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the moon pool-第73部分

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slaughter。  When it was over there was no more a sun king

nor any of the ruddy…haired folk; slain were they; slain down

to the babe at breast。

〃But still the tides swept higher; still dwindled the land!

〃As it shrank multitudes of the fleeing people were led

through Moon Pool Chamber and carried here。  They were

what now are called the _ladala_; and they were given place

and set to work; and they thrived。  Came many of the fair…

haired; and they were given dwellings。  They sat beside the

evil _Taithu_; they became drunk even as they with the dan…

cing of the Shining One; they learnednot all; only a little

part but little enoughof their arts。  And ever the Shining

One danced more gaily out there within the black amphi…

theatre; grew ever strongerand ever the hordes of its

slaves behind the Veil increased。

〃Nor did the _Taithu_ who clung to the old ways check this

they could not。  By the sinking of the land above; their

own spaces were imperilled。  All of their strength and all of

their wisdom it took to keep this land from perishing; nor

had they help from those others mad for the poison of the

Shining One; and they had no time to deal with them nor

the earth race with whom they had foregathered。

〃At last came a slow; vast flood。  It rolled even to the

bases of the walled islets of the city of the godsand within

these now were all that were left of my people on earth face。

〃I am of those people;〃 she paused; looking at me proudly;

〃one of the daughters of the sun king whose seed is still alive

in the _ladala_!〃

As Larry opened his mouth to speak she waved a silencing hand。

〃This tide did not recede;〃 she went on。  〃And after a time

the remnant; the moon king leading them; joined those who

had already fled below。  The rocks became still; the quakings

ceased; and now those Ancient Ones who had been labouring

could take breath。  And anger grew within them as they

looked upon the work of their evil kin。  Again they sought

the Threeand the Three now knew what they had done and

their pride was humbled。  They would not slay the Shining

One themselves; for still they loved it; but they instructed

these others how to undo their work; how also they might

destroy the evil _Taithu_ were it necessary。

〃Armed with the wisdom of the Three they went forth

but now the Shining One was strong indeed。  They could not

slay it!

〃Nay; it knew and was prepared; they could not even pass

beyond its Veil nor seal its abode。  Ah; strong; strong; mighty

of will; full of craft and cunning had the Shining One be…

come。  So they turned upon their kind who had gone astray

and made them perish; to the last。  The Shining One came

not to the aid of its servantsthough they called; for within

its will was the thought that they were of no further use to it;

that it would rest awhile and dance with themwho had so

little of the power and wisdom of its _Taithu_ and therefore

no reins upon it。  And while this was happening black…haired

and fair…haired ran and hid and were but shaking vessels of


〃The Ancient Ones took counsel。  This was their decision;

that they would go from the gardens before the Silver Waters

leaving; since they could not kill it; the Shining One with

its worshippers。  They sealed the mouth of the passage that

leads to the Moon Pool Chamber and they changed the face

of the cliff so that none might tell where it had been。  But

the passage itself they left openhaving foreknowledge I

think; of a thing that was to come to pass in the far future

perhaps it was your journey here; my Larry and Goodwin

verily I think so。  And they destroyed all the ways save that

which we three trod to the Dweller's abode。

〃For the last time they went to the Threeto pass sen…

tence upon them。  This was the doomthat here they should

remain; alone; among the _Akka_; served by them; until that

time dawned when they would have will to destroy the evil

they had createdand even nowloved; nor might they

seek death; nor follow their judges until this had come to

pass。  This was the doom they put upon the Three for the

wickedness that had sprung from their pride; and they

strengthened it with their arts that it might not be broken。

〃Then they passedto a far land they had chosen where

the Shining One could not go; beyond the Black Precipices

of Doul; a green land〃

〃Ireland!〃 interrupted Larry; with conviction; 〃I knew it。〃

〃Since then time upon time had passed;〃 she went on;

unheeding。  〃The people called this place Muria after their

sunken land and soon they forgot where had been the

passage the _Taithu_ had sealed。  The moon king became the

Voice of the Dweller and always with the Voice is a woman

of the moon king's kin who is its priestess。

〃And many have been the journeys upward of the Shining

One; through the Moon Poolreturning with still others in

its coils。

〃And now again has it grown restless; longing for the

wider spaces。  It has spoken to Yolara and to Lugur even as

it did to the dead _Taithu_; promising them dominion。  And it

has grown stronger; drawing to itself power to go far on the

moon stream where it will。  Thus was it able to seize your

friend; Goodwin; and Olaf's wife and babeand many

more。  Yolara and Lugur plan to open way to earth face; to

depart with their court and under the Shining One grasp the


〃And this is the tale the Silent Ones bade me tell you

and it is done。〃

Breathlessly I had listened to the stupendous epic of a

long…lost world。  Now I found speech to voice the question

ever with me; the thing that lay as close to my heart as did

the welfare of Larry; indeed the whole object of my quest

the fate of Throckmartin and those who had passed with

him into the Dweller's lair; yes; and of Olaf's wife; too。

〃Lakla;〃 I said; 〃the friend who drew me here and those

he loved who went before himcan we not save them?〃

〃The Three say no; Goodwin。〃 There was again in her

eyes the pity with which she had looked upon Olaf。  〃The

Shining OneFEEDSupon the flame of life itself; setting in

its place its own fires and its own will。  Its slaves are only

shells through which it gleams。  Death; say the Three; is the

best that can come to them; yet will that be a boon great in…


〃But they have souls; _mavourneen_;〃 Larry said to her。

〃And they're alive stillin a way。  Anyhow; their souls have

not gone from them。〃

I caught a hope from his wordssceptic though I am

holding that the existence of soul has never been proved by

dependable laboratory methodsfor they recalled to me that

when I had seen Throckmartin; Edith had been close beside


〃It was days after his wife was taken; that the Dweller

seized Throckmartin;〃 I cried。  〃How; if their wills; their life;

were indeed gone; how did they find each other mid all that

horde?  How did they come together in the Dweller's lair?〃

〃I do not know;〃 s
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