over。  Through the

open gates they forced themfor there was no room for the

frog…men to stand against that implacable tide。

Then those of the _Akka_ who were left turned their backs

and ran。  We heard the clang of the golden wings of the por…

tal; and none too soon to keep out the first of the Dweller's

dreadful hordes。

Now upon the cavern 'edge and over the whole length

of the bridge there were none but the dead…alive; men and

women; black…polled _ladala_; sloe…eyed Malays; slant…eyed

Chinese; men of every race that sailed the seasmilling;

turning; swaying; like leaves caught in a sluggish current。

The bell notes became sharper; more insistent。  At the cav…

ern mouth a radiance began to growa gleaming from

which the atoms of diamond dust seemed to try to flee。  As

the radiance grew and the crystal notes rang nearer; every

head of that hideous multitude turned stiffly; slowly toward

the right; looking toward the far bridge end; their eyes fixed

and glaring; every face an inhuman mask of rapture and of


A movement shook them。  Those in the centre began to

stream back; faster and ever faster; leaving motionless deep

ranks on each side。  Back they flowed until from golden

doors to cavern mouth a wide lane stretched; walled on each

side by the dead…alive。

The far radiance became brighter; it gathered itself at the

end of the dreadful lane; it was shot with sparklings and with

pulsings of polychromatic light。  The crystal storm was in…

tolerable; piercing the ears with countless tiny lances;

brighter still the radiance

From the cavern swirled the Shining One!

The Dweller paused; seemed to scan the island of the

Silent Ones half doubtfully; then slowly; stately; it drifted

out upon the bridge。  Closer it drew; behind it glided Yolara

at the head of a company of her dwarfs; and at her side was

the hag of the Council whose face was the withered; shat…

tered echo of her own。

Slower grew the Dweller's pace as it drew nearer。  Did I

sense in it a doubt; an uncertainty?  The crystal…tongued;

unseen choristers that accompanied it subtly seemed to re…

flect the doubt; their notes were not sure; no longer insistent;

rather was there in them an undertone of hesitancy; of warn…

ing!  Yet on came the Shining One until it stood plain be…

neath us; searching with those eyes that thrust from and

withdrew into unknown spheres; the golden gateway; the

cliff face; the castle's rounded bulkand more intently than

any of these; the dome wherein sat the Three。

Behind it each face of the dead…alive turned toward it; and

those beside it throbbed and gleamed with its luminescence。

Yolara crept close; just beyond the reach of its spirals。

She murmuredand the Dweller bent toward her; its seven

globes steady in their shining mists; as though listening。  It

drew erect once more; resumed its doubtful scrutiny。  Yo…

lara's face darkened; she turned abruptly; spoke to a captain

of her guards。  A dwarf raced back between the palisades of


Now the priestess cried out; her voice ringing like a silver


〃Ye are done; ye Three!  The Shining One stands at your

door; demanding entrance。  Your beasts are slain and your

power is gone。  Who are ye; says the Shining One; to deny

it entrance to the place of its birth?〃

〃Ye do not answer;〃 she cried again; 〃yet know we that

ye hear!  The Shining One offers these terms: Send forth your

handmaiden and that lying stranger she stole; send them

forth to usand perhaps ye may live。  But if ye send them

not forth; then shall ye too dieand soon!〃

We waited; silent; even as did Yolaraand again there

was no answer from the Three。

The priestess laughed; the blue eyes flashed。

〃It is ended!〃 she cried。  〃If you will not open; needs must

we open for you!〃

Over the bridge was marching a long double file of the

dwarfs。  They bore a smoothed and handled tree…trunk whose

head was knobbed with a huge hall of metal。  Past the priest…

ess; past the Shining One; they carried it; fifty of them to

each side of the ram; and behind them steppedMarakin…


Larry awoke to life。

〃Now; thank God;〃 he rasped; 〃I can get that devil; any…


He drew his pistol; took careful aim。  Even as he pressed

the trigger there rang through the abode a tremendous

clanging。  The ram was battering at the gates。  O'Keefe's bul…

let went wild。  The Russian must have heard the shot; per…

haps the missile was closer than we knew。  He made a swift

leap behind the guards; was lost to sight。

Once more the thunderous clanging rang through the


Lakla drew herself erect; down upon her dropped the

listening aloofness。  Gravely she bowed her head。

〃It is time; O love of mine。〃 She turned to O'Keefe。  〃The

Silent Ones say that the way of fear is closed; but the way

of love is open。  They call upon us to redeem our promise!〃

For a hundred heart…beats they clung to each other; breast

to breast and lip to lip。  
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